Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 23: Threesome, Tianmenli (5)

Everyone in the world is talking about Chu Tian.

Whether it is the sisters of the Lu family, or the future overlord Xiang Yu, or the **** Liu Bang, they are all paying attention to Chu Tian. Chu Tian has now become the center of the world.

And Chu Tian himself ...

Right now, he has not been influenced by public opinion and is at ease. Accompanying two big beauties, traveling all the way along the mountains and rivers, wandering around ...

"Brother Chu! Brother Chu! I learned, I finally learned, Brother Chu--"

The light and soft voice fluttered.

A young girl in a pale pink dress with a graceful posture and picturesque Daimei, like an elegant butterfly flying above the grassland. The girl does n’t even need to borrow any power to stay in the air.

The graceful figure makes people drunk.

Immediately, the girl fell gently on Chu Tian's side like soft feathers.

The girl is Xiaoyue.

In just a few months, Xiaoyue has undergone earth-shaking changes. Smiling at each other with Yu Shu on the side, the two women looked at Chu Tian at the same time, as if waiting for Chu Tian's evaluation.

"Well, barely learned."

Chu Tian nodded, quite a bit of the style of a human teacher, saying, "Thanks to the blood of the Phoenix, the blood of the Phoenix can not only make people live forever. Even if you have not practiced martial arts, the blood of the Phoenix is ​​enough to cover all your shortcomings. Make up. And in terms of internal interest, it is as long as a line, endless, which is a little stronger than I thought. Probably, this phoenix is ​​a mother ... "

Xiaoyue pouted and chuckled:

"Brother Chu, does this matter?"

Chu Tian has a model and said: "Of course, men are yang and women are yin. If yin and yang are incompatible, they must be rejected, but they are different in size. If it is not you who serves the blood of the phoenix, but Xu Fu, the effect is definitely not as good is you."

Xiaoyue nodded inexplicably.

However, since Chu Tian said, it must be right.

After Chutian left the palace that day, Xiaoyue spent several days to gradually accept the reality and accept the fact that Chutian is a terrible person. And as I think of getting along with these days, Xiaoyue knows more and more about Chu Tian ’s unfathomable strength. It is not an exaggeration to say that Chu Tian is a **** ...

Chu Tian ’s mystery, profoundness, everything is unimaginably horrible.

Such Chutian, Xiaoyue is extremely trustworthy, even more trusting himself.

Xiaoyue leaned on Yushu ’s shoulders, and the two girls chuckled and whispered, chatting for a while, saying: "Then, Brother Chu, what do I have to learn next? You taught me swordsmanship, palming, light skills, and Inner Gongxin, should we learn more advanced next? "

"No, that's it."


Chu Tiandao said: "Teaching you these is just a foundation, don't underestimate the four basic skills I taught you, practice it, move the mountains and the sea, fly to the ground, don't talk about it. Now you, with the blood of the Phoenix, the world can No more than 10 people can beat you. "

"This, this, so powerful!"

"Do you believe it?" Chu Tian asked back.

"No, no, I, I just feel, feel ..."

While Xiaoyue was surprised, there was an unspeakable taste. My eyes are sour, but my heart is sweet.

Everything is dreamlike.

Life in these past few months is like a dream, too beautiful and beautiful, Chu Tian ’s concern about teaching, Yu Shu ’s sisters are affectionate, everything is too beautiful, Xiao Yuesheng fears that this is just a dream, after waking up There is no more.

In the past, Xiaoyue was just a little maiden who was sent off arbitrarily.

No one cares.

There will never be such a beautiful and happy moment.

Everything now is something that Xiaoyue didn't dare to think before.

Even, making Qin Shihuang angry, mobilized tens of thousands of elite soldiers to get the elixir of death, and paid countless prices to slaughter the hard-to-refine elixir of Phoenix, Chu Tian also like a candy, stuffed into her mouth ...

Chu Tian also taught her martial arts, making her one of the best in the world. It ’s ridiculous that she did n’t know she was so powerful.

Chu Tian also taught her various truths and learned various customs and customs with her.

And Yushu cares about her.

All kinds of carefree, happy laughter ...

Looking back abruptly, Xiaoyue found that she was able to know Chu Tian, ​​which was so good. All of this could never be touched, but now she can have it so easily ...

"--Okay, Xiaoyue, don't you just become a master? Don't be too surprised. Follow Brother Chu and me, there will be more surprises in the future!"

Chu Tian said, shaving Xiaoyue's Qiong nose, Xiaoyue's face turned red, don't look away.

The two have also gotten close to each other these days. Chu Tian smiled, then said:

"In short, I ’ve decided, and let ’s start today. I planned it a few months ago, and you know it. Um, no matter how many people I have, I want to build up the sect first, and then I ... The three of us were the first batch of people in this school and the most senior senior ... "

"Brother Tian, ​​are you going to create a school?" Yu Shu asked happily. Such a thing must be very interesting.

"Well, yes, I have thought about it. Our school is called [Tianmen]. Tianmen, Gee, both short and rich, just like my name ..." Chu Tian said narcissistically.

"Tianmen? Brother Chu, but we have only three people now ..." Xiaoyue whispered softly.

Brother Chu was so powerful that he founded a three-person martial art, which was too inconsistent with his identity. Xiaoyue secretly thought.

Xiaoyue has now become one of Chu Tian's admirers. Such a dissident martial art, the girl always feels that she is not worthy of her brother Chu.

"Well, the main school is from the small school, don't worry, take your time."

"But there are too few people ..."

"No, Yushu hurts me too?"


The three discussed for a while.

In the future, the behemoth that controlled the whole world, Tianmen, was established in the playful sound of Chu Tian, ​​Yu Shu, and Xiao Yue.

Although, there are only three people ...

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