Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 136: To Yan Guo (3)

In this era, although there was no strict etiquette as after the Song Dynasty, it completely restrained human nature. However, the most basic concept of respect for the humble still exists.

Master and apprentice love this kind of stuff, they dare not think about it in the folk.

The master is the master, and the apprentice is the apprentice. For example, Li Si, even as prime minister, must be polite to Xunzi. Even if there are any other thoughts in the heart, the surface should not be exposed. When you see it, you should be respectful and salute. At least you must pretend to show it to the world.

This is the style of the entire Qin Shimingyue world.

Shao Mingming is so contradictory to the relationship between mentor and apprentice. Judging from Chu Tian ’s experience of tens of millions of girls, it is impossible to be-

! !

Nima, so many days, Chutian tried his best to make the relationship between the two close, and eventually there was no way. He had to resort to this "master-apprentice strategy" killer, and thought that there was no progress. Looking at it now, it seems that there has been a little achievement!

Shao Mingming has a restrained personality, and many emotions will not be clearly revealed, even she may not know it herself. This time the apprenticeship became an opportunity ...

Young Commander even spoke, and the N jokes before Chu Tian were unsuccessful!

"That, Young Commander, is actually like this--" Before Chu Tian's words were finished, Li Ji stepped forward and interrupted, giving Chu Tian a beckoning look.

Li Ji smiled at Young Master, and the black crimson buds, silk cuffs, stretched out her wrist, and gently took Young Master's hand.

Two white water, tender hands held together, really white and moving, better than agar and jade ...

Li Ji smiled softly, the tone was elegant and quiet, gentle and generous:

"Sister, we are different from the outside here. There are many things we don't care about. Those rules outside, we don't have to follow them. Rest assured ... It's not bad to be a teacher. Sister slowly tell you ..."

After finishing speaking, Li Ji nodded slightly towards Chu Tian, ​​her face also turned a little red, and she seemed to think of something ...

Master and apprentice, she and Chu Tian are master and apprentice, since childhood, only this relationship, Li Ji did not care. She most respects and likes Master, and Master also likes her very much, which is enough ...

Seeing Young Master Ming, Li Ji seemed to think of herself. There was a period of time before when Li Ji was distressed by this, and now, Young Master has also encountered it. It's just that Young Commander doesn't seem to understand her own emotions ...

Chi Lian, Nong Yu, Luna, Da Si ordered a few daughters, and then seemed to have some tacit understanding, pushing Chu Tian away from here.

"Sir, please deal with the sacred things."

"Adult, I want to eat roast duck, help me make one ~~ Okay ~~"

"grown ups…"


After pushing Chu Tian away, the girls came to the side of Young Commander, chatting and talking about the girl's house ... This is the topic of discussion between the girls, of course, it is not suitable for Chu Tian. Moreover, Chu Tian is here, it is difficult to let the youngsters be happy ...

In the mind of Shaojiu Gujing, there seems to be some melting ...

It ’s been a long time since I felt cared. This family-like feeling hasn't been experienced in a long time. What is her good impression of Chu Tian ...

But these do n’t seem to matter anymore. The persuasion of the women and Chu Tian ’s expression of sorrow and retreat, but Shao Shiming has a long-lost feeling ... Compared with the Yin-Yang family, it seems to be more enjoyable ...

"Thank you…"

Young Master Ming said softly, a little shy and a little happy. A faint smile on the corner of my mouth slowly spread out ...

At a very young age, Young Master seemed to laugh happily ...



In this way, the time flickered for another half a month.

Young Master Ming succeeded in apprenticeship, and his relationship with Chu Tian is still as usual as before, slowly developing. No one said anything about that day, and Shao Mingming was actually ignorant, not quite understanding the relationship between the two.

However, let's take it naturally, Chu Tian still teaches Young Commander every few days. Young Commander also respects Chu Tian very much, very grateful, and a little other affection ... The relationship between the two is as good as before.

Everything is ordinary, and the emotions of young masters are slowly brewing like this ...

Young Commander occasionally said one or two sentences, which made Chu Tian very happy. The warm atmosphere in the Afang Palace is opening the hearts of young masters bit by bit. Although it is still cold on the surface and does not like to talk, Shao Siming's heart has actually become like a normal girl ...

Seeing this, Chu Tian was finally completely relieved.

After spending a month with the beauties in Afang Palace, news came that Meng Tian had captured Zhao Guo.

A large number of evangelical missionaries are rushing to Zhao State to carry out new propaganda work.

The third temple after the Afang Palace and the Korean Temple was established in the capital of Zhao State.

The reputation of the sacred church has gone up one level, and the hundreds of schools and the other four monarchs are more and more frightened! Everyone is worried about whether the next one is perishing! The power of the Holy Church is too powerful! The alliance between the parties is getting closer and closer, and it is also more and more grand and huge.

Of course, some of the actions can't escape Chu Tian's eyes. Chu Tian went to Yan Kingdom according to the plan ...

"Ligi Tuer, let me take care of you here, because the teacher has confidence in you. If you have anything, just let me know, or ask Xuan'er for help."

Before Chu Tian left, he and Li Ji ordered.

Xuan'er, of course, is Nine Heavens. Although the Nine Heavens Xuannv could not appear due to the suppression of the rules of the world, it was not very troublesome to cast some magical supernatural powers in the sky.

"Master is careful along the way."

Li Ji bent slightly and whispered.

"Well, rest assured, I will come back to see you in three or two days, you know, the distance is not a problem for me. Well, no longer wordy, I am gone."

Chu Tian's body flashed and disappeared in place.

Reappearing again, it is already thousands of miles away, Yan Guoguo ...

(Around 5:00 in the next chapter)

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