Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 129: Autumn Li Jian Fold (1)



"Uncle Master, are you okay!"


The disciples of Taoism panicked!

The six-soul terror curse on Master Xiaomeng's shoulder exudes a strange and evil charm, as if to swallow his entire person, bit by bit. Under the influence of the Six Soul Horror Curse, the blood vessels around the shoulder gradually revealed a scary red color, and it spread quickly towards the surroundings, which was shocking!

The reputation of Yinmai Baman has been heard in the Six Kingdoms during this period. I do n’t know how many high-level generals in the Six Kingdoms died under this curse!

Moreover, as the head of Taoist Tianzong, Chu Tian was defeated by only one face. While being repelled, he also cast a spell! This is the most worrying place for the disciples!

How strong is Chu Tian's strength ...

Master Xiaomeng stood still and said nothing.

The true air flow inside the body was turning, Master Xiaomeng slowly mobilized the internal force and transported it to the left shoulder. At the same time, he extended his right hand and slowly printed it on his shoulder.

Yin and Yang two qi, circulated in the hands of Master Xiaomeng, in an attempt to resolve these six soul terror curse.

Yin Yang family was born out of Taoism. The principle of Yin Mai Ba Man is actually not much different from Taoist spells, but it is more extreme. Master Xiaomeng is in Taoism and is the only one who can remove this spell. With a deep understanding of Dao, it can barely be resolved.

The curse of the Six Soul Horror Curse gradually became strange.

There was also a drop of sweat on Master Xiaomeng's forehead.

It's just that after a little time, Master Xiaomeng strangely found that he couldn't resolve this curse at all! Even more terrifying is that with the flow of true energy, the Six Soul Horror Curse is gradually becoming violent.

what happened!

Master Xiaomeng encountered this situation for the first time, raised his head, and looked carefully at Chu Tian opposite. A bit of red blood still remains on the clothes ...

"This is not the Six Soul Horror Curse."

Master Xiaomeng stared at Chu Tian and said.

The Six Soul Horror Curse is definitely not like this, Master Xiaomeng absolutely believes! Master Xiaomeng has dispelled the Six Soul Horror Curse several times before, which is definitely not the case! Six Soul Horror Curse, not so complicated!

"This is by no means the Six Soul Horror Curse. The Six Soul Horror Curse is not like this. Moreover, the time you and I are in contact is only a moment. The real Six Soul Horror Curse will take longer. What is this spell, what is it ..." Xiao Master Dream continued.

Chu Tian opposite smiled:

"Who said no? Take the best of it. Taoism is dead, you have to be flexible, Master."

"Take its essence ... cough cough, cough cough cough ... take its essence ... so it is ... so it is so ..." Master Xiaomeng gripped the Qili sword in his hand tightly, and felt the horror of Chu Tian more and more. There are fatal flaws in the Yin Yang family's technique. It seems that Chu Tian reformed the flaws ...

Judging from the short-term battle, and this mantra, Chu Tian's cultivation behavior has reached the point of near Tao.

It was natural, rigid and soft, without a trace of fireworks.

His martial arts and fighting are all higher realms that directly see through the essence!

Chu Tian is the one who is closer to the true essence of Taoism!

This made him, the head of Taoist Tianzong, feel extremely ashamed ...

Looking at the gradually purple blood vessels on his shoulder, Master Xiaomeng knew that the outbreak of the Six Soul Horror Curse was probably not far away.

The longer you drag it, the smaller your chances of winning.

When the Six Soul Horror Curse occurs, there is no hope at all! The ability of the Six Soul Horror Cursor after being transformed by Chu Tian does not even know what it is!

Can't drag it ...

For ... peace!


Qiu Li sword made a clear sound.

Master Xiaomeng didn't care about the injury, he didn't want to waste a moment of breath, and immediately launched the next offensive!

Qiu Li Jian Shen trembles. Shaking, the dazzling white light spreads!

After the sword spirit, the Qiu Li sword became brighter and brighter with the killing and passionate power in the light. Master Xiaomeng condenses his strongest power on this sword.

Taoism emphasizes the harmony of yin and yang and peace. Health, inaction, nature, etc. But once the dullness and details that have been quiet for a long time erupt, the power is more terrifying than the people of the Yin-Yang family!

The green grass around him tears.

The leaves are scattered, and there are even sharp marks on the branches.

Sword qi spread on the ground, and the crack spread from the bottom of Master Xiaomeng's foot. This is the use of power beyond the control, which can not perfectly control the energy.

Even the air is whining, above the blade, the air seems to be distorted, the scenery has changed, Master Xiaomeng ’s six-soul terror curse is getting deeper and deeper, and more and more sweat beads on his forehead!

"Not good! Has the curse already happened!"

Clenched his teeth and exposed the green tendons in his hands. The pain of the Six Soul Horror Curse is worse than Master Xiaomeng's imagination. The internal organs and the internal organs and the blood in the whole body seem to be boiling!

Six Soul Horror spells devoured the power in his body like a demon!

However, he still suppressed it, brewing the sword of the sword.

Hold back!

Must hold back!

"Holy leader, take me ... the last sword ..."


Huhuhu ----

Huhuhu ----

A sharp sword spirit blasted towards Chu Tian!

Master Xiaomeng's entire internal force has been invested in this sword. Under the Six Soul Horror Curse, this is the last sword he can deliver. Master Xiaomeng poured all the power into it, and he has nothing to keep!

Not only Master Xiaomeng.

The disciples of Taoism in all directions moved all at this moment!

This is the last moment of desperation, they must be careful! A crazy sword spirit completely surrounded Chu Tian! Under the violent attack, Chu Tian always stood still.

Boom! ! ! !

The violent attack hit Chu Tian and Nong Yu where the dust was billowing, the swords were intertwined, and even the eyes could not be opened ...

In the terrible atmosphere, Master Xiaomeng suddenly discovered that the Yin and Yang pictures around Chu Tian suddenly appeared. All the attacks seemed to hit the cotton, and all stopped.

Yin and Yang two instruments, constantly rotating. All the attacks fell on it and turned into nothingness ... the simplest pattern is also the most unpredictable pattern ...

"what is that!?"

Master Xiaomeng can't believe it!

The two Yishengs have four images and gossips, and everything evolves from the very beginning. Use Tai Chi and two instruments to resolve all forms of attack ... Is this ... the highest state of Taoism!

However, how can the priest, the Taoist, be a Taoist ... if the Taoist is cultivated to such a level, his mind should have been invulnerable for a long time, and why would he do such a thing?

how come…

Master Xiaomeng has countless doubts, just wanted to ask questions, Chu Tian has come to him. A finger suddenly pierced Master Xiaomeng's heart.

There is no sign!


Qiu Lijian is broken!


Behind Master Xiaomeng, the sky is full of blood!


3 o'clock in the next chapter ~

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