Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 130: Head cutting, deterrence (2)

"Cough ... cough cough ... cough ..."

In Master Xiaomeng's mouth, blood shed continuously, looking at Chu Tian with wide eyes, even thinking that there was an illusion.

Chu Tian kills him in seconds, understandably, Chu Tian has broken his heavenly path, and it is also acceptable, because Chu Tian does not know how much higher he is than Tao ’s understanding of Tao.

But Chu Tian actually broke Qiu Lijian directly!

Is this a monster!

Can't understand at all!

No matter how strong a person's internal force is, there is also the ultimate. It is beyond common sense to break the sword with flesh and body, and it is still a famous sword in the world.

Master Xiaomeng wanted to struggle, but unfortunately he could no longer move, his body became heavier and heavier, his consciousness became more and more blurred, and he could hardly feel any pain. The yin and yang tai chi figures on Chu Tian ’s body are rotating, and the Taoist disciples in all directions ca n’t get close to Chu Tian no matter how they attack ...

In the haze, Master Xiaomeng heard Chu Tian ’s satisfied admiration, which was like a high tone of appreciation ...

"Good, barely okay ... Heavenly, good move."

Chu Tian reached out and gently pushed, Master Xiaomeng fell straight down and landed on the ground.


Covered with blood, there was no more movement. Master Xiaomeng's eyes were still round and unbelievable, but his fingers could no longer move. With a blow through the heart, no one can survive ...

Chu Tian turned his head.

The Daoist disciples in the distance are like an enemy in an instant!

The head is dead!

Although countless kinds of results were expected, when the master was really dead, the disciples felt unprecedented tension and despair!

The head of Taoist Tianzong is the same as the leader of the Holy Church, and the gap is so great!

How to do! ?

"No need to be nervous or angry",

Chu Tian said lightly, walking step by step, an invisible pressure spreading around Chu Tian, ​​"You will meet soon. Taoist, Mo, one by one, I will not let go Yes. Standing opposite this seat, there is only one way to go ... "

Chu Tian turned his head and scanned the Taoist disciples around him.

In the final analysis, it is still not enough deterrent.

The sacred religion is strong enough that the hundreds of schools have to be united. Everyone understands the horror of the holy religion, the power of the holy religion.

However, none of them are accurately positioned for their power. People may admire themselves for their ingenuity, rather than force.

Taoism, Mohist, military, Confucian ...

One by one, I didn't even put myself in my heart. I am in the Yin and Yang family, and the Taoist people dare to come in secret!

audacious in the extreme!

Prestige is not enough!

Deterrence is not enough!

Chu Tian reached out his hand, and the ray of light shone, condensed into a bright and sharp blue sword gas. The blue sword moved slowly in the air, and a familiar track swayed again.

"God! Dao! Cut!"

boom! ! ! !

The light is centered around Chu Tian and Nong Yu, swinging around!

With just a glance, I learned the enemy's moves, and still transformed it in an instant. Chu Tian's sword is a far cry from Master Xiaomeng!

The air was torn and the light was twisted.

All the disciples couldn't even feel the pain. In a flash of kung fu, the upper body and the lower body had been separated. It seemed that another invisible blade had crossed the forest.

哗哗 哗 ——


Boom! !

The trees fell together, leaving a clean and flat cut surface. Where the invisible sword gas passed by, the entire forest was cut. At a height of more than one meter, everything falls down!


"this is!!"

"Obviously just a sword ..."

"I just died ..."

In an instant, all Taoist disciples fell down, and no one survived.

Quietly in the forest.

Occasionally, birds that fell because of trees were flying, and besides, there was silence, and there was no more noise.

The faint, if there is nothing to kill, permeated in the forest. Chu Tian frowned. At this time, he seemed to have thought of something, which was slightly uncomfortable ...

"Where are the six sword slaves!"

After thinking for some time, Chu Tian said lightly.

The sound drifted far away, and the penetration was extremely strong. After about twenty breaths, the six shadows galloped from far away and far away, and in a blink of an eye, they had reached Chu Tian.

Everyone's breath is smooth and steady, if you don't see it with your eyes, you won't even notice it.

This is the top Assassin!

The six sword slaves!

Everyone is the old-level fighting strength of Yin and Yang parents! Even, in the six-in-one attack, the combat power of the six is ​​not simply a superposition. No one in the world can contend with Chu Tian and the woman Chu Chu taught by hand!

Chu Tian looked at the corpse in the distance and sneered:

"In addition to Master Xiaomeng, others cut their heads and hang them on Xianyang City. This seat wants to tell them, what is the end of fighting against the Holy Church. Also, the wound treatment is milder, don't be scared People who came to watch ... "

"Yes! The leader!" The six answered in unison.


Liu Dao quickly picked up a corpse, and blinked before Chu Tian's eyes.

In the forest, tranquility was restored again.

Chu Tian grabbed a volley.

The internal force turned into a big dark blue hand, grabbing the body of the only master Xiaomeng. Chu Tian grabbed Jiao Nong's body, and the two turned into a white light, and moved forward quickly.

I don't know what expression Xiaoling would see when he saw this corpse, Chu Tian thought evilly ...

"Right, get jade, just a little bit **** in the scene, didn't you scare it." Chu Tian hugged Nong Yu softly while galloping.

"Humph! My husband is too small to look at me ..."

"Did you kill someone when you made jade? Why didn't I know?"

"Sir, you are wrong again. Nongyu never kills people. Nongyu likes to control the enemies with the sound of flute and let them kill each other. You know, it is not a lady for girls to kill."

"... Well, when I didn't ask."

(5 points in the next chapter)

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