Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 24: Catch up with the plot (1)

【Lu Sutu】

Now that Tianmen has been established, the next step is to convene manpower and expand its scale.

Those so-called lower-class people, little ones, etc., Chu Tian didn't have to worry at all, and didn't care about it. Even if there are only three members, Chu Tian has never been in a hurry.

With tens of thousands of blood bodhi in his pocket, together with Chu Tian's terrifying alchemy ability, even a group of ordinary people, Chu Tian can use the Elixir and instantly turn them into good masters. Under that kind of scum, you can build as much as you want. Taking a step back, he said, even if no one turned to himself and forcibly altered his thinking, he had not done it. With Chu Tian's current strength, tampering with the memories of everyone in the whole Fengyun World will not have any difficulties ...

Ordinary subordinates don't matter, don't worry.

In other words, Chu Tian did not seriously think about this issue.

What Chutian wants now is high-end combat power.

High-level staff of Tianmen.

A thousand troops are easy to obtain, and one will be hard to find.

The first condition for Chutian ’s Tianmen high-end combat strength is the peerless beauty.

At least you have to have the beauty of Yushu and Xiaoyue to be eligible for selection!

It is Chu Tian's goal to build Tianmen into the strongest force and huge harem that he pretends to be! The beauty of Fengyun World is like clouds, not all included, I feel sorry for myself! What Nie Feng, what steps shocked the cloud, and stayed together!

So, these days, Chu Tian and Yu Shu two girls wandering around, secretly looking for the beautiful women who live in the folk ...

Half a month passed away.

Because Chu Tian's aesthetic vision is too high, or in the Qin Dynasty, the environment was bad, the food was not good, and he could not raise the beautiful women of the alluring country. So much so that Chu Tian now has little success.

Fortunately, Yushu and Xiaoyue were accompanied by two big beauties, who traveled all the way to the mountains and rivers, or loved each other, pointed at martial arts, and helped each other when the road was uneven.

The relationship between Xiaoyue and Chutian is getting closer and closer.

The little girl sometimes dreams of various intimacy with Chu Tian in her dream ...

The little girl is not very resistant to Chu Tian ’s occasional insignificant movements, such as inadvertently attacking the chest ...

Yu Shu also helped to match Chu Tian and Xiao Yue. The thoughts of the women of this age, the third wife and the concubine were still deep in the bone marrow, and there was no resistance at all ...

The relationship between the three is becoming more and more intimate, almost indistinguishable from each other ...

this day.

Chu Tian, ​​who was worried about the development of the senior staff of Tianmen, finally made new progress.

The idea covered the whole land, and the two sisters of the Lu family who had been secretly watching by Chu Tian finally went to Peixian like the plot.

Lu Gong, the two sisters of the Lu family, and a large group of family members of the Lu family, went to Peixian with a lot of property.

Chu Tianqing knew exactly what happened next.

On the way there will be robbery by bandits.

In the original book, Yi Xiaochuan, a modern man who traveled through time and space, rescued them.

But now, Chu Tian has suppressed the cause of time and space, and Yi Xiaochuan in the future cannot pass through, and no one will interfere here. Only Chu Tian could save them.

This is an event that Chu Tian still plans.

Turning around, Chu Tian greeted the two women:

"Yu Shu, Xiaoyue, I found a group of thieves ready to do bad things. Let's kill them. There are two good seedlings in the thief's target. I'm going to recruit them into the Heavenly Gate!

"Someone chose Tianmen? That's great, Brother Tian."

Yushu whispered, curling up like a fairy sound. In a white dress, fluttering with the wind and walking lightly, the charming charm of the first woman was so emotional that Chu Tian felt itchy in her heart.

"Brother Chu, it's not because you killed Yingzheng that caused the chaos in the world."

Xiaoyue said to Chu Tianjiao, the beautiful face of the young girl, white water, tender, compared with Yu Shu, a little less charming, a little more beautiful.

However, although it was said in the mouth that Chu Tiancai was in chaos, Xiaoyue was actually addicted to the heroine when she beat the thief, and she was quite proud.

After the two women came, they leaned gently beside Chu Tian.

Chu Tian's power instantly enveloped the two.

The space is distorted and the three people's whole body shines.

Crossing the distance of thousands of miles directly, Chu Tian, ​​Yushu, Xiaoyue, three people disappeared, and then appeared in a distant jungle ...

In the distance, Lu Gong's convoy is slowly approaching ...



"Let's watch the changes, don't move first. When the thieves come over, we will rescue them. That's more effective. Our goal is to recruit two people and enter the Tianmen."

After performing the stealth operation, Chu Tian stood in the distance and waited for the carriage to approach, an expression under control. The thief lurking on one side didn't even know that Chu Tian and his three were standing not far away.

Several carriages in the distance came slowly.

Behind is a large number of various cargo-carrying vehicles.

Lu's family is also rich, and there are many things. These thieves watched, and naturally they were tempted. When the carriage approached a distance of more than twenty meters, the bandits finally moved!


"Kill them!"

"All the goods are put down! All will not be left!"

"Brothers, come on--"


The entire team was in a panic.

The thieves picked up the trembling sword, and the sword fell in their hands, but several people fell seriously injured.

A total of more than twenty thieves, each of which is strong and armed with a sword. How can ordinary householders be opponents?

The thieves chopped frantically.

Robbing various belongings in the car.

A famous Ding fell one after another.

The thieves threw up and could not care about that much. Now that the world is so chaotic, someone who cuts a few people will not necessarily pay attention, not to mention that the barren mountains and ridges cannot be investigated at all.

In the panicked convoy, people fought desperately and struggled.

An old man in the car finally couldn't help but came out, waving his hands and shouting loudly: "Stop, stop, stop -----"


A thief's big knife passed by quickly, slashing through the chest of the old man, Lu Gong, and a blood-red mouth emerged. The old man's pupils swelled violently, and a spit of blood spewed out!

The old man shivered and fell straight!

Lu Gong, seriously injured!


Inside the car, the two women suddenly shouted, lifted the curtain, and leaned out of the body.

The two women are beautiful in appearance, graceful and almost gorgeous. Even compared to Yushu and Xiaoyue around Chu Tian, ​​it is no worse.

A bright and brisk, lively and moving; a calm and quiet, quiet and virgin. Two very different styles of rhythm and beauty are combined to add charm.

The two daughters are Lu Pheasant and Lu Su.

It's hard to imagine that Lugong could actually give birth to such a beautiful daughter ...

The thieves saw Lü Su and Lv Phy, and they were all stunned for a moment, as if they had lost their souls. Where are these wild people in the mountains, where have you seen such a boudoir, it is still so beautiful ...

The bandits collectively lost their souls and stared at the two daughters, Lu Su and Lu Pheasant, and forgot to **** the property ...

"No, Lu Gong was cut?"

Chu Tian, ​​who was not far away, pinched his sweat secretly, stunned.

Your sister, did not seem to have been cut in the original Lu Gong? Is it so shot now? Such an old man was cut with a knife, probably not far from death. In this way, it seems that Chu Tian has harmed Lu Gong ...

Chong Yushu and Xiaoyue laughed dryly, and Chu Tian was a little embarrassed. Immediately took a posture, withdrew his invisibility, domineering and leaked, and shouted: "The girl is not panic, I'm here--"

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