Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 132: The death of the little spirit, declare war (4)

Water in all directions condenses into a chain of powerful forces.

The power of water is gentle, and the power of water is also strong.

Xiaoling's control of the Taoism of the water system has not yet reached the point of being tough and soft, but with deep experience and determination to win back to master Xiaomeng, Xiaoling's strength at this time has already chased some leaders of the Yin and Yang family Too. The strength of the water system Taoism exhibited in the exhibition was also shocking enough.

Even the elders, such as Star Soul, were amazed. There are few people with such qualifications in the Yin Yang family. Taoism, it is really a **** ...

"The sky is full of water."

On the ring, Xiaoling sipped and issued his strongest move.

This is the only way he can kill people among all his moves!

However, because the opponent is a young man, it is impossible to be killed in this way. At most, it is only a slight injury, and Xiaoling can use it without hesitation.

In the fierce rush, there is a majestic and raging power. Sawdust flew above the ring, and Xiao Ling's entire body became the domain of water. Wave after wave of water was running wildly, and the whole ring was covered with a rumbling voice. Once the ready water bursts, it will become a terrifying and huge force.

Xiao Ling held his breath and stared at the young master opposite.

From time to time, he glanced at the distant pavilion with the afterglow of his eyes. Xiao Ling thought, how big is the gap between himself and the holy church master ... When will Master Xiaomeng's revenge, when can he repay ...

The sound of the water roared, and the force was magnificent.

At the same time that Xiao Ling issued his stunt, the young master opposite was not weak ...

It is still a light and light movement.

However, in the act of Shao Mingming, there were more fierce killing intentions. The other party is a Taoist spy and should have been killed. Now there are other Taoists who have sneaked into the Yin-Yang family and can't keep their hands.

Young Commander no longer tried, and directly used the strongest stunt--

Sword domain!

Wanye Feihua flow, infinite form.

Countless verdant greens continually condensed, and with the dancing of both hands, it was beautifully transformed into a delicate and graceful long sword, which hung coldly in the air.

One hundred handles, three hundred handles, one thousand handles ...

A total of a thousand swords, densely packed, scattered around the young master. Each sword exudes a sharp edge, extremely sharp. Young Commander and the opposite spirit are all within the envelope of the sword domain.

A handle sword rotates around the center of the young master, slowly moving, changing all the time. Xiao Ling's mind was also instantly attracted by it, and was extremely surprised: "What a move is this ... can it be so terrifying! Yin and Yang family, there is such a strong move!? ... It seems that I can only fight!"

Xiao Ling took a deep breath, did not expect that there would be such a scene!

Young Master's move is terrifying!

Hands seal.

The same is true of the young master opposite.

The power of water and the power of wood erupted at the same time. Thousands of torrents blasted away in all directions, and the Qianshanli sword also shot at the central spirit at the same time!



The two's moves collided violently!

A wave of gas burst between the two, and the entire ring fell into a momentary turmoil. The roaring sound was endless, and the whole sky was green and aqua.

Many disciples were even repulsed by this force of impact and could no longer be watched nearby. The violent force swept through and spread beyond the ring!

The collision between the two of them is not a means for ordinary disciples!

"—Look! That's not the Yin Yang family's moves!" Suddenly, a disciple shouted.

"No, is this little spirit a spy?"

"Asshole, catch him!"


The little spirit on the ring is also sluggish at this moment!

In fact, no matter whether the following people roar or not, it is no longer meaningful. Young Commander's sword domain, the attack power is too amazing, directly penetrated the layers of water curtain blockade, pierced his body!

A total of twenty-three swords were inserted in Xiaoling's body!

Suddenly suppressed in an instant!

This is why Xiao Ling is sluggish!

Xiao Ling can't imagine, and can't believe it. This young man's life is obviously not very strong in combat skills, and many flaws in the game are only compensated by Wanye Feihua Liu ... But the use of this trick is actually so skilled ...

There is definitely an expert pointing behind ...

Who is it? Who is so painstakingly instructing Young Master, and let Young Master fight with himself!

Damn it, he was killed by his sister before he recognized him. Damn it, hate it, he must tell his sister, yes! Who the **** is he?

"Young Master, I, I am actually--"

Xiao Ling was just about to speak.

Although Shaojiing was not his sister, Xiao Ling was on the verge of dying at the moment, and he already regarded Shaojiing as his sister. He wanted to tell Shao Mingming not to blame himself, he might be her brother.

He was just about to speak, and suddenly, above the pavilion, the seat of the priest.

A golden light crashed down and pierced his throat with a cry!

"Cough ... I ... I am ... Cough ... Hoooo ... I ... & (... *%"

Xiaoling can no longer make a sound!

Damn it, it's too hateful, there is no words to describe Xiao Ling's sadness now, he was killed by his own sister, and he can't recognize him before his death! The sacred leader, is the sacred leader calculated everything?

Damn it! ! !

Lifting his head, Xiaoling looked at the distant Gaoge, somehow he saw Chu Tian's figure at this moment. Chu Tian's faint voice entered his auricle with the secret method of transmission—

"Death with endless remorse. Rest assured, there are many people to go with you, a lot. Taoism, you can rest assured that you will not do such things as destroying the door before you are bored. I wish you a pleasant stay below."

"Oh, also, Young Master is really your sister!"

Chu Tian's grinning face was still lying and not blushing.

Offended himself, death will not make him feel at ease. Xiao Ling's sister? Chu Tian had counted a gossip and died a few years ago. Where is it still? To say this more is to let Xiaoling collapse ...

Sure enough, the following Xiaoling listened to Chu Tian's words and only felt extremely angry. Raising his hand, he even wanted to attack the loft.

A water curtain was raised, but, without success, several figures on all sides had rushed up, and the attack was stopped with a puff!



"Master Majesty, how can you invade and commit!"

"I have long discovered that you are a spy, do you think you are hiding well?"


Shao Shiming's last sword was thrown from the air, pierced through Xiao Ling's chest ... Xiao Ling spit out blood, and finally died ...

The cause and effect are completely cut off. At this instant, Shao Shiming's cultivation behavior has also been greatly improved. The cultivation practice has really entered the ranks of elders such as Star Soul ...



In the pavilion, Chu Tian slowly stood up, and a loud voice spread throughout the Yin-Yang family. The yin and yang family in the turmoil suddenly fell silent, only Chu Tian's voice echoed in the sky, echoed throughout the Xianyang city ...

"Master Xiaomeng, and this little spirit, cut off their heads, put them in a box, and show them to the Taoists. This is the book of war for my Yin-Yang family and the book of war for the Holy Church. "

"The Taoist people are too rampant and have no holy religion, and they wantonly act. This seat announces that from now on, it will be the day when my holy church declares war. With all anti-holy organizations in the hundreds of schools, declare war officially!"

"The prosperous ones are prosperous, and the rebellious ones die!"

(Fifth is at around 11 o'clock, and today is fighting for 6 more!)

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