Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 137: Yandan Information (4)

Yan Guoguo.

The streets are full of traffic and bustling.

Despite the spread of external fighting, Qin has already wiped out South Korea and Zhao. However, the country of Yan is remote, and it is the fifth in history to be destroyed.

Now Yan Guo has not yet felt the breath of war. On the bustling streets, as always, various business hawkers screamed, pedestrians came and went, and it was hot.

There is no breath of war at all.

Chu Tian walked slowly on the street.

While walking, I looked at the buildings around, customs, the conversation of the people, and so on. There is never too much knowledge, and there is no end to Tao learning. Even the most subtle changes can sometimes become a breakthrough opportunity.

Chu Tian rarely retreats for ten years or a hundred years, but Chu Tian does not practice all the time.

Some things can be easily solved with spells, but the practice and red dust are more meaningful.

Looking at the Yuyu Qionglou on the street, and various palaces in the distance, Chu Tian was more and more surprised. South Korea is much richer than expected.

"However, only the country is so prosperous."

After thinking about it, Chu Tian understood the truth.

In the original book, the "Concubine Snow Pavilion" by Xue Nu is extremely luxurious.

Compared with Chun Shenjun's mansion, Feixuege estimates that even the shoes are not worthy.

Yan Guo had fallen long ago, and even if he didn't come, it wouldn't take long for Qin Guo to win it. Prince Edward Yan is a personal talent, but Yan Wang is incompetent, and he cannot solve the overall corruption ...

Chu Tian was walking and thinking at the same time.

Suddenly, the person across from him bumped into Chu Tian. This is a strong man, about two meters high, with huge strength. One accidentally hit Chu Tian's body!

Only after hitting Chu Tian, ​​it was not Chu Tian who went backwards, but him. Even after a few steps backwards, he almost fell to the ground!

The man's eyes widened, he was just about to get angry, and suddenly his eyes glared. When he saw Chu Tian's face, he suddenly became panicked, like he saw a ghost: "Teach, teach, teach, the leader! The leader, you, how are you I'm coming to Yanguo, me, me, me— "

This sacred Christian is delighted!

I didn't expect to meet the leader of the Holy Church!

This cultist wished to kneel to the ground and wept with joy! He was met by such a god-like person as the supreme priest!

The country of Yan is far away from the country of Qin, but the influence of the Holy Church has also penetrated a little, and the members of the religious group also accounted for at least 30%. People who know Chu Tian grab a lot.

"I neglected it, but it's a little trouble to be too famous. It seems that it has to be changed."

Chu Tian smiled.

Nodded with this believer, at the same time, Chu Tian's body, a wonderful power of law emerged.

The law of magic system.

The law of confusion.

Covered by the law, Chu Tian's breath suddenly changed.

This is a mysterious change, an unspeakable change. Even though Chu Tian ’s appearance has not changed at all, but when he sees Chu Tian, ​​no one will think of the four words of the Holy Christian leader!

Even if they hold the portrait of the leader together with Chu Tian, ​​they will not be recognized!

This is the most powerful illusion, the illusion based on the rule of the heart!

After being completely hidden, Chu Tian did not worry about anything. No one recognized himself, and his actions were much more convenient. Of course, apart from the person who had just recognized himself, Chu Tian kept him a little sober. The rest of the people on the street would not subconsciously connect Chu Tian with the leader ...

Not only does he retain his handsomeness, but he will not be recognized by others, this is really the most magical illusion ... Chu Tian's heart is somewhat proud.

Looking at the person in front of him, this person doesn't have to erase his memory, it's useful to keep it. Chu Tian nodded and said, "No need to be polite, just whisper! This seat comes to Yan Guo for inspection. At present, the identity of this seat is only known to you. You can't say anything, don't hear it!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

This believer is even more excited!

He alone knows the identity of the leader!

This is simply a god-like gift. It restrained the urge to bow down to Chu Tian. The follower followed him, respectfully, and waited for Chu Tian to speak. Pretending to be a brother, the two walked slowly on the street ...

Chu Tian took a look at the believer.

Although his limbs are well developed, his mind is unexpectedly flexible, knowing what to do. For many people, I am afraid to dance with excitement at this time, I do n’t know what to do.

"Yanguo, has anything happened recently?"

Chu Tian asked while walking.

"Master Qi Qi! Yan Guo recently ... I heard that the soldiers and horses are frequently mobilized. The two tigers next to my house were forcibly recruited into the army. If I used a little money to unblock, I'm afraid I went in ..."

Chu Tian shook his head and interrupted: "It's needless to say, all of you know, let's say something special. For example, Prince Dan, Yan Guoguo's recent big news, etc."

The believer thought for a moment, and immediately said, "Master, I know this. Prince Dan got married six months ago, and it is said that the crown prince is pretty. On the day of the wedding, the whole city was full of joy and the scene was huge, even the king Yan came out. When I was on the street, Prince Dan was also glowing red, and he was very happy. Up and down in the Kingdom of Yan, they praised that Prince Dan would be a good monarch in the future ... "

Cover it up ... Chu Tian understood this.

Prince Dan, as a giant, practicing "Sunflower Swordsmanship", has long become an eunuch. The big marriage made such a big move, it must be to disguise the identity of his eunuch.

People who are discerning may have seen some clues. After all, Prince Dan is not an extravagant and wasteful person. The wedding ceremony is so wrong. I just thought of the word eunuch. I do n’t think so.

"Any other news?"

Seeing that the believer started to pull useless things again, Chu Tian continued to ask.

"Master Qiqi! There is another news. The concubine of the concubine of Yan Guo came to a dancer recently. I heard that the dance was good! It is said that it was Xue Nu, Zhao Guoren, who came to avoid the war. Now The price of Feixue Pavilion is getting higher and higher, and ordinary dignitaries and nobles can't enter. I am a person like me, I don't think I can see it in my life ... I heard that the Snow Maiden's dance skills are so good.

He shook his head with a smile.

What a really talkative believer. Chu Tian didn't care too. After all, how many opportunities could he have to contact himself and other big figures. Nodded, Chu Tian said: "Okay, it's done well. Finally, show me where the Prince's Mansion is."

"Master Qiqiu, right there! Walk down the street to the front, then ..."

The believer pointed to a spacious street in the distance, the Prince's Mansion. After turning four turns, it was not far away. That street is the most prosperous in the whole country, and it is almost a place where power is concentrated.

Chu Tian nodded and waved his hand, and the religious member also left respectfully.

Prince Dan's Mansion is in front.

Chu Tian walked slowly forward. None of the people on the street recognized Chu Tian ’s holy religion, but after seeing Chu Tian, ​​the girls turned back to reveal all kinds of **** ...

To be honest, coming to Yan Guo is nothing more than two things this time.

First, establish dignity.

The reputation of the sacred church is too loud, so much that the sacred leader of the sacred church is forgotten by many people.

The arrogance of Sheng Qi when he met himself, the actions of Master Daomeng Xiaomeng, and the recent seemingly many actions of "assassination of the leader" ... in the eyes of all enemies, his own strength is probably only the level of "top" Right. Various small movements are emerging one after another. No deterrence, too many restless people!

Everyone only says that they are very resourceful, but they don't care much about their strength ...

The second thing is naturally revenge.

The Mo family has repeatedly found faults, and has recently moved again. The Hundred Schools of Zhuzi seem to be discussing something. They are headed by the Mo School, seemingly prepared to deal with the Holy Church.

As the leader of the Mo family, Yan Dan was naturally Chu Tian ’s primary target.

It is simple to destroy the enemy, but it is difficult to defeat a person. Chu Tian could wipe out the Mo School with a wave of his hand, but it was obviously meaningless.

The double blow of flesh, body and spirit is the harshest!

Chu Tian wants to destroy the enemy's soul as much as possible!

"Yan Dan, you are a ghost under this eyelid, this seat ... arch your wife! Hahahahahaha ~~~"

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