Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 16: Satsuki, follow me (3)

【Small Moon Picture】


The important heroine in "Mythology" has a beautiful appearance, comparable to Yu Shu. The prototype of Yu Ji in history is Xiaoyue, and she is also one of the women with tragic fate.

Speaking of which, the heroines in "Mythology" have almost no good ending and their fate is tragic.

Yu Shu, Xiaoyue, Lu Pheasant, and Lu Su all ended up miserably. One of the goals of Chu Tian's coming to the palace this time was to take Xiaoyue away.

Save the beauty and enjoy life, why not do it?

Moreover, in the plot of Mythology, two thousand years later, Gao Lan in modern society is almost exactly the same as Xiaoyue. Obviously there is no blood relationship, one is the modern beauty Gao Lan, the other is the ancient beauty Xiaoyue, but the two are so similar, like twins ...

It ’s also Chutian ’s bad taste to serve a pair of sisters ...

Quack, quack, two thousand years, it's a scum in Chu Tian's eyes! Chu Tian has always been very patient!

"It's here. The person I'm looking for is in this palace."

Not long after Chu Tian and Yu Shu left, they stopped in front of a palace.

Shennian enveloped the entire palace, and everything in the palace could not escape Chu Tian's lock. Xiaoyue was soon discovered by Chu Tian.

Xiaoyue is washing clothes in the palace in front, and there are piles of clothes ...

Some court ladies scolded Xiaoyue while urging Xiaoyue to hurry up. Xiaoyue was in tears, harder, and her head was sweating, but she still dared not stop.

There were four or five other court ladies who were scolded together with Xiaoyue.

In the royal palace, the intrigue between the court ladies is very powerful, as much as the political struggle in the court. The battle between the harem concubines and the fierce scenes throughout the ages is well known ...

Xiaoyue must have had a bad time in the past ...

"Brother Tian, ​​I don't like this place in the palace. The people here, too ... too disgust me!"

Yushu frowned.

Although Tu'an also has a palace, it is quite different from Daqin's palace. What can be felt there is more the friendship between the monarchs and the ministers, and the sisters between the court ladies are deep in love, and there is not much intrigue.

Although life is not luxurious here, it is more simply comfortable.

Chu Tian nodded:

"There are fights where there are people. The palace is the most concentrated place in the world. The fight is the most obvious. Well, don't think too much, just be happy, let's go in."


Chu Tian and Yu Shu walked into the palace in front of them.

In the palace, the court ladies and eunuchs come and go. Seeing that a stranger came suddenly, he couldn't help but stunned, Chu Tian and Yushu had a temperament dust, just like a fairy, so that everyone was lost!

The eunuchs, don't know if they should stop Chu Tian from going in. Because Chu Tian and Yu Shu are not ordinary people in any way ...

"You, what are you ... people?"

"This is the harem's place, without His Majesty's password, must not—"

"Please present the token—"


Everyone politely dissuaded.

Without waiting for everyone to block, suddenly—

boom! ! !

Chu Tian's thoughts moved a little, and the momentum was violent!

The majesty of the heavens and the earth alone, in fact, like gods, floods the whole hall! All the eunuchs and court ladies looked pale in a flash!

The horrible pressure made everyone unable to say half a word!

The bones creaked, the heartbeat accelerated, the air seemed to freeze, and breathing was extremely difficult!

The limbs are soft, Mo said that walking is obstructed, and even a simple hand-raising movement is impossible! Just the momentum brings such oppression!

The sweat beads flowed down from the forehead, and the fear took everyone's heart!

It seems that life is no longer your own, as if the other party can kill everything with just one thought! This powerful momentum is unheard of by everyone! !

"Why ... how ... what ..." A **** who had practiced a little martial arts, biting his teeth, said something like this. He is good at martial arts, but he can only maintain it ...

"Who are they ..."

Chu Tian took Yu Shu's hand, ignored everything, and continued to walk forward.

All of them fell to their knees on both sides.

All of them seemed to be able to move with great strength.

The most powerful master, who has practiced some martial arts, under Chu Tian ’s momentum, can only bend down and barely maintain his body shape, so as not to fall to the ground ...

The majestic majesty is not something that mortals can resist ...

Everyone can only watch the sky and watch Chu Tian and Yu Shu walk into the depths of the palace, they can't resist at all. Shivering, shaking. Shaking ...


"I don't want to do it, and you don't have to panic. I just need to be a little more serious, and with vigor, it's enough to make you exterminate ... I just want to take away a person, not kill you."

Chu Tian said lightly, ignoring everyone.

Yushu held Chu Tian's shoulders, the two walked slowly, countless people stumbled along the way, and Chu Tian's people who were several meters around him would even be stunned and comatose!

Soon, I came to the depths of the palace and saw Xiaoyue who was doing laundry in the distance ...

Everyone fell to their knees in horror.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they didn't understand the horrible man's attempt to come to the harem! Isn't this legendary superhero appearing very rarely! ?

Only Xiaoyue, under the deliberate strength of Chu Tian, ​​has no influence at all.

Chu Tian looked at Wu understand and understand, so unknown month Xiaoyue suddenly laughed:

"I know you. Your name is Xiaoyue, from the Chu Kingdom. It should have been surnamed Yu, right? Pack up and prepare to go with me and leave here."

The girl stood at the same place, her beautiful pupil was wide open, and she looked at Chu Tian inconceivably.

This man, after making such a big move, is he trying to take her away? But, she didn't know her at all!

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