Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 8: Qin Wang asked Changsheng (2)

Chu Tian also smiled.

Chu Tian can probably guess King Tuan's thoughts. However, there is no denying it.

Not only can you stammer yourself, but also make your daughter happy, the best of both worlds. This king of Tu'an is also time to run.

Chu Tian nodded and looked at Yu Shu said:

"Your father said. Yushu, you don't have to worry too much. Yingzheng's daydreams don't care about him. When he puts a fart, he doesn't care much.

Chu Tian still has an indifferent tone.

Everyone in the world is afraid of Yingzheng. Even the top players in Jianghu Lake are afraid of Yingzheng by three points. The strength of the army is simply not something that can be countered by personal force.

But in Chu Tian's eyes, wanting to kill Yingzheng was just a matter of thought.

If he were not more interested in the rivers and lakes of this world, Chu Tian would have already eliminated Ying Zheng and became king. It's a pity that in a world of turmoil, the imperial court is not interesting, and life in rivers and lakes is more exciting ...

After listening to Chu Tian, ​​Yu Shu nodded sweetly and said:

"I know that Brother Chu is here and will not hurt Yu Shu ... Then, what is Brother Chu going to do? Yingzheng is threatening the entire Tuan this time ..."

"This, in fact, I have already planned. Yushu you martial arts success, but has not been experienced, and staying in Tuan for so many years, it is also time for you to go out to meet the world. In fact, I was planning this before Well, now, Yingzheng is looking for death, just ... "

Chu Tian touched his chin and said slowly, "I'll take you out to play, experience some things, do something ... By the way, go to Xianyang to repair Yingzheng."

Do something.

By the way, repair Ying Ying.

Just by the way ... the whole world, only Chu Tian dare to say such a thing ...

King Tu'an swallowed the opposite face, swallowing his astonishment, thanking him for being wise and letting Chu Tian stay. How terrifying Chu Tian ’s military value is, the king of Tu’an does n’t know, but now, there is no need to worry at all!

Chu Tian is not afraid of Ying Zheng, but does not put Ying Zheng in his eyes at all!

This time it was indeed right!

"Mr. Chu, I wish you a smooth journey! Yingzheng dare to have a very good idea of ​​my daughter, torture him!" King Tuan stuttered, even Chutian's mantra was used.

"Thanks to you, I will teach him well." Chu Tian smiled.

"When will the National Division start? I'm so good, Mr. Tuan." King Tuan asked.

"Three days later. Yushu's salute will be cleared up and you can go." Chu Tian turned to ask Yushu around him and said, "Yushu, don't you have anything else?"

"As long as Brother Chu is here, Yushu can go anywhere!"

"Okay, then three days later."


After a little chat, Chu Tian and others set the itinerary.

Three days later, Chu Tian will take Yu Shu to leave Tu'an, take a look at the world of wind and clouds, the world of mythology.

In fact, Chu Tian had plans to leave before. Yu Shu is 14 years old this year, and the plot is almost about to begin. Now it's time to start preparing for a ride.

Anyway, it's also related to the Fengyun World. I don't have any influence in my own family, is it too cheap to go out? I have to assemble a force ...

Chu Tian thought of Emperor Shi Tian in Fengyun ...

And Tianmen ...

These things are not here yet ...

In this world, despite the supremacy of force, Chu Tian does not need to worry about anything. But when pretending to be forced, there is no need to cheer on dog legs.

Thinking about it, Chu Tiandao said:

"... Yu Shu, I suddenly have a good game. I'm going to set up a super organization that hides behind the scenes and come to a luxury game ... This organization is simply called Tianmen. Do you want to participate?

"Okay, okay ... But Brother Chu, why do you say" yeah "?"

"Because the organization was originally created by another person, I advanced the time a little bit ..."

"Ah ... Brother Chu, how do you know?"

"Hey, because I am a prophet."

Yushu certainly didn't understand what Chutian was doing.

Even more do not understand, Chu Tian as a traversal, that kind of rogue taste. Founding Tianmen, replacing Emperor Shitian, I feel a little excited when I think about it ...

However, Yu Shu saw that Chu Tian was so rare and elegant, and he gladly joined Chu Tian's game. The first time he left Tu'an, he was alone with Chu Tian, ​​and Yu Shu was very happy.

In this way, Princess Yushu, one of the major giants in the future [Tianmen], became the first group of people in Tianmen ...



at the same time.

Thousands of miles away. Xianyang City.

Chu Tian, ​​who had just been ignored by Chu Tian for a long time, was sitting in a golden dragon chair, looking at a large group of civilian and military officials below.

Although Chu Tian does not take Ying Zheng as his eyes, compared with ordinary people, Ying Zheng is still an unattainable existence. Yingzheng dominates the world and achieves an age of one emperor. Nowadays, almost no one can compete with it!

The peak of power is nothing more than that!

However, the world's winning government has been achieved, and it began to covet more and more. Beautiful women, gold and silver jewelry, even, he wants to be the master of this world forever, and wants to live forever ...

Just a lifetime is not enough!

Yingzheng, looked at the goal for longevity!

Looking at the ministers below, Ying Zheng's eyes were as sharp as a knife, especially on one of them, he stayed for a long time ...

The suspicion is still happy, no one can guess that the heart of the emperor is always the most difficult to figure out. After not knowing how long, Yingzheng said, "Xu Fu. What did you say, seriously?"

The next courtier suddenly fell to his knees!

While kowtowing, I respectfully said:

"Chen dare not deceive the king! If he has half a lie, he is willing to be punished! The minister consulted the ancient books, alchemy countless, and never dare to deceive the king! Longevity is immortal, there is indeed a willingness! As long as there is phoenix blood as medicine A kind of precious medicinal herbs, immortal medicine, Weichen believes that it can be made! "

"Phoenix blood? Phoenix blood? How can such legendary things be believed?" Ying Zheng frowned.

"King! The ancient gods and beasts, such as the fire unicorn and the four giant beasts, actually exist in the world, but the world does not know their traces. Weichen has searched and explored for many years, turned through the classics, visited the famous mountains and rivers, and now finally found the Phoenix Traces. As long as the king is willing, Weichen will immediately take the blood of the phoenix and make elixir for the king! "

Xu Fu's words were powerful and confident.

Yingzheng's heart beat quickly.


Sure enough, Yingzheng was still excited. Phoenix said, even if it is fake, it is worth a try! The longing for longevity is too great.

With a big sleeve waving, Ying Zheng immediately ordered:

"Good! Xu Fu, I will give you 20,000 elite teachers. When I go to catch the phoenix, I must bring the blood of the phoenix back to me! All the world belongs to me, every beast god, I want to block my long life !!

"Long live your majesty, long live, long live!"


Overnight coded 2 chapters ahead of time.

If nothing goes wrong, there are 2 chapters. There may be a chapter at 11 o'clock in the evening, so you don't have to wait.

Doing the plan overnight ,,,

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