Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 25: Chicken Knife for Killing Chicken (2)

【Photo of Lu Pheasant】

"Girl is not panicking, I'm here--"

With this call, Chu Tian used the supreme mysterious Taoism.

The sound is loud, the sound is invisible, the head is drunk, and the air is upright ... all the words put together cannot describe Chu Tian's style at this moment. The eyes of everyone on the scene were attracted by Chu Tian. With Taoism, Chu Tian is commonplace ...

In order to save the heroes, Chu Tian spent his time this time. Even those who originally planned to come to rescue people together with Yushu and Xiaoyue, they came here first.

Chu Tian stepped out in one step and had already reached a distance of 100 meters.

Elegant and chic.

Face right, eyes squinted.

People who were so handsome and handsome now have added special effects, the effect is simply beyond description! The two daughters, Lu Pheasant and Lu Su, saw Chu Tian and suddenly forgot Lu Gong's serious injury ...

Is this the messenger sent by heaven to rescue?

The hearts of the two women ...

After all, Chu Tian's way of playing is too shocking, and this special skill assisted by karate is too dazzling ...

Of course, the thieves were also shocked by Chu Tian's way of appearing. When the thieves recovered, Chu Tian had arrived not far from them. One hundred meters in one step, or ten meters in one step, it seems to move slowly, but the speed is amazingly fast!

Just approach the crowd at an amazing speed! It's like a ghost! In stark contrast to Chu Tian's qi and calmness, it is terrifyingly unimaginable and so on!

The thieves were dumbfounded!

How can this person walk so fast?

Could it be that rumors-Wu! forest! high! hand! ?

"Don't move! Don't move !! Don't come over!"

"Boy, stop for me, we are thieves, thieves! Don't force us!"

"Hold those two girls hostages, hurry up!"

"This man is weird!"

"Everyone **** the guy!"


The thieves panicked!

In this world, there are martial arts masters.

These thieves have not really seen it with their own eyes, but rumors have been heard. Seeing Chu Tian at such a strange speed, he immediately divided Chu Tian into the ranks of martial arts masters.

Everyone took up their big swords, trying to stop Chu Tian from approaching.

It's a pity that Chu Tian pretending to be in progress will not allow himself to make a slight mistake ...

Shook his head.

Chu Tian's expression at this moment is very beating.

Chu Tian seemed to watch a group of ants move, and looked at the thieves on the opposite side. An aura of vastness gradually rose from Chu Tian's body, broad and boundless, containing everything, as if anyone, anything, could not be compared with Chu Tian. Chu Tian is the master of the world at this moment!

Powerful aura, it crushes everything!

Since it appeared in front of me, let me be the victim of pretending to be a girl!

Chu Tian spoke slowly, and the sound swept through like thunder. Although the sound was not loud, it was more than any loud words, it should be remembered: "It ’s really boring. The most uncomfortable in this seat is you. People. A group of men who dare to shoot women, still such beautiful women, you ... "

"All ... go to death."

Chu Tian grabbed it with his right hand.

The spirit of heaven and earth in a thousand miles was instantly drawn by Chu Tian into 30%!

The vast heaven and earth spirits gathered in the hands of Chu Tian, ​​forming a golden match of thousands of kilometers. The terrifying breath radiated from above, the strength of cohesion, and even the breath of destruction. Looking at the world, such a master can be done so easily, not now, nor in the future!

Only Chu Tian, ​​who exceeds the limits of the world, can do it!

boom! ! !

Chu Tian waved easily.

This piece of training that unites thousands of miles of real estate in the real estate, waved so vigorously. The whole sky dimmed in an instant, Chu Tian's momentum suppressed the whole space, and even breathing was extremely difficult!

The thieves on the opposite side opened their eyes, and they could not imagine killing them. They just robbed and met such a horrible person! Damn, why are there so many masters!

Want to avoid, but it is too late!

Even if you have time to avoid it, you can't move!

For a moment locked in Chu Tian's eyes, these thieves were locked in Chu Tian's mind!

At the moment locked by Chu Tian's mind, all the space, time, soul, thinking, luck, cause and effect of their whole body ... all these are all fixed!

Can't escape at all! !

"Boom !!!"

The violent force swept through.

More than a dozen thieves were destroyed by Chu Tian's blow on the terrain.

Everything is too fast to describe.

With a terrifying blow, the power did not dissipate. After the thief was eliminated, this magnificent force went straight to the sky, like a rocket. Half of the top of a mountain in the distance was also bombed cleanly, but The power of this blow didn't end there. The violent power kept going upwards, and then there was a bang in the sky, a blow to the sky, and the whole sky was shocked ...

The wind is going up and down, and the heavy rain is pouring down ...


"Fool ... cheat ..."

"How ... how could ..."

"this is…"


Several thieves who were deliberately let go by Chu Tian were so scared that they all peeed their pants.

Such a gaffe thief, to bring out Chu Tian's wise divine martial arts, the application is extraordinary.

The thieves roared loudly and cried softly, like a timid mouse ... And Chu Tian was brave like a tiger and leopard, walking slowly and calmly towards the thieves, invincible ...

In the distance, Lu Pheasant and Lu Pheasant's beautiful face was completely dull, as if frightened.

Originally, the two women were still crying for Lu Gong's injury, but at this moment, Chu Tian's scene was so amazing that both women forgot the injured Lu Gong, and just looked at Chu Tian blankly. Silly, as if dreaming ...

Chu Tian's hero saves the beauty ...

Chu Tian ’s horrifying power ...

There is also Chu Tian ’s handsomeness and demeanour that crushes all men in the world, as well as the current pretense ...

The two women are dumbfounded, forget everything, and have a strong visual shock. It has never been seen since the two women were born ...

Not to mention Lu Pheasant and Lu Su!

Even Lu Gong, who had a knife in the middle of his chest, forgot the pain, forgot howling, and stared at Chu Tian with death! Although the blood on the chest was rushing, Lu Gong seemed to be more energetic, gasping for breath, staring at Chu Tian without blinking his eyes, and his eyes were all staring!

How can it be!

How could there be such a person! ?

how come! ?

Nima, are you dreaming? This man is a man or a ghost! ?

Lu Gong, who has never believed in ghosts and gods, completely collapsed and was scared! Feel all your faith is destroyed! Is there really such a powerful person in this world? Gently wave your hand, shake the mountain and destroy everything! ?

Lu Gong gasped.

After slamming himself, he found it hurt, and Lu Gong realized that this was not a dream ...


Um, just 2 chapters, sorry.

Mud horse, this can't be pretended to be too invincible, it will also trouble, cough, ...

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