Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 117: Please don't move

Boom! ! !

A wave of blasts centered on the green onion and jade hands that made jade, and broke out everywhere.

The trees around were screaming, and some could not bear the violent storm of Juque, shaking violently. While the jade-slimming jade hand was placed in front of Juque, everything behind was quiet and serene, as if not affected by any. All the power was easily blocked.

The world is supreme, Juque, with the power of victory seven, needless to say. But the violent power lies in the moment when the jade-slender hand touches it, and there is no point at all!

Nong Yu's face didn't even have any trace of effort, and it seemed easier than Shengqi. Jade's hand flicked gently on Juque, the music of Dingdong came out, crisp and sweet, and Jade was observing Juque from the timbre of the sound ...

A touch of Shu Lang's smile spread from the jade's eyebrows ...

Nongyu did not look at Shengqi in front of him, but turned to Chu Tian and whispered:

"Sir, Ju Que is worthy of Ju Que. Not only does it have an advantage in weight, but also has a perfect shape. When waving, it can reduce the resistance to a minimum. It is a rare weapon. It can design a heavy sword At this point, it's very difficult, and only the top sword masters can do it ... just a pity. "

"It's a pity that people who use it only understand brute force." Chu Tian added.

"That's why the gentleman doesn't want to play against him?" Nongyu brilliant eyes asked Chu Tian while looking at him.

Chu Tian nodded: "Yeah, it's okay to play some tricks. It's too boring to use brute force. It's bullying the child. I'm afraid of hurting his self-esteem."



Under the moonlight, Chu Tian and Nong Yu were in love, and they were very affectionate.

Shengqi is in front, but the two of them are not worried at all. They just started playing, and they still have a joke. Chu Tian even took the time to tell a joke, making him laugh and laugh ...

The two whispered carefully, and occasionally a few words mocking Shengqi fluttered out, the voice was neither high nor low, and the preceding Shengqi could just be heard.

Such a pair of people makes the night dark, so it adds a few different styles ...


Sheng Qi on the opposite side was stunned for a while, and finally recovered!

Was blocked!

No, blocking is not a problem, the problem is actually being blocked by a weak woman!

He is aiming to challenge the masters of the world. The goal of this challenge is Chu Tian. He wants to defeat Chu Tian. He has always believed that he has enough confidence in himself ... But now, let alone Chu Chu, even Chu Tian's clothing corner was not touched. A woman next to Chu Tian dissolves his killing moves at will ...

An unprecedented sense of frustration came to mind!

Shengqi did not believe, nor was he willing to admit his failure. The thick arm pulled suddenly, the chain whispered in the air, and Ju Que returned to Sheng Qi's hand again in a short moment.

Of course, Shengqi will not simply give up!

"You two, die together !!"

The opponent's contempt is unbearable for Shengqi!

Shengqi ’s self-esteem is undoubtedly very strong. After being captured once by Gaie Nie in the original book, he looks for Gaie Nie everywhere and wants to be ashamed. Nowadays, he is easily crushed by a weak woman and ignored by the two. In the face of his own face, Chu Tian and Nong Yu even talk about Fengyue, how can Sheng Qi bear it!

It's too arrogant, it's too flamboyant!

This time, Sheng Qi rushed directly to Chu Tian and they!

Ju Que waved in the air, the air exploded loudly, heavy and depressed. Right hand lifted Ju Que along an arc, and quickly flew towards Chu Tian and the two!

Every time Shengqi's footsteps stepped on the ground, a strong force burst out. Every time he stepped on the ground, the ground was shaking, as if it would break at any time! Every time you take a step, the speed of winning seven is accelerated by one point!

Every time the foot hits the ground, a massive force acts on it, and Shengqi's body is accelerated faster. The place where Sheng Qi stepped on, even left a clear footprint, there were cracks, cracked around the footprints, and the strength exploded everywhere. The power is amazing.

The speed of winning seven is getting faster and faster, more and more scary.

After accelerating for a while, Shengqi's speed finally reached its peak. His body was almost too fast to catch, and the violent air wave slammed toward the front. A pair of eyes in Shengqi, Chu Tian staring at him in front of him, almost stared!

In the muscles of Shengqi, there seems to be an explosive force.

Ju Que also lifted high.

This is the most violent attack of Shengqi! !

"go to hell!!"

Sheng Qi shouted!

The Ju Que sword in his hand crossed the arc from top to bottom, and it seemed that he would cut Chu Tian directly! Even if there is still a certain distance, the pressure of oppression is still very scary. The air is squeezed and twisted, and the scenery is deformed one after another. The strength of this sword is almost the biggest strength of Shengqi!

Boom! ! !

The air burst.

Shengqi's sword smashed past from top to bottom, passing the figure of Chu Tian and Nong Yu, clean and clean, without any hesitation. The giant sword hit the ground, and a huge crack spread along the ground, spreading out more than ten meters, and a tree in the distance cracked into two in a crack!

It's a pity that Ju Que clearly cut through the bodies of the two, but no blood spattered. Sheng Qi's eyes widened and he shouted incredulously: "It's an afterimage !!"

Sheng Qiyi is cold sweat!

Under such a short distance, how do you shun the light under the light, how powerful is the Holy Guru? I can't imagine it! Shengqi turned his head quickly with his rich experience, and subconsciously wanted to guard his back.

Unfortunately, it is too late!

Chu Tian's finger was gently on Shengqi's neck.

Shengqi just wanted some action to resist, and with a snort, a splatter of blood splashed against his skin, and only a slight difference could cut his blood!

A calm voice, with a warning meaning, came from behind Sheng Qi's head:

"... Children Shengqi, don't be excited, don't be excited. Only one life, even if you go to Daqin prison, it's better than dying here. So please don't move, okay."

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