Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 14 Chapter 208: Chu Nangong's death

"See ... See ... See ... Teach ... Teacher ..."

Chunan Gongchen's back seemed to be lowered in a moment, and bent down slowly, bending down, as if exhausting the strength of the whole body, the body was trembling. Shaking, fearing ...

Dripping sweat beads ran down Chu Nangong's forehead, and Chu Nangong's heart was anxious. At this time, in such a place, he actually met the Holy Teacher! Did the leader see the act of helping the rebellion just now?

Chu Nan Gong had imagined the situation of meeting the leader 10,000 times, and imagined how to deal with it at that time. But when he really met, Chu Nan Gong knew that his so-called integrity and measurement were all floating clouds. All the composure disappeared, and what filled my heart was a huge, infinite panic!

That is the momentum that overrides all beings!

There are countless gaps between mortals!

No matter how great the wisdom is, under such majesty, we must be convinced!

There is the sacred leader! !

Chu Nan Gong shivered:

"Long live the long live, long live the long live ... the saint ... the long live the long live the long live the long live the thousand years old.

Chu Nan Gong was already kneeling on the ground.

A face suddenly grew ten years old.

Chu Nan Gong even regretted teaching Huang Shi Tian Shu to Tian Ming and the two. Such a divine leader, such majesty, really, can it be overcome?

Chu Nan Gong shuddered ...

"-What kind of kneeling do you still have? Why don't you persuade me if you don't have this leader in your heart. You have great wisdom and perseverance, you are a rare talent in the world, how can you make such a confused mistake? For those who make mistakes, rarely let go. You should know. "

Chu Tian stared at Chu Nangong and said slowly.

Chu Nangong's trembling and shaking were even more powerful.

However, Chu Nangong did not dare to speak, and Chu Tiangong's words made Chu Nangong unable to reason.

Helping the rebellion is tantamount to betraying the Holy Church!

Betray the Holy Church, not to mention being caught by the leader, even if ordinary Christian believers meet, they will be cut into eight pieces and killed alive!

Chu Tian narrowed his eyes and said:

"Let's say, before dying, the bishop wants to hear about your reasons for helping them. I don't believe in Wang Bazhi, the protagonist's luck or something. Huang Shi Tianshu, this is a remarkable thing, I didn't think of it , You are even willing to send this thing ... Old man, let ’s say, why help these two people? This seat is to tell the truth. "

Chu Nan Gong shook his head tremblingly, knocked three times, and then whispered:

"Go back ... the Muslim master ... the sinner ... the sinner is a moment of pity. The qualifications of the two people are rare for a hundred years. They are all the finest roots. The old man ... the old man is confused, the old man ... the old man- "

"Xi Cai?"

"Muslim Lord, yes." Chu Nan Gong replied.

"Are you afraid of dying?"

"..." Chu Nangong was silent.

Originally, he was not afraid of death, but after seeing Chu Tian, ​​Chu Nan Gong was afraid.

Looking at the sacred believers who showed hatred to themselves around him, Chu Nan Gong had an indescribable shame. In the eyes of these sacred believers, they are the great traitors.

Chu Nan Gong wanted to cry at this moment.

He really regretted that he shouldn't be against the sacred leader and shouldn't be impulsive.

Unfortunately, there seems to be no room for recovery ...

Chu Tian shook his head and ignored Chu Nangong.

Turning his head and looking at Qianlong around him, Chu Tian pointed to Chu Nangong and said:

"Did you see it? It is a living example. Chu Nan Gong is afraid, very afraid. The so-called saints are actually only relatively speaking, everyone is the same. The difference is that they know how to build themselves and how Revealing their own unfathomable ... Chai Han is no different from any son or father, and in the face of death, they have general fears in their hearts ... their souls are all the same. "

"The sage will also make mistakes." Chitaki nodded and said.

"Smart, you know everything. If you believe that Chu Nangong's legs are soft now, he will definitely not believe it. Pretending to be such a thing is always only relative. Qiantaki, pretending to be a university asked , You have to study hard ... "

"Yes, father." Chitaki didn't smile, and he responded with unprecedented seriousness today.

"Okay, that's about it."

Chu Tian yawned and faced justice to Chu Nan. "There is a word called killing one and one hundred. You seem to be a pity. In fact, this action does not know how many people have been killed and how many stupid hopes have been ignited. Chu Nan Gong, this time you are not helping others, but harming people. The world is still in the hands of the Holy Church, everything you do is wrong ... You are old, making mistakes, it is inevitable. Thinking in old age For the sake of this, I wo n’t do it myself ... "

"You, self-discipline."

After Chu Tian finished, holding Qianli's little hand, he went to the street in the distance.

Chu Nangong, despite his high reputation, compared with the identity of the holy priest, he was suddenly not a scumbag.

Since you have made a mistake, there must be punishment, no matter who it is. Of course, Chu Tian also wanted to see what psychology the two tenacious protagonists would know when others died because of themselves.

The opponent is too weak to mention interest at all.

Perhaps the anger will increase their fighting power from 1 to 2 ...

Chu Tian happily took Qianlong's little hand and walked to the little Shengxianzhuang in the distance. He could not only teach his daughter, but also play with the protagonist, Chu Nangong, he also died well ...

The news that Chu Nan Gong betrayed the holy religion and self-disciplined himself in front of the leader spread like this.

From this street, to Xiaoshengxianzhuang, and then to Sanghai City, everyone knew that Chu Nan Gong had betrayed the holy religion and killed himself. At the same time the message was passed, it also aroused the emotions of countless people ...

The priests are impartial and selfless-believers think of it.

The priests are cruel and inhumane-the rebels think so.


This chapter makes up for yesterday.

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