Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 14 Chapter 210: Pretend to be in front of rookies (2)

There have long been rumors that the priests will come to the class, but everyone has always thought it was a rumor.

Unexpectedly, it is actually true!

What is the identity of the priest, let alone giving lessons to everyone, even if you take a closer look, it is a supreme appreciation of them. The disciples of Xiaoshengxianzhuang shook and shook, and their blood was boiling. I have never been so excited in my life!

——I’m afraid there are not many people in the world who can get instructions from the leader!

The leader ’s teaching must be carefully listened to!

With the exception of Tianming and Shaoyu, all the disciples burst into a roaring roar in the next second: "Long live the dean, long live long live—"

"Long live, long live, long live--"

Chu Tian enjoyed the praise of everyone.

Chu Tian's eyes stayed on Tianming and Shaoyu for a long time. This time I came to Xiaoshengxianzhuang for fun, mainly because of these two Xiaoqiangs. Without the protagonists in these two original works, how could Chu Tian stay in Xiaoshengxianzhuang for so long. Apart from them, there is nothing that makes Chu Tian worth staying.

For Chu Tian, ​​only the fun is left.

Shao Yu and Tian Ming lowered their heads and seemed to feel Chu Tian's gaze.

The two held their breaths and did not dare to speak, trying to pretend to be a devout, fearing what Chu Tian would discover ...

Chu Nangong's death, Jing Ke's death, all hatred, both of them remember. But now, the gap is too great and can only be hidden temporarily.

Now, not the time.

Tianming and Shaoyu both lowered their heads, said nothing, and patiently ...

Chu Tian nodded slightly and was quite satisfied with the performance of the two. A slightly more intelligent opponent is more interesting.

Chu Tian immediately looked away and said:

"Everyone should not be too nervous, you are the people of Daqin, the believers of the Holy Church, you are all followers of this bishop. This bishop is not a bad person, will not hurt you, and will not punish you, only reward you ... since So, why should you be so cautious in the face of this seat? Take it easy. "

Chu Tian's voice was very soft, but it echoed on the field and did not disperse for a long time.

"Yes! Master!"

The crowd roared loudly.

But the expression is more restrained in all aspects.

"Forget it, it's a good thing to be nervous. Then, let's go directly to the topic. Today's swordsmanship class, this seat will teach you, this futile has already been said. Today, a well-behaved person, this seat Lots of rewards. "

"Yes! Master!"

"Then let's get started. Let's choose your best weapon and use your best. Let's take a look at your martial arts foundation ..."

Chu Tian reached out and emptied.

Everyone was surprised that a weapon stand suddenly appeared out of thin air and fell on the playground. On the weapon rack, there are all kinds of weapons such as swords, guns and clubs.

This was originally from the arsenal of Xiaoshengxianzhuang, and was moved by Chu Tian in an instant.

From the perspective of Chu Tian, ​​picking things up from a distance is just an idea. But in this low-level martial arts world, it is already inferior to the gods ...

All the believers of the sacred church were shocked for a while, and then they picked their favorite weapons. The leader is so unfathomable, if you get guidance, the benefits are absolutely unimaginable! This time we must go all out! This is a rare opportunity ...

"This is the power of the holy priest! It is not a blind eye method, absolutely not a blind eye method! He brought the weapon rack in the distant warehouse! How did he do it ..."

Xiang Yu's brow furrowed, and he was a little scared. This is the first time Xiang Yu has seen Chu Tian shot, and he was shocked! Chu Tian's move to make a weapon stand out of thin air is no longer the category of martial arts. Such Chu Tian is too strong!

Xiang Yu couldn't help but feel afraid ...

"No matter how strong I am, I will not give up."

Tianming thought of ...

He Shaoyu glanced at each other, and the two also walked to the weapon rack in the distance.

Tianming chose a sword, and Shaoyu chose a long gun. The non-attacking Excalibur and the Breaking Overlord Gun are the last weapons of the two, and it is not yet time to expose them.

Today's battle is an opportunity to test the gap between the enemy and us.

Tianming and Shaoyu will not miss this opportunity ...



Chitaki and Chu Tian nodded and took a break.

Of course, the fighting of these people of the same age, Chitaki, of course, was not interested in watching. As Chu Tian's daughter, Chitaki had the power of a **** at the moment of birth. She is not unscrupulous father Chu Tian, ​​likes to pretend.

Walked to the side of the wooden chair and sat down quietly, like a lotus flower blooming slowly. Qian Lingshui Lingling's eyes looked at Chu Tian, ​​softly. He murmured ...

"Father ... Is it pretending to be forced again ..."

"Little girl! I am not pretending, I am testing their abilities!"

Chu Tian wasn't angry, and after the voice transmission was completed, five fingers and one sword appeared in his hand.

The ordinary sword seemed to come alive in Chu Tian's hands, and the sword was irritating and radiant. The moment Chu Tian held, the feeling of the whole person changed suddenly.

A sharp breath spread out with Chu Tian as the center.

A circle of more than three meters was formed on the ground, and all the weeds in the circle disappeared instantly, as if split by sword gas. Jianyi, something that can be unspeakable, is extraordinary. The Confucian disciples in the distance haven't come close to Chu Tian yet. Just a glance, their eyes are sore as if they were stabbed by a sword!

As if moving a little more, Wan Jian will be put through! On the palm, it's all sweat!

too strong!

The pressure is too great!

The leader of the Holy Church, the world's first reputation, is not covered!

At that time, the legend of a sword severing the heavens has been adapted into various versions of dramas and novels. The reputation of Chu Tianxia's first sword, no one dares to question it!

All the Confucian disciples felt agitated and excited at the same time.

Although it is a teaching, but still dare not write a sword ...

"Don't read it, let's go together. You don't have a sword, how can I point you?"

Chu Tian pretended to say that in front of these rookies, Chu Tian had no sense of shame. In fact, Qian Qian just said nothing. Chu Tian played a sword flower, and then said, "Especially the one named Zi Ming and Zi Yu, I heard Fu Nian talk about you, it seems good. Don't hesitate, hurry up and come up. This seat, it is also good you guys."

Jianguang swept gently.

Everyone's pressure increased again!

Tian Ming and Shao Yu looked at each other and rushed towards Chu Tian quickly. Many other disciples also gritted their teeth and seized this opportunity to show up in front of the leader!

"Master Master, please advise !!"

Wow wow wow--

More than ten rookies waved their swords toward Chu Tian.

Swords of light, sharp blades, shining in the air. Everyone took out their strongest skills and attacked Chu Tian.

The priests are invincible in the world, they do n’t worry about hurting the priest. At this time, the best option is to express yourself as much as possible. All of them used their strongest moves and attacked Chu Tian together!

Dang Dang Dang!

Dang Dang Dang!

Tianming's sword and Shaoyu's gun also flew away in an instant!

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