Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 115: Occasional victory

The night is as cold as water.

The stars shone and the lake sparkled.

Chu Tian and Nong Yu walked slowly in the jungle.

In this dynasty, the population was not very dense. In the mountains, fierce beasts were infested and inaccessible. In this way, it became a small world where Chu Tian and Nong Yu were both.

Nong Yu leaned on Chu Tian's shoulders, playing a few flute songs from time to time, and Chu Tian strolling by the river, talking about the topic of the south and the north.

The relationship has just gone one step further, and Nongyu is very sticky to Chu Tian, ​​staying close ...

Walking through a forest, the mountain breeze made the trees rustle.

In the mountains in front, there seemed to be some sounds that caught the attention of Chu Tian and Nong Yu.

Bang ...

Bang ...

Bang ...

Although it is very light, very light, ordinary people can't even hear it, but for Chu Tianhe's jade, nature can't escape perception. That kind of dull feeling can't be wrong. At such a short distance, it is so obvious in the rustling of trees, at least it is like a tiger ...

There are indeed many beasts at night ...

However, compared with ordinary beasts, this heavy feeling is more obvious.

Ordinary tigers, leopards, and the like, never feel so dignified, nor do they act so regularly, the interval between almost every step is the same. And, obviously, he just walks around casually, but that kind of breath is at least a great force ...

The jade-showing eyebrows were slightly bent, a little puzzled, and the voice was nice and crisp: "What is it? It seems there is no such animal nearby. This weight, plus this kind of pace, sir, how to play jade It feels like ... is a person? "

The cultivation of Jade is not low, and the perception is already very strong.

What's more, Nongyu enters the Tao with music and is particularly sensitive to sound. From such a distant voice, Nongyu has been able to distinguish the accurate weight, orientation, and way of walking. Just perceive it, the conclusion is that this heavy guy is actually a person!

Jade looked at Chu Tian suspiciously, somewhat puzzled.

Chu Tian smiled and said, "Yes, it is indeed a human being. Your perception is correct. It is impossible to have beasts at this pace, and even less neat."

"But the weight of man--"

"Because he still carries a sword."

Chu Tian's eyes looked straight ahead, seeming to penetrate the layers of darkness and obstruction, and directly saw the scenery thousands of kilometers away. Everything cannot escape Chu Tian's observation.

Nongyu on one side seemed to understand after listening to Chu Tian.


A sword can be very important, don't even think about it. Under the sky, only a sword can have such power. These famous swords are also known naturally.

Ju Que!

Sword score ranking, eleven!

Ju Que is a great sword, and it is a very heavy sword, made of extremely rare metal. According to legend, Ju Que has the huge power of gently breaking the mountain and breaking the rock. The weight of the sword alone is already terrifying. Under a sword, no one can stop it. Ju Que also won the title of "World Supreme".

However, because Juque is too heavy, no one can swing it. With the passage of time, Juque is gradually being forgotten by people. The ranking on the sword score was even reduced to 200 ...

It was not until the emergence of this huge user that the giant que was born that it made its reputation resound through the Seven Kingdoms again!

Nong Yuxiu first tapped the information he knew slowly:

"It is said that the user of Juque, named Shengqi, is a farmer. Over the years, he is the only one who can wield Juque. In a short period of time, Juque's ranking has risen to that of Jianpu. Eleventh place. Just win seven. This person is extremely belligerent, challenging the masters everywhere, not a quiet guy ... Sir, do you want to take him down?

Jade's tone is very plain.

Even, it seems like winning seven, even she herself is not easy ...

In fact, this is also the careful thinking of getting jade. Although this unexpected thing is more interesting, it is too time. Disturbed my date with my husband, how could Nongyu give him a good color ...

Chu Tian nodded and said:

"If you don't take it, let's talk about it. However, you can't simply let it go. This guy doesn't know how many crimes he has committed, and he has the words of the Seven Kingdoms on his body. He came to Qin State, and he wouldn't do anything good. Territory, can't allow him to spread wild ... "

"Do you want to fight him?" Nong Yu asked again.

"... This product is pure brute force, it's boring to win."


Nong Yu continued to lean on Chu Tian's shoulder.

The two walked slowly forward, facing the direction of Sheng Qi, and the distance kept getting closer.

The footsteps in front became clearer and heavier, and Shengqi finally finally walked out of the jungle. Under the moonlight, the scenery in front gradually changed from hazy to clear. A burly man finally appeared slowly in front of Chu Tian and Nong Yu.

Standing more than two meters tall, he has a huge physique, and a heavy sense of weight is on the way.

Ju Que was carried in one hand by him, and there were mottled blood stains on it, and the blood was still flowing, as if it were a beast in the mountains. Compared with this big man, Ju Que is equally heavy. The two seem to be born partners, Ju Que, and for the first time in years to meet the right host ...

"Well, someone?"

Shengqi felt the existence of Chu Tian when he was close to them. After all, his strength was far from Chu Tian. With a sharp glance at Chu Tianhe's Nongyu, Sheng Qi was puzzled ...

Shengqi can be said to have been through a lot of abuse. He was once captured into the prison by the people of the Seven Kingdoms N times. He has a wealth of experience in fighting the enemy and is always sensitive to danger. In the mountains, or in the middle of the night, how can ordinary people come here?

Sheng Qi carefully observed the two in front.

A man and a woman in front of me came out late at night ... It was clearly a couple who came to secretly meet ... But it is not ruled out to pretend that the couple came to attack their own clan.

"Who are you! What are you doing here late at night !?" Sheng Qi asked cautiously, his eyes sharp. Observe while thinking.

Shengqi suddenly felt familiar!

This man!

Where has that man seen!

He was actually--

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