Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 118: Stun

In fact, Shengqi doesn't make any sense whether he wants to move or not.

The moment Chu Tian put a finger on his neck, Sheng Qi felt that he could no longer control the body. The whole body was rigid for a moment, let alone swinging the sword, turning around, even the simplest movements could not be done !

A finger touches the neck, like a giant mountain!

The huge force rolls up from the back, thick like a sea wave rewinding, the stars fall, as if only a flick of light can crush Shengqi's body into powder! Shengqi, proud of its strength, compares with Chu Tian, ​​not even ants! That heavy, dignified feeling is unprecedented!

Win seven cold sweat DC.

Chu Tian ’s fingertips, the internal force that is about to be transmitted, can be clearly felt by Shengqi. As long as Chu Tian exerts a little force, a big **** hole will appear in his neck ...

This result was unpredictable for Shengqi ...

The martial arts of the priests of the Holy Church has reached an unimaginable level. Those so-called rivers and lakes have all guessed wrong ...

"What do you want me to do."

After a long silence, Sheng Qi asked suddenly.

Taking a deep breath, Sheng Qi calmed himself. This is not the first time he has encountered such a crisis scene. How to live is the most important thing. In troubled times, life is more precious than anything ...

What's more, he still has to save his life, looking for his lost brother ...

"Yes, it seems to be a little smart. So let me put down your giant que first. I don't like seeing such arrogant weapons."

Chu Tian was second to none.

Boom! ! !

Shengqi Lianren flew out with a sword in an instant, Shengqi with terrifying grip strength, under this light flick, he could no longer hold the giant Que sword, the giant Que sword flew out and smashed broken A dozen trees.

Shengqi himself also rolled a dozen times on the ground. The huge body was under Chu Tian's flick. It was as small as a stone. After rolling a distance of 100 meters, Shengqi stopped his body.

Look up.

Chu Tianhe Nongyu, somehow, has stood before him again ...


how did it get here? !

Everything is completely unperceivable, which is an area that Shengqi simply cannot understand ...

Shengqi just wanted to blurt out and immediately swallowed back. The person in front of him is too scary. Although he is not reconciled, he is indeed far from Chu Tian's opponent.

This is not reckless ...

"What ... do you want me to do?"

Sheng Qi asked again, calmed down, but not angry.

Chu Tian smiled, somewhat appreciated.

Looking down at Shengqi who fell to the ground, Chu Tian said calmly: "Actually nothing, but I suddenly thought of a few things and wanted you to help."


"Of course, even if you don't agree, I will force you to agree. Don't say I am rude, blame yourself for being too weak. Or you can choose to commit suicide, well, this is a good idea ..."

Shengqi's fist bulges on his fist!

This is the contempt and ridicule he has never encountered before, and was actually questioned in this gesture!

So angry!

However, Chu Tian is indeed stronger, much stronger than him, any of his resistance is only increased casualties. There is no use, impulse will only destroy itself, Sheng Qi understands in his heart.

Shengqi stared closely at Chu Tian, ​​wanting to know what Chu Tian would let him do next.

Winning seven and irresistible impulse to kill!

"What's the matter !!!?" Sheng Qi said with almost teeth.

"Oh, do n’t worry, you will know in two days, but it ’s not really difficult. I believe you can handle it. By the way, I ’m still busy now. I wo n’t talk to you anymore. Come on. "

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he reached out again.

Sheng Qi was furious, where could Chu Chu come in such a way! Say nothing in the end! He wanted to avoid it, too late!


A blast of air explodes!

This time, Chu Tianke didn't keep his hand, and a mediocre shot directly hit Shengqi's forehead. Shengqi even fainted when he didn't even have a reaction time.

He fell to the ground with a bang, and the personnel was unconscious ...

Chu Tian looked at Sheng Qi falling to the ground, and showed a treacherous smile. I can't figure out what to do with jade on one side, what exactly Chu Tian is thinking about ...

However, this barbarian fainted and felt jade, but he felt much better and became the world of himself and Chu Tian ...

"Go, get jade, we continue to appreciate the moon."

Chu Tian took Jade's hand and walked forward. Nong Yuxiu lightly leaned on Chu Tian's side, a sweet smile on her delicate face.

The moonlight is bright and clean, and the sky is light, and Chu Tian and Nong Yu stroll through it, warm and cozy. Shengqi fell not far away, because Chu Tian needed a warm meeting and fainted again ...

There were already dewdrops rolling on the tip of the grass, and the night became gradually cooler.

Deep in the forest, there is the sound of spring water dingdong.

Nong Yu walked gently, and suddenly thought of something, a little puzzled: "Sir, you have something to let him do it, and throw him here, even if the master is unconscious for two days in this case, it will be weak Well, you are ... "

Chu Tian smiled happily and said, "Take the jade at ease, I have my own calculations."


Nong Yu nodded and said nothing more. She was only worried that Chu Tian had accidentally made a mistake.

However, thinking of the barbarian disturbing his date with Chu Tian, ​​Nongyu felt a little unhappy. What did Chu Tian want him to do?

The two were talking while walking. Today's moon is exceptionally round ...

"Right, get the jade, give me a tune."

"What do you want to hear?"

"Come on, love the two little without guessing like the sea."

"... Sir, you're so numb."

"This is fun."



Today 5 more, En En, be more conservative, cough, take your time, adjust slowly, En En ~~

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