Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 14 Chapter 209: See you in class (1)

"Duke Chunan is dead !!"

In Xiaoshengxianzhuang, Tianming and Shaoyu, who had just heard the news, clenched their fists in anger.

Why did Chu Nan Gong die, what did they do, the two did not know. However, after Chu Tian met Chu Nangong, then Chu Nangong died. This fact is known to everyone.

The cause of Chu Nangong ’s death was nothing more than betrayal of the sacred religion, and then being punished ...

"Shao Yu, would you say that Chu Nangong gave us Huang Shi Tian Shu to us before he was killed by Chu Tian? Huang Shi Tian Shu is such an important thing, even if he is a holy priest, he must want it. He knows Chu Nangong gave us Huang Shi Tianshu, and then he killed Chu Nangong ... the same as when he killed Han Fei. "

Tianming said with some fear.

Huang Shi Tian Shu has just arrived, the secret of Canglong Qisu is not so easy to solve. If they were caught by Chu Tian at this time, they had no resistance at all!

Failure at this time is too unwilling!

Shao Yu thought for a while and said:

"Tianming, you can rest assured, this should not be the case. If Chu Tian knew that we got the Huangshi Tianshu, he would definitely send troops to arrest us. Now, there is no movement at all. Chu Nangong may be due to other reasons. … "

"And, what if it is discovered? Huangshi Tianshu, you have already given it to Piao Ding. Next, only when the Mo family solve this mystery, the victory is ours. It is time for the Chu kingdom to annihilate the enemy. Reported. "

Tianming also agreed with grace.

Yellowstone Book of Heaven.

This is a deity that dates back to ancient times and has an inextricable relationship with Canglong Qisu. Unlocking the secrets of Canglong Qisu depends on Huangshi Tianshu!

This time, grasp more.

"At that time, even Chu Nangong's revenge, report it together!" Tian Ming said seriously.

"Well! Report together!"

"for sure!"

"--Okay, kid, don't worry too much. See what you are anxious about. It's class now. This class is to teach swordsmanship, it's time for us to perform. Hey!

Xiang Yu smiled cheaply and changed the subject.

Tianming's complexion was also somewhat relaxed.

Xiang Yu's martial arts are strong, so it goes without saying.

And Tianming, who had followed Jing Ke to practice sunflower swordsmanship since childhood, has now filled the flaws of sunflower swordsmanship one by one, and swordsmanship has long been fascinating.

Among the Confucians, Tianming's most annoying thing is recitation of Zi Yue Zi Yue's lesson, and his favorite is the sword lesson.

Every swordsmanship teaching is the most happy time for Tianming. It is praised by others, and Tianming's heart is floating, very happy. And I heard that the master of Confucianism is Fu Nian. His sword is so great, his sword score ranks even above the sunflower sword, but it is so powerful. Tianming always wanted to see ...

The two were waiting on the ground. Slowly, Confucian disciples gathered here one by one.

The people also slowly discussed in detail ...

"Zi Ming, Zi Yu, so early!"

"Zi Ming, did you hear that? The leader killed another traitor today. It's very popular!"

"Unexpectedly, Chu Nan Gong was actually the enemy of the Holy Church, and the leader did a good job!"


Today ’s lesson is taught by Yan Lu, the second teacher.

Yan Lu's swordsmanship is also very high. Although the appearance looks elegant and a gentleman, but in terms of swordsmanship, only Confucianism can overwhelm him.

Everyone waited for Yan Lu to come and talk about the topic of the leader.

It's just that, after a long time, Gonglu Road of the Second Division didn't arrive.

The crowd gathered in the square and waited for about a scent of incense. In normal times, they had already been in class. But today, there is still no half figure. Just when everyone thought they were going to have a holiday today, there were finally footsteps in the distance.

The Second Division Gongyan Road did not come.

Coming, it was actually Fu Nian, and Fu Nian accompanied other people.

When I saw the tall figure, all Confucian disciples couldn't help but hold their breath, and there was a fanatical feeling in my heart! !

No one thought that such an honor!

Only Tianming and Shaoyu fell into tension for a moment.

The sacred priest, the sacred sage, all came here ...

Especially Tianming, he was in Xianyang City that day, but he had seen the Holy Church and the Virgin once in close quarters, and I was afraid that Qianlong would write down him, it would be bad ...

This sacred saint who could not get rid of his relationship with Jing Ke somehow committed suicide. Until now, Tianming was still very afraid. This fear is not a fear, but an unknown fear.

Chitaki is holy like a fairy, without a trace of fireworks, the pure eyes under the veil, and even people will unconsciously want to kneel on the ground, want to blame their hypocrisy ... Such a fascinating appearance of the country, let people mention It ’s a little bit of reverie. It ’s a bit, but it ’s just reverence and anxiety ...

It was a pure, flawless, ethereal and clear mind.

The saints and sages are already like this, standing high above them, like gods.

What's more, he is the leader of the Holy Church ...

Tianming's back, the clothes are all soaked ...



"Today, the leader will come to give you a lesson, and all disciples must be attentive and attentive. Being able to get the leader's guidance once is a blessing from your tenth cultivation ..."

After Fu Nian finished speaking, he saluted Chu Tian and Qian Ting respectfully and then retreated.

Chu Tian said to come to play, how could Fu Nian refuse. Even if the leader is playing casually, these students can learn much more than his own teaching ...

Fu Nian retreated, leaving Chu Tian and Qian Ting, looking at a group of Confucian disciples across from him.

All of them fell to their knees in an instant, and the mood of Confucian disciples rose as never before ...

Attachment: Current sword score ranking

First: Chu Tian's sword

Second: Chi Youjian

Third: Chilian

Fourth: heaven

Fifth: Tai A

Sixth: sunflower sword


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