Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 17: The Angry First Emperor (4)

【Small Moon Picture】

Xiaoyue's bright eyes are very beautiful and smart.

Looking at Chu Tian, ​​Xiaoyue was a little scared and a little curious. This man didn't know what he had done, so everyone couldn't move. With her lips squeezed nervously, Xiaoyue finally asked: "Who ... who are you? Why ... why should you take me away? We ... have we met before?"

Xiaoyue's mood is tense.

Strange man. Powerful man. Mysterious man. A man who seems to care about himself. The most handsome man I have ever seen ...

The above is Xiaoyue's first impression of Chu Tian.

It ’s not good, but it ’s not bad.

It was just that Chu Tian walked into the palace alone, relying on his momentum to suppress a large group of people. On the ground, such a terrorist force worried Xiaoyue a little.

However, relying on the girl's sixth sense, Xiaoyue faintly felt that this man was not malicious to himself, nor for any unspeakable purpose. Even, in Chu Tian's calm eyes, a little ... pity?

It was like sympathizing with her tragic encounter and fate.

Xiaoyue didn't understand.

Although her life is a bit harder, it is by no means a tragic life ...

Did the man opposite really come because of himself?


Xiaoyue looked at Chu Tian and waited for Chu Tian's answer ...

The opposite Chu Tian paused for a while, not knowing what to say.

Say you are watching TV and know about Xiaoyue's story? I am afraid that Xiaoyue will never understand it. After thinking about it, Chu Tian still said: "Indeed, we haven't seen it, and we haven't had any intersections. However, I know you, I know you, and know many of your things. The reason is temporarily not good. You tell me clearly. Just follow me, you do n’t need to think so much. Life in the palace is not for you, really, follow me. "

Xiaoyue is still puzzled:

"But, I don't know you at all--"

"No. But many people want this opportunity, not yet. Listen, today I am here to take you away, not to ask if you want to go."

Chu Tian interrupted calmly, the strength in his tone was beyond doubt.

It seems that no matter whether Xiaoyue agrees or disagrees, Xiaoyue must be taken away.

The opposite Xiaoyue clenched her hands and was a little scared. Chu Tian's powerful power was obviously very powerful, and even the guards in the palace could not resist her. Although Chu Tian was very kind to her, this powerful method and the power of terror made Xiao Yue feel very uneasy.

She seems to only listen to Chu Tian.

Many of the maidens around me, under Chu Tian ’s huge coercion, have gradually lost their consciousness and passed out. The coma has passed for a long time, I am afraid that life will be in danger!

Such a strong Chu Tian, ​​even if he wants to resist, can't do it!

Tangled for a while, Xiaoyue said:

"I can go with you, but I will ask one more question at the end. Where are you going to take me? What am I going to do? You have taken me so much to take me away, is there anything you can do to use me?"

"This one--"

Chu Tian thought for a while and spread his hands, "Where to go, I haven't decided yet. As for what I'm doing, I'm going to create a superpower. If you don't dislike it, you can play inside and be a big sister. Or If you do n’t want to play inside, you can go to other places, vacation, travel, etc., whatever you want, just do it ... "

"Isn't that free?"

"Why, don't believe it, or do you think I have any attempts?"

"No, just, just ..."

"If you have no idea, just follow me. Oh, let me introduce, my name is Chu Tian."


Xiaoyue couldn't see through this man.

The man seemed to simply want to take her out of the palace. No matter whether she agreed or not, she would take it away. Xiaoyue couldn't figure out why Chu Tian had to take her out of the palace.

Chu Tian's so strong power should not use her to do anything.

For what?

Xiaoyue still can't figure it out ...

However, resistance is meaningless, and Xiaoyue understands this. Xiaoyue nodded with several court ladies and walked gently towards Chu Tian.

"I will go with you."

Xiaoyue whispered.

The breeze was blowing, the pale green palace dress was dancing, and Xiao Yue's beautiful temperament was also very touching, almost no less than Yu Shu.

"That's good, I don't want to do the kidnapping of beautiful women. Let's go, things are almost done, Yingzheng is really rubbish, why the whole palace is an ugly girl ... Of course, excluding Xiaoyue you."

Chu Tian said with a smile, turned around and walked outside the palace.

While walking, they introduced Yushu and Xiaoyue to each other to familiarize the two girls.

Yushu Qingcheng is a country with unparalleled looks, which is naturally needless to say.

Xiaoyue's appearance is actually comparable to Yushu, and even in the entire palace, it is far more than the rest of the women. Chu Tian once searched the beauty of the whole world with Shen Nian, and few of them were eye-catching. As the heroine of this world, the beauty of Xiaoyue naturally exceeds that of the rest.

Otherwise, with so many people in the harem, how could Chu Tian take only one person from Xiaoyue?

When Xiaoyue and Yushu met for the first time, they both felt the beauty of each other. The two women soon began to talk intimately ... Especially Yushu seemed to think of Chu Tian ’s ten days and ten nights of madness and heartbeat. When I saw Xiaoyue at this time, it was like seeing a savior ...

The three left slowly.

As Chu Tian left.

The huge pressure spread like tide.

The entire palace, inside and out, the numerous eunuchs of the court ladies, all collapsed to the ground at the moment when the huge pressure spread away!

All the energy is exhausted! In order to resist the powerful oppression of Chu Tian! As if I had carried out an overloaded exercise, my physical strength and spirit were extremely consumed!

Chu Tian's mighty momentum makes people's spirit, flesh and body rush one after another!

Looking at the figure of Chu Tian who is gradually away, the first thought that emerged in everyone's mind is that this person is not a god! ?

so horrible…



the other side.

When Yingzheng was taking a nap, she suddenly received reports from her subordinates.

Originally, Yingzheng was also prepared to scold the subordinates who disturbed his rest, but when he heard the report, he was stunned ...

Xu Fu was killed.

Dan Pharmacy was bombed.

And his elixir was taken away.

The plan for immortality for so many years was so easily stolen by others. Suddenly, the political distress disappeared, and the anger was attacked! He stood up and kicked over the front table!

"Go to your mother's rice bucket! A group of rice buckets! Let me die! Damn! Damn things! So many people let two people break into the palace and take away the Elixir. What do I want you to do!"

"--Come, come! Come to me all! Dare to stop my longevity, I want you to live better than die !!!"

"Follow me to recapture the anti-aging medicine !! The meritorious rewards !!!"

All the horses in the entire palace were instantly concentrated, and even the troops in the capital were mobilized. Yingzheng took a large group of people and rushed to the place where the incident happened ...


Let's have a meal ~

There are 2 chapters ~ a little later ~

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