Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 138: Noble and kind princess (5)

Laughing all the way, Chu Tian soon came to the Prince's Mansion.

The crown prince's mansion occupies a large area. After all, it symbolizes the face of the royal family. At least the scale must exceed that of any family. The prosperous Prince's House is on this street, and no one of the dignitaries can compare.

The gate was closed, and a guard stood upright, guarding the Prince's Mansion.

Through the door gap, you can see the rockery and flowing water, leading to the quiet trail. Inside the mansion, it is like a huge flower garden.

In fact, this is also the apology of Prince Dan. After all, I am an eunuch, and I marry someone to cover it up. I'm sorry. So, in terms of decoration, environment, and even freedom, the crown prince was given great power ... To a certain extent, Prince Dan is not suitable for being a prince, because his heart is still too soft. The concept of "love together, not attack" is not something that a royal child should agree with ...

Crown Princess ...

Chu Tian thought of the mysterious woman in the original book, Xiangfu's godson, gentle, graceful, and noble, which can be said to be a model of Chinese classical women.

Such a woman can't do without Chu Tian.

Moreover, compared to the original, Prince Dan is now an eunuch.

And because of practicing "Sunflower Swordsmanship", there is a natural dislike for women. Although they are not perverted to become men who like the unbeaten in the East, they like women, but women will not fall in love.

The crown prince is not alone in guarding the empty **** the wedding night! Even some simple greetings between husband and wife are gone! This is almost the same as breaking into the cold palace! !

Such a typical loyal woman was originally difficult to guide. But now is the moment when the concubine's heart is the most fragile. According to the experience of thousands of girls in Chu Tian

Great grasp!

call out! !

Chu Tian instantly thought of a good way to guide, and his figure flashed quickly and disappeared in place ...

"Did you hear anything just now?"


"Hey, His Royal Highness has not returned for a long time, it is really a good Highness ..."

"Yeah, I heard, it seems that the four countries are preparing for the alliance to counter Qin. I don't know if they can succeed ..."


The guard at the door didn't even notice that Chu Tian had entered the Prince's Mansion ...



"Normally, women are kind."

"But as a princess, she will be more vigilant, and her martial arts seem to be not low."

"Let her be less vigilant, um, it would be better if it caused curiosity. So ... it's the best deal to play as an assassin!"


Chu Tian murmured while talking.

With Chu Tian's self-talk, Chu Tian's clothing has also undergone great changes.

In a dark costume, the whole body was tightly wrapped up and down, and even the face was covered, only a pair of eyes were exposed, the typical assassin's dress.

A sharp sword suddenly appeared in Chu Tian's hands, with some blood standing on it. Chu Tian ’s illusion was performed at the same time, and he also had N wounds on his body. It was realistic that the hand wiped gently, and the blood could still remain on the hand-the injured assassin can minimize the alertness of the princess!

Don't see me, Wan Yanlie, this is how Bao Xi weak was hooked!

In this way, Chu Tian's character instantly became an assassin. And it was an assassin who was unable to assassinate and was seriously injured. He is currently sneaking into the Prince's Mansion. I don't know what the attempt is ...

Chu Tian's eyes swept gently.

In the Prince's Mansion, nothing could escape Chu Tian's gaze.

In the flower garden in the distance, a noble and beautiful shadow sits lightly, as if admiring the flowers.

There was a faint fluctuation of energy on the princess's body. The princess itself was actually a master who was not weaker than Yan Dan.

Chu Tian's figure flashed again and disappeared in place, lying behind a rockery not far from the crown prince. There is a small hole in the rockery, just for Chu Tian to rest, while resting while waiting for the discovery of the princess ...

Chu Tian waited quietly.

The sun rises gradually, and the light is getting stronger and stronger.

The crown prince sat quietly among the flowers, staring stunned, as if thinking of something.

A red embroidered golden flower and a long pleated skirt, with a jasper hairpin slanted diagonally on her head, her skin is white and dazzling, noble and graceful, graceful, full of mature and dignified flavor. The crown prince sat quietly among the flowers, as if looking at the flowers, and as if in a daze ...

Chu Tian was very patient this time, "seduce" a married woman, let Chu Tian's effort burn up, actually wait patiently, and lay a few hours in the small hole behind the rockery. Just waiting for the crown prince, from the morning until the noon, continue to wait ...

"--Prince Princess, have a meal!"

At noon, a maid in the distance shouted.

Seemingly accustomed to the habit of the crown prince, the court lady shouted at this place and turned back to prepare the meal. The crown prince also smiled slightly and got up, ready to go back to dinner.

This kind of life, although worrying about food and clothing, always feels that something is missing.

The princess is a little dull ...



A few fresh breezes came, and the princess was just about to leave. Suddenly, Qiong nose sniffed slightly, and seemed to feel something strange ...

"This is ... blood ..."

The crown prince reacted immediately.

Such a strong breath is definitely the smell of blood, but how can Prince Edward House have such a smell? Is it an assassin? The prince suddenly felt uneasy and walked along the source of the smell.

In the end, an assassin with wounds was found in a rock cave. That is Chu Tian.

"There are actually assassins. It seems that I have to notify the guards. My identity is still not to be exposed ..." The princess thought this way.

Her training is not low, ordinary assassins are not afraid, let alone an injured assassin fainted.

The prince left her cold and stayed in the crown prince's house all day long. Suddenly an assassin came today, but the crown prince felt that life had a somewhat unexpected interest.

Taking a gentle step, the crown prince walked forward, the noble skirt swaying in the wind, quiet and peaceful. A pair of jade hands stretched out slowly, reaching Chutian who fell to the ground.

She wanted to see who the assassin was.

That's all, just a little curiosity.

The crown prince really didn't think too much about it, nor did she think that this curiosity directly changed her fate. While pulling off Chu Tian's mask, the prince said to herself ...

"Look at who the **** is, and dare to break into the Prince's Mansion, is it Chun Chunjun's ..."

The crown prince had just murmured, and was suddenly dull.

She untied Chu Tian's mask and saw Chu Tian's face. If a man would be captivated by a woman's beauty, it would be entirely possible for a woman to be convinced by the man's handsomeness. In an instant, the crown prince exploded in her brain, and she felt overwhelmed.

Prince Dan's face is handsome, but compared with the man in front of him, it is a far cry!

Face shape, temperament, and all aspects are almost perfect. After seeing this man, I go to see other men. I suddenly feel that men in the world are just like feces!

Such a handsome man ... why would he fall into the role of an assassin ...

Perhaps, his nature is not bad ... the Princess of the Prince thought so ...

At this time, the crown prince subconsciously thought that Chu Tian was a good person, just like a man seeing a fairy-like woman, he would think that he was kind. !

"Concubine, eat dinner--"

The lady in the distance shouted again, but she did not come to check. The prince likes the habit of visiting the garden. They already knew it.

The Crown Princess was anxious and looked around to make sure no one was around. Then she took some hidden flowers and grass from a distance and blocked Chu Tian's figure.

Repeatedly confirming that he will not be seen through, the Crown Princess went to eat as usual.

The kind, noble and curious princess suddenly wanted to save this person ... she just thought that life was too boring, or maybe a little curious and kind ...

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