Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 7: Harmony? (1)

【Yu Shu Picture】

"Princess, you are awake. The princess, the state teacher and the king are in the main hall, it seems to be discussing important things. Please princess you too. Princess, do you need slaves to wait for you to change your clothes? ..."

A maid came over and asked softly.

The maid's appearance was good, and she was also the top pick, but compared with Yushu, she suddenly lost her face. Looking at this famous princess of Tuan, even as a woman, the hearts of the court ladies often gave birth to a shocking, intoxicated feeling.

That's the beauty that even women will indulge in.

Such a perfect princess ...

Only Tu'an, the greatest national teacher, can be worthy ...

The maid said.

"Brother Chu has gone to the main hall? Is there anything to discuss with the father? Strange, is there something happening? Brother Chu rarely participates in these serious matters. The father will not go to Chu unless he encounters a big problem. Brother helps ... what will it be ... "

Yu Shu murmured suspiciously, and looked up, "Do you know, Cui'er?"

Yu Shu's voice is beautiful and beautiful like music.

The jade arm stretched and slowly stood up, the graceful body drilled out of the bedding, and suddenly the wind and the emotion were infinite. The countless pearlescent treasures in the bedroom, all dimmed in a flash ...

The thin pajamas cannot cover the graceful posture. The exquisite curves outline the most touching scenery in the world. The exquisite jade arms, slender waist and limbs are unbearable, and the surplus snow peaks are round and full of elasticity, as if springing up, under the shackles of pajamas, exudes a girlish style.

The slender and tall posture is perfect to the extreme and stunning to the extreme!

Can't pick out the slightest flaw!

With Chutian's martial arts and monastic practices over the years, Yushu's figure is more touching than the original. Chu Tian's teaching, but can not only practice martial arts, but also beauty! At that time, the loli girl has grown into a princess of allure, and raising her hands and raising her feet is enough to affect the infinite wind. Love!

Skin, looks, temperament ...

Every aspect is not as beautiful as the rest of the world ...

Eyes full of glory, as brilliant as stars, look at it, it will make people fascinated ... The crystal white skin, blown and blown, exquisite and exquisite ... The temperament of dust is unparalleled in the world ...

The maid opposite was startled again ...


So beautiful!

It's a fairy!

Is there such a beautiful woman in the world? Even if I have seen it so many times, I still can't help but indulge!

"--Cui'er ... Cui'er?" Yu Shu shouted again.

After a while, the maid responded, her face flushed, and she was sorry for her gaffe. He quickly handed over the clothes and said, "Princess Qijun! The king's complexion is not very good. He sent someone to invite the master of the country early today. The slave-servant seemed to hear that it was related to the Qin Kingdom ... but the master of the national teacher was still as usual Cheng Zhu is in the chest. Do n’t worry, princess, there is no difficult problem that cannot be solved in this world!

Yu Shu listened to Cui'er and said with a smile: "The same is true of Brother Chu!"

The faint smile is more brilliant than the flowers.

When hearing others praise Chu Tian, ​​Yushu was always very happy.

After wearing it, wearing a snow-white long dress, and confirming that she was dressed in the favorite style of Brother Chu, Yu Shu ran out of the door briskly and headed towards the main hall ...

Brother Chu, where would you go with yourself today?

Brother Chu, will you praise your beauty?

Brother Chu ... when to raise a kiss with my father ...

Yushu's heart is sweet, looking forward to ...

After walking through the corridors, Yu Shu came to the palace hall. Far away, I heard Chu Tian talking with her father ...

In the palace.

With an angry expression on his face, King Tuan reached out to the south, that is, in the direction of Xianyang, the capital of the Qin Kingdom. He scolded and cursed, completely without the usual calmness. The look of anger is so high, the guards who come and go are giggling ...

"... Yingzheng this old dog! Damn it! What's the point! Isn't it the reunification of the Six Kingdoms? Is he so arrogant? It's so arrogant, too shit! Ruin Tuan? I want to see if he dares! "

"Who is my daughter? My daughter is so beautiful, the Tu'an people respect her as a fairy, and can't bear to let her suffer a little grievance. Yingzheng, a bitch, he was an old man who stepped into the coffin one by one. Actually have such an inconspicuous thought? Harmony? I ah! I do n’t **** and take photos of myself, what is he like! He does n’t deserve to give my daughter shoes! "

"Paralyzed! We are so good guys in Tuan, and we are never afraid of fighting! It is no way to ask my daughter to marry him!"

"Guo Shi, don't worry, Yu Shu will never marry Yingzheng. Does he want it? He really thinks he is the master of the world? This is Tu'an, not Daqin! ..."

"If Lao Tzu had to look after Tu An, he would take his soldiers to Xianyang now!"


The king of Tuan scolded and scolded him, and he criticized Ying Zheng completely.

Princess Yushu, Qingcheng Qingguo, Tianzi Guose, Fairy Fairy ... and so on, some of the reputations have gradually spread over the years. The beauty of Princess Yushu was even compiled into a nursery rhyme, and legends about her can be heard in the streets and alleys.

Moreover, she was informed by Yingzheng!

So, Yingzheng was also excited. Send someone to deter, either marry Yu Shu or go to war!

Although it is a bit different from the original, it is not much difference ... The King of Tu'an is cursing at the moment, expressing his determination to Chu Tian: Yu Shu, he will never marry Yingzheng, even if he goes to war!

If in the original book, the king of Tu'an absolutely did not have this courage, nor did he have the patience and clamor to win politics. Tu'an and Daqin are not at the same level.

But now it ’s different, now Tu’an, but with Chu Tian, ​​a man equivalent to a **** ...

Although these years, Chu Tian, ​​the national teacher, has not made any contribution to Tu'an. But from the mouth of his daughter, King Tu'an also knew some of Chu Tian's strength.

That is, equivalent to the existence of gods!

The power that mortals can only look up to!

Over the years, Chu Tian's appearance has remained unchanged, and his youth is not old. The king of Tu'an is not a fool! Why can't you see it! Such a force, if you don't see it with your own eyes, can't believe it!

Even if you offend Da Qin, you can't neglect Chu Tian! !

Chu Tian was just about to open his mouth so that the goods wouldn't be noisy. A fragrance came out, accompanied by Yu Shumei's wonderful fairy sound.

"Father King! Father King! Father King, I don't want to marry Yingzheng, I don't want! Daughter, daughter will never marry Yingzheng! Daughter, daughter--

Yu Shu glanced at Chu Tian, ​​his face slightly red.

Standing beside Chu Tian, ​​Yu Shu gently held Chu Tian's arm and showed his heart. Yu Shu's white skirt is elegant and beautiful ...

"Father, you ... you know ... daughter ... daughter already in her heart ..."

Yushu whispered again.

Sashuang's heroic attitude is combined with the shyness of her daughter's family. Now Yushu adds a touch of emotion.

Tu'an is a minority nationality in the frontier. The relationship between men and women is not as comfortable as Qin's, and the relationship between Yushu and Chutian has been recognized by King Tu'an. At this time, Yushu did not Too many concerns.

Gently grasping Chu Tian's arm and showing his heart to his father, Yushu only felt very comfortable in his heart ...

Good man and pretty girl, it would be perfect to describe Chu Tian and Yu Shu ...

King Tuan smiled and said:

"Silly daughter, you can rest assured, how could the father-in-law marry you to Yingzheng? Moreover, if Guozheng is here, even if Yingzheng wants to move you, he has to weigh himself! Look at this matter, Guoshi How to deal with it? This matter is related to the national division, this king is still under the direction of the national division, haha ​​... haha ​​... "

King Tuan smirked.

There is Chu Tian, ​​he is afraid of a hair! Once a small country, now it is finally able to stand up and reject Qin's request! That's so cool!


(The photo is a picture of Yushu ’s actor in the TV series ~)

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