Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 164: Absolute zero (1/6)

Gao Jianli doesn't believe in bulls, ghosts and snakes.

But Chu Tian ’s method of controlling people on that day was really too weird. If he did n’t fear 10,000, he would be afraid of it. Forced, Gao Jianli asked a few river and lake warlocks and spent a lot of money.

Finally, Gao Jianli learned that dog blood can exorcise and ward off evil spirits, especially the blood effect of black dogs is better, so today, Gao Jianli slaughtered a stray **** dog early in the morning and put a wine bag of blood ...

Although it is really a **** dog ​​now!

But Gao Jian's centrifuge is a bit proud!

Without the threat of "black magic", what is he afraid of!

He has been bullied by Chu Tian all the time, this time, I must get it back!

Watching Chu Tian coldly, on Gao Jianli's sword, the dog's blood coagulated and did not spread, exuding a smelly, faint chill, and gradually spread: "I will not kill you, I just want to teach you a lesson, tell you Do n’t judge a person by appearance. How do you know that I am really inferior to you? I ’ll give you back one by one your actions these days! "

"My strongest step away is not boxing, not piano skills, but swordsmanship!"

Gao Jianli now has a taste of salted fish turning over.

The tone was cold and the chill filled.

Not emotionally cold, but true tactile, cold in temperature!

With Gao Jianli's sword, the cold air began to diffuse, spread, and spread from Gao Jianli's side. A large area of ​​wood around him suddenly dropped in temperature and the leaves drifted away. On Gao Jianli's sword, white smoke rose slowly.

The cold breath is getting stronger and the temperature is getting lower and lower.

Gao Jianli was away from the green grass at his feet, and even stained with a layer of hoarfrost. The rolling dewdrops also froze in an instant and fell one after another. Obviously, the winter has not yet entered, but Gao Jianli's side is like a severe winter! Even colder!

Gao Jianli ’s inner power mentality is of the cold type, and has now been initially integrated into swordsmanship, which is extremely powerful! The longer you stay in battle, the more the enemy will be affected by the cold! And myself, the more brave the battle!

"Oh ———"

Gao Jianli waved a sword!

The icy coldness rushed straight towards Chu Tian along a straight line, and Gao Jianli's figure also flew out in a flash.

Every trace of the sword in his hand, a white mist rose in the air, and fine ice crystals were spreading.

Gao Jianli has reached Chu Tian in a blink of an eye, and the sword in his hand is quickly spurting out!

A sword!

Three swords!

Ten swords!

The chill of the sky spread out, and the combination of Hanmang and sharp sword spirit was amazing. Gao Jianli did not know how many pieces were stabbed out of the drum. The whole body had white ice crystals shining.

This is already a state of best efforts!

Dozens of swords passed, and the whole space was filled with bone-chilling chills, and all became Gao Jianli's realm!

Within tens of meters of the feet, the green grass has frozen. On the trees in the distance, the leaves were frozen because of moisture and fell. The transpiration of water in the woods is more conducive to Gao Jianli's play!

Dang Dang Dang!

Dang Dang Dang!

The swords of the two struck time and time again, each impact caused countless ice crystals, and many dog ​​blood fluttered ...

Dang Dang Dang!

Dang Dang Dang!

Gao Jianli waved one sword after another, and he did not know how many times he had fought with Chu Tian's ink eyebrows. The large trees around him fell down and were cut by the sword gas or eroded by the cold. Large and large spaces, all revealing the icy cold!

Each sword contains a huge force, a bone chill. Even if Gao gradually left himself, he should be treated with caution.

But Chu Tian opposite ...

Waving his ink eyebrows at random, it didn't seem to care.

There is no prudence, and even the movement of swinging the sword is unorganized. The reason why the sword swings is like playing.

Even if Gao Jianli sometimes suddenly abandoned the defense and hit it with all his strength, Chu Tianmo's eyebrows turned slightly, and they were all stopped. Chu Tian didn't seem to be serious at all, he waved his sword at will, one sword and one sword ...

No flaws ...

Gao Jianli frowned ...

"Uh huh, yeah! The lowest temperature is minus 27.35 degrees, very good! It's a miracle to do this with your internal strength. If you can make ice cream in the summer, yes, I Why didn't I think that this is a big business ... "

Chu Tian didn't have the momentum to fight at all. He waved his sword at random, nagging, and even thought of other things.

No matter how violent Gao Jianli's sword is.

No matter how cold the temperature is.

Chu Tian had no influence at all, Mo Mei even defended without attacking, and easily resolved Gao Jianli's offensive. All the cold air was counterattacked by Chu Tian to Gao Jianli ...

Gao Jianli's chill is actually useless!

Gao Jianli looked away!

The anger in my heart is better and more cautious!

Chu Tian's swordsmanship is so strong? He is capable of black magic, extremely melee combat, and very good musical attainments. Now, even swordsmanship is so exquisite! Far more than him! In theory, it is impossible for a young person to master so many aspects ...

"Don't underestimate me !!"

Gao Jianli gave a cold drink.

The sword suddenly changed, and the chill in the sky expanded again!

Especially on the sword in Gao Jianli's hands, the temperature kept falling and falling, and the chill around the large area also became a weapon for Gao Jianli, which was integrated with Gao Jianli.

Icy field, high gradual departure field!

The temperature continues to drop, drop!

In Chu Tian's perception, Gao Jianli left the sword in his hand, and the final temperature actually dropped to minus thirty-five degrees! Grandma, a bear, is also a talent.

There was a slight appreciation in Chu Tian ’s eyes, and the ink eyebrows flicked gently, pushing Gao Jianli back for more than ten meters ... Then Chu Tian analyzed it in a hurry: "There are just so many swords just for this A sword is used as a bedding. The remaining coldness of each sword is left in the air and becomes the bedding of the last sword ... The lower the temperature, the better for you and the greater the bonus for this sword. Or, there is no front With so many swords, you can't use this one at all ... "

In the eyes of Chu Tian, ​​all of Gao Jianli's moves are naturally not hidden at all. In a few words, Gao Jianli's moves are pierced.

With Chu Tian's analysis, Gao Jianli's face was even more ugly.

Seen through.

It has always been at a disadvantage, and now the stunts have been seen through. At this time, Gao Jianli thought of it. After all, Chu Tian is a "Mohist Giant". How can swordsmanship be so bad? Seen through, but also excusable ...

How did Gao Jianli know that even the deity of Mojia giant was killed by Chu Tian, ​​a fake!

"However, even if you find it, it's too late! This sword is by far the strongest sword I have! I can't take it myself!"

Gao Jianli took a deep breath, lifted the sword, and thrusted forward, all the internal force attached to it, and the temperature in the air was instantly reduced to the lowest!

Gao Jianli's body was stained with hoarfrost!

Large pieces of ice crystals are formed on the surrounding ground, and a series of ice freezes all the ground around a few meters! Even Gao Jianli almost hurt himself!

The glaciers spread everywhere, approaching Chu Tian, ​​and the birds and beasts in the forest sensed the cold, and ran away from a distance. Gao Jianli's sword intention also mentioned the peak at this moment!

In the air, ice crystals are flying!

This is the strongest stunt of Gao Jianli who abandoned all defenses:

Yi Shuihan!

"Take the trick !!"

Gao Jianli pierced with a sword!

The fighting spirit is fierce and unstoppable! A thorn of ice spurs quickly above the tip of the sword, pushing Chu Tian's throat!

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