Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 133: Chu Tian then accepts the disciples (5)

Xianyang City Wall.

A hanging body attracted countless people to watch.

The bodies that were nailed with the words "heretics" and "holy enemies" were spurned by countless people, and many children would pick up stones and smash them when they passed the city gate.

The enemies of the Holy Church are evil.

The enemies of the Holy Church must be defeated!

Many illiterate people have also learned of an extremely evil organization, which seems to be called "Taoism" and is the enemy of the holy religion.

The sacred believers have accused them of how unholy people can be hung on the city wall by the leader and let everyone watch! You know, the leader is always kind-hearted and rarely does such a thing!

The enemy must have annoyed the benevolent leader!

The leader will be angry too!

Since then, people have spread the word that Taoism is an evil organization, and friends and relatives, aunts and aunts, must not join. In the streets, rumors about Taoism continued.

Starting from Xianyang City, starting from the bases of the holy religion, and the mouth of the propaganda personnel of the holy religion, the people are more and more disgusted with the organization of "Taoism" and more and more far away.

Taoism, quickly by the people, into the "villain" camp ...

Yan Guo.

A Taoist base.

Xiaoyaozi's grief and sadness on his face, I do not know what to do.

All kinds of wind, Xiaoyaozi has heard a lot.

The sacred religion officially declared war on Taoism, Mohists and many other forces, and issued an ultimatum of "the prosperous ones will prosper and the rebellious ones will die". The sacred religion used the people to promote Taoist Taoism's shortcomings and shortcomings. It is foreseeable that if the Qin State unifies the six nations, then the scale of the holy religion will expand, and the living space of Taoism will surely be smaller ...

The world lives, the Taoists survive, the war stops ...

Everything seems to be far away ... Now the Xiaoyaozi, who is now the head of Taoism, feels that the burden on his shoulders is heavy, and he sighs: "Hey! It seems that after a few days, I have to consult with the Mojia Let's take a look. After the sacred teachings declare war, there must be big moves soon ... I just don't know what happened to Brother, have you escaped ... "

Xiaoyaozi's sorrow.

The power of the holy religion in the people is too horrible. These days, the Taoist disciples are walking on the street, it is everyone shouting, but they ca n’t fight the people! Even the original address of Taoism has been transferred. If it is not transferred, I am afraid it will be smashed by the people! The power of the holy religion in the people is so scary to imagine!

In Xiaoyaozi's thinking room, a Taoist disciple ran in and handed over a wooden box: "Uncle Shi, this is a stranger."

"What's inside?"

"Disciples don't know."

"Okay, please step back first." Xiaoyaozi said a little upset.

After the disciple retired, the Xiaoyaozi worries for a long time, looking for ways to cope.

After a while, I suddenly smelled something weird, and it seemed to come from the wooden box. If Xiaoyaozi lived in modern times, he would have heard of an antiseptic formalin solution ...

Reaching, Xiaoyaozi opened the wooden box.

With a pop, two round things rolled out of the box and fell to the ground. That chilling feeling is ...

Xiaoyaozi's eyes were dull and quickly congested, red and red. Staring at the two billowing things, the emotion of anger almost burst!

That is clearly two heads!

"Xiaoling ... and ... brother ... brother ... how could ... how could ..."

Boom! !

An angry palm clapped on the table, and the whole table shattered. Xiaoyaozi was furious, and he could not imagine that the Holy Church was so blatantly provocative!

If the holy church is destroyed, the holy church must be destroyed!

at the same time.

Yan Prince Prince Mansion.

Yan Dan, who had just met the crown prince, finally survived.

In order to avoid seeing his "eunuch" identity, Yan Dan came back to meet the crown prince. The crown prince stayed again and again, but where did Yan Dan dare to stay! In case it is really seen, it's okay! And since practicing "Sunflower Swordsmanship", Prince Dan has become increasingly disgusted with women!

"Hey! The state is busy, and the Holy Church has suddenly made a big move recently. I have been very busy recently. Take care of yourself! If you want to go with you, pay attention to safety.

Yan Dan said in a hurry. Then quickly went out.

Marrying the crown prince to cover up the fact that she was a eunuch, Yan Dan was overwhelmed. For the princess, it was a bit looser, without precautions, and therefore, I did not notice the strange background of the princess ...

Moreover, when thinking of today's complex situation of the Six Kingdoms, Yan Dan has no time to consider too much.

The war continues, and the Holy Church finally has a new move.

Yan Dan is physically and mentally indifferent, and always takes peace in the world as his responsibility. This time, prepare to join the hundreds of schools to find a way to fight the Holy Church ...

A ravine in a harsh environment.

Also an eunuch, holding a sunflower sword, covered in sword marks.

This person is Jing Ke who has gone through the pursuit of all parties. Because of Chu Tian's framing, Jing Ke is not a person inside or outside, and has been chased and killed by both black and white!

The spurs of the people, the pursuit of the people of the rivers and lakes, and the court all issued a wanted order! All people are looking for Jing Ke!

No matter how high his skills are, he is no match for all kinds of assassinations, poisoning, and Jing Ke has hardly slept in sleep these days! A while ago, fortunately a couple took him in, which made him survive a disaster, otherwise he would have died long ago ...

The couple are ordinary people and illiterate. Not long ago, the couple was pregnant with a baby, and he was not born yet. At the time, Jing Ke thought of repaying gratitude and used his low cultural level to give a slightly more straightforward name: Tianming.

Tianming, this is Jing Ke ’s longing for the future. The child was regarded as the righteous son by Jing Ke. If he was free in the future, Jing Ke was ready to go back and see.

Jing Ke has discovered this fact since he is an eunuch.

Tianming, he is the only "son" ...

"Hey ... Chu Tian ... You have made a lot of big moves these days. Master and apprenticeship is broken, I Jing Ke, I will avenge this revenge! ... Tianming, Tianming ... I must grow up well in the future, if possible , Fulfill my unfinished wish. "



Time back to a few days ago.

Not to mention the declaration of war. Young Master defeated Xiaoling and won the game. As expected, Shaoming was rewarded in this competition.

Although the priest did not show up, he only gave a speech on the high cabinet and praised the young commander.

Finally, in front of all the disciples of the Yin-Yang family, Chu Tian did something that envied countless people: Chu Tian, ​​ready to accept Shao Siming as a student!

When this news came out, all the disciples were crazy all at once, and they were completely scared by such tempting conditions!

What a glorious thing!

At present, the apprentices of the priests of the sacred religion are only one of the envoys of Li Ji. The status of Li Ji Sheng Envoy is self-evident in the whole Holy Church. Among the Christian believers in the Seven Kingdoms, Chu Tian ’s disciple is only Li Ji!

This is known to everyone.

Today, Young Master has this honor and became a student of Chu Tian! Under one person, above ten thousand people! The entire Yin Yang family followed the light!

Glory, status, and personal guidance of the leader! What an opportunity this is!

Everyone is envious!

Looking at the young master, everyone knows that because of the sentence of the leader, they and the young master will be people of two worlds ... The apprentice of the leader, noble thoughts ...

——Where do they know that Chu Tian has taught Shao Siming a lot, and the apprentice is just a name. Moreover, with the title of Master, you can play in a fair way ...

"Silence. Everyone has no need for envy, as long as they work hard, everyone has a chance. The potential shown by Young Commander this time will be an eye-opener for this seat. So I decided to take the exception ..."

"Young Master, you have to clean up tonight and go to Afang Palace to report tomorrow morning. From tomorrow on, you will study at Afang Palace. The ceremony will also be held tomorrow."

Chu Tian's voice became weaker and weaker, fluttering in the sky.

Obviously, people are gone ...

Young Commander knelt on the ground respectfully, covered with light gauze, purple hair fluttering, still the quiet and peaceful appearance. The beautiful breath makes people fascinated ...

But, in the purple eyes of Young Commander, there was a faint doubt.

The voice of the sacred leader seemed ... a bit familiar.


Young Master Ming thought, there was a strong doubt in my heart ...

(Well, this little plot is coming to an end, and is about to enter the next high tide. Young Master orders here to listen to everyone, cough, remove some procrastination plots. It must be written satisfactorily, cough, no rush,,)

(It ’s 5 today, and I ’ll continue to sprint tomorrow. 7 times ~)

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