Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 116: Shot

Shengqi was surprised for a long time.

No words can be used to describe Sheng Qi's current mood.

The sacred leader, the great man who can only be seen in various handbooks and sacred propaganda notices, was actually encountered in this grove. Moreover, the priest, also seems to be very intimate with a woman, playing in the woods in the evening at night?

It seems very inconsistent with the legendary image.

However, these are not important anymore.

All doubts were left behind, and I didn't have time to think about extra questions. Surprised for a while, a moment of even more violent emotion swept the victory seven! Shengqi feels that his **** night is boiling, the factors eager to fight in his body are constantly surging, and the giant Que in his hand seems to be eager to wave fiercely and violently hit!

Winning seven is belligerent, very belligerent!

Challenging all masters has always been the goal of winning seven!

The indifferent and handsome man in front of him is undoubtedly one of the top masters in the world, and one of the goals he pursued by winning seven!

How can I give up easily! ?

"Holy leader!"

After a little silence, Sheng Qi almost roared and said such words. In a pair of eyes, there was a flame burning, staring tightly at Chu Tian without a moment.

Ju Que has been lifted up by Sheng Qi, entangled with violent power. The heavy giant que can only be used with strength by virtue of victory seven. A terrifying breath began to envelope the forest, spreading everywhere, and after the leaves made a rustling sound, the birds flew away one after another ...

Chu Tian nodded slowly, looking straight at Shengqi.

In his eyes, there was no slightest emotional leak, but he simply looked at Shengqi. It seemed that Shengqi's momentum had no slight influence on him. Chu Tian also whispered a few words to Nong Yu from time to time, and he didn't even put Sheng Qi in his eyes.

However, obviously no action was taken, but that deep momentum gave Shengqi an illusion that he could not lock it!

No flaws, nowhere to start! During the victory of July 1st, I didn't even know how to attack!

Sheng Qi is even more determined to be the leader of the Holy Church!

Shengqi's eyes were fierce and said, "It seems that you are the leader of the Holy Church! Chu Tian, ​​it is rumored that your martial arts are very powerful, and there are even few enemies in the world. I don't know, do you have the guts to teach me about my giant Que!"

After Sheng Qi finished speaking, he waved his epee remotely.

The epee passed in front of him, and the heavy sword compressed the air, bringing up a heavy and urgent wind pressure. A gust of wind screamed and swept, and the leaves on the ground were rolled up straight ahead!

At a distance of 100 meters, the violent air wave has been rushing to Chu Tian, ​​and the debris has scattered, and a straight and clean path has been split, heading straight to Chu Tian!

However, the hurricane was five meters in front of Chu Tian, ​​and suddenly everything was still and returned to calm.

Chu Tian's whole body seemed to be a non-intrusive sacred field, and all movements were gone.

Sheng Qi's eyes shrank suddenly, and he seemed to see something incredible. Chu Tian's method was a little weird. Sheng Qi's heart had an unknown premonition ...

"Sheng Qi, the farmer."

Chu Tian finally opened his mouth, as if to say something lightly, "Aiming to challenge the masters of the world has caused a lot of unrest in the Seven Kingdoms. Many arrests and many escapes. Among them, two were in Qin ’s Fleeing from the court, killing the soldiers of the court, and destroying the site of the holy church three times, resulting in a total of more than 80 casualties. Several of them held important positions in the holy church, and their contribution was not small. The country ’s prison successfully escaped and fled to Qin ... ”

Chu Tian ’s eyes glanced lightly, and all the information of Shengqi appeared, and then came together like a few treasures.

Chu Tian's tone was very calm. He looked at Sheng Qi with a smile, and then went on with a little comfort: "You and my holy church, and my Daqin, the damage is not small. Counting, we are barely an enemy, Since I met you today, I ca n’t just let you go ... "

Sheng Qi shouted:

"--What else is that verbose !!"

Can't help it anymore, Sheng Qi raised the giant Que in his hand, a violent internal force was circulating in the body, all the strength was concentrated on the right arm, and a heavy and strong breath broke out on the giant Que sword!

Chu Tian is very strong! Shengqi can feel it.

I want to fight with Chu Tian myself, and Chu Tian and I have a bit of grievances. This can't be better. It's really a good fight!

Shengqi was too lazy to talk nonsense, Shengqi raised the giant que in his hand, stagnation for half a second, accumulating energy, and then threw objects toward Chu Tian like a toss!

There was a long chain on Juque's hilt.

Sheng Qiyi carried the chain in his hand, and threw Ju Que towards Chu Tian with the other hand!

The weight of Ju Que alone is already extremely heavy, plus the natural power of Sheng Qi, and the internal force is strong. The strength of this sword is not exaggerated! Shengqi also took a fancy to Chu Tian, ​​so he used such a brutal attack from the beginning!

call! ! !

The sound of Ju Que breaking through the layers of air, like a cracked firecracker ringing in his ears.

The huge sword body is thick and muddy, and the blade is not even sharp at all. But Juque's advantage is not that. Weight is its only advantage. Ju Que kept approaching towards Chu Tian, ​​the trees were shaking, the grass on the ground was rolling, the earth was flying, and the momentum was shocking! Ju Que, like a missile flying towards Chu Tian!

In the blink of an eye, Ju Que had come to Chu Tian, ​​and Sheng Qi's eyes also showed a very excited look, thinking about how Chu Tian would cope with this trick!

However, Chu Tian unexpectedly didn't do anything, not even avoid the movement. Just standing there at random, as if disdain to pick such a sword ...

"Pure brute force, boring." Sheng Qi seemed to hear Chu Tian say this.

But the woman that Sheng Qi hadn't paid attention to at the moment, stretched out with a smile, and gave out a jade-like hand.

The lush green jade hands played a light press on the giant Que sword, and the jade looked at Chu Tian with a slightly playful face.

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