Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 165: Absolute zero two (2/6)

哗哗 哗 ——

哗哗 哗 ——

Under the stunt "Yi Shui Han", the glaciers spread instantly, in all directions, the cold breath is everywhere. A gleaming Limang, in a blink of an eye, has come to Chu Tian's throat, sharp, cold, swift, fierce, sharp, anxious ... This sword contains a superposition of multiple powers!

The tip of the sword shone with a faint red awn, which was the color of Gao Jianli's dog blood. At this time, Gao Jian's centrifugation was still thinking of Chu Tian's "magic art", doing all precautions.

I have to say that for this battle, Gao Jianli is very well prepared!

All factors are taken into account.

My own state is also at its peak!

He has enough confidence!


With a loud roar, Gao Jianli's sword finally struck Chu Tian's throat!

"Why didn't you hide!"

Gao Jian centrifuged! Chu Tian did not hide or avoid, and took the blow stiffly! ? Gao Jian's thoughts just flashed during the centrifugation. Suddenly a burst of numbness penetrated his shoulders, and the entire arm suddenly lost consciousness!

This sword seemed to hit the steel plate! The huge rebound force almost made Gao Jianli fly out!

The sword in Gao Jianli's hands was also hungry and stopped in an instant, and he could no longer get in!

Can't pierce Chu Tian's throat!

How can it be! ?

Gao Jianli's eyes widened, staring at Chu Tian opposite, he suddenly found that a centimeter in front of Chu Tian suspended a faint, snow-white crystal ice flower ...

The tiny ice crystal flower is very delicate, white and crystal, glowing in the setting sun. However, Gao Jianli didn't think of it. He condensed a sword of all strength and was blocked by this little ice flower.

The tiny ice crystal flower suspended in the air, exuding a cold breath.

Even so far away, Gao Jianli can still feel it. It was extremely cold and icy cold, and it was simply unimaginable. It is colder and more terrible many times than his frozen ice ...

A small ice crystal flower blocked all attacks ...

Gao Jianli almost suffocated ...

Chu Tian smiled and said:

"Don't be so panic, you can ice the power of the attribute, can't I do it? It's like you think my swordsmanship is not as strong as you, young people now, hey! ..."

"This little ice crystal flower, don't underestimate it, it is enough for your attack now. Beat me? You are too worthy of your own? You can't even touch it now, can't you understand what you are doing? Where is self-confidence ... "

Chu Tian was nagging, and the cat looked like a mouse, looking at Gao Jianli on the opposite side, with a joke on his face.

It seems that I want to see what Gao Jianli does next.

Gao Jianli's face was also pale, and Yi Shuihan's use had exceeded his limit. Now his physical condition is extremely bad.

However, Gao Jianli did not expect that even Yi Shuihan would still lose to Chu Tian!

Stop it so easily!

Gao Jianli struggled to raise his sword, a chill spread, the internal force was urged to the extreme, Gao Jianli's body was shrouded again, and even a touch of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, stabbing once again-

"It's not over yet !!"

Gao Jianli waved his hand and attacked again!

Jian Qi blasted!

The chill is shrouded!


Kaka Kaka——


Gao Jianli's eyes suddenly glared!

The sword just stabbed out, and a huge chill suddenly emanated from the ice crystal flower, shaking the earth and earth. The sword that followed Gao Jianli spread from the tip of the sword to the hilt, and then spread to the whole person!

Gao Jianli instantaneously, unable to move!

Gao Jianli's sword quickly froze, icing, the temperature is getting lower and lower, and the rate of decline is terrible. In just a moment, Gao Jianli's sword was frozen, cracked, cracked from above.

That is, the gap between the sword body because it can't stand the cold!


Gao Jianli opened his eyes wide.

Just before preparing to take it back, the sword in his hand suddenly broke from inch to inch, breaking apart and falling to the ground piece by piece. He used the sword for many years, and it broke so easily.

Every piece of debris is like ice, exuding a cold breath.

Obviously cast iron, but these fragments are transparent, as if frozen, pieces of the pieces fall to the ground, and then cracked like ice crystals, becoming more finely fragmented. Little ice crystals ...

Small ice crystals fall to the ground and will soon melt.

Gao Jianli's sword disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving no iron filings left, only the sword hilt fell into his hands ...

Gao Jianli's pupil shrank suddenly! !

"What! How could it be!"

"Freeze the sword first, then melt it, and then ... it's gone ... impossible, how could there be such a thing, the sword is not water, how could it be so easy ... how could ..."

"you you!!!"

He hurriedly dropped the hilt, fearing that this chill would freeze him completely!

Gao Jianli retreated quickly, retreated quickly, and tried his best to retreat! !

Too late to think, the first thing is to distance yourself from Chu Tian!

His sword was frozen by the ice! Then crack like ice cubes!

What an outrageous thing!

"Impossible! Impossible !!!"

Gao Jian pulled away from the side while panicking. This sword can withstand very low and low temperatures, and the lower the temperature, the more powerful it can exert its power.

But it was frozen by Chu Tian, ​​and then shattered!

How can it be! ! !

Chu Tian chuckled in the distance and seemed to have read Gao Jianli's thoughts, saying:

"How is it impossible? Gao Jianli, you are not as good as others, don't make excuses. Do you think that the sword you just had is so naughty? No, tell you, it's far away. Today, let you see ... the extreme of ice . "

Chu Tian said with a smile, and slowly raised his ink eyebrow, and a cold breath spread on the ink eyebrow ...

There was a blast of air in the air, all of it was frozen, and all the water was turned into ice crystals!

The forests within a few miles are just a blink of an eye, in no particular order, and all become crystal ice crystals! The huge chill is overwhelming, permeable!

The river has penetrated from the surface to the bottom, and all of them have become ice crystals!

Even the earth at the foot of Chutian, the soil, and the surrounding stones have all turned into ice crystals.

All the chill comes from the ink eyebrows in Chu Tian's hands and the temperature above the ink eyebrows. Above the ink eyebrows, the chill lingered, which was lower than all the ice, and even gave people the illusion that the soul was frozen! It's as low as a terrible, unimaginable temperature, like the extreme of ice ...

"The lowest temperature is absolute zero. No matter what, you can't break this limit. This is the rule of this world and the limit of everything. The lowest temperature is like this. Even a sword can be easily frozen ..."

"Minus 273.15 degrees Celsius, sorry, I almost forgot, you may not understand this. So, let's see it for yourself."

The dark ink eyebrows, slowly crossed by a sword, the space was frozen in the bitter chill.

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