Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 29: Chu Tian was a prophet and divided the four realms of martial arts (2)

"Xiang Yu, where is your martial art now?"

Chu Tian's words are old-fashioned, a pair of elders.

It seems that he is even younger than Xiang Yu, but Chu Tian's tone is ordinary. The opposite Xiang Yu did not feel wrong, after all, Chu Tian's strength was there.

Strong people, regardless of age and gender, will be respected. Especially for people on rivers and lakes.

However, after Chu Tian asked this, Xiang Yu was stunned.

I didn't seem to understand the meaning of Chu Tian's words. Xiang Yu frowned, and there was a bit of doubt in his expression. After a pause, he asked back: "Wu Xue ... Realm?"

Chu Tian nodded and said:

"Yeah, what state are you in now?"

Xiang Yu was stunned for a while, still not speaking.

I do n’t seem to understand what Chu Tian ’s words mean. Xiang Yu pondered the word martial arts realm repeatedly, and said it again and again in his mouth.

"Wu Xue Realm? Wu Xue ... Realm ... Wu Xue ... Realm ..." Xiang Yu muttered to himself ...

Obviously very simple words, but Xiang Yu seems to be thinking hard ...

Watching this scene ...

Chu Tian thought of the things that have been experienced in other worlds ... Those initial human beings who did n’t even know the terms of day and night, did not know that the day is used to work at night and rest, and I do n’t know that there is spring and summer in a year In autumn and winter, there are twelve hours a day ...

That is the most initial stage of things development ...

Chu Tian groaned, secretly, wouldn't he?

How to say it is also a master. I do n’t even know what state I am in. This kind of wonderful flower should not be a master of martial arts! Although there are many people in the novel who inadvertently cultivate peerless martial arts without knowing it, it is only the beginning. After a while, they will gradually integrate and get instructions from others ...

At this level of Xiang Yu, it is impossible not to know his strength!

As a noble Xiang Yu, there must be someone pointing around, such as Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng, Xiang Yu will definitely not know his realm of martial arts!

That is to say-

The only possibility is-

"There is no division of martial arts realm in this world! Martial arts practice has not yet formed a complete system! It is not that Xiang Yu does not know his martial arts realm, but that the whole world has not divided this realm! Xiang Yu simply cannot know of!"

Chu Tian came to this conclusion!

Now it is only the Qin Dynasty.

Papermaking, printing, etc., did not produce a series of inventions. The spread of martial arts is much harder than in later generations. There is no communication, difficult inheritance, etc. Under various conditions, there is no complete system and it is understandable.

This is a time when the martial arts realm has not been divided, and it has been a time of ignorance.

No wonder there are not many masters now ...

Chu Tian nodded to himself ...

"Gaoren, Gaoren, what do you mean by the realm of martial arts?"

Xiang Yu finally asked.

Chu Tiangan coughed a few times and smiled.

It seems that it is time for me to become a great prophet and to force myself. Later generations of martial arts models may all have to follow their own line ...

Chu Tian shook his head and said:

"Xiang Yu, isn't it? Don't call me an expert, it's so unpleasant to call me, just call me Mr. Chu ... About this martial art realm, it's actually a concept I put forward myself. One, probably indicates the direction and measure of cultivation A set of standards for the strength of the warrior ... guidelines. "

"Guidelines?" Xiang Yu said in surprise.

Although Xiang Yu is not highly educated, he intuitively told him that this thing is awesome!

Nowadays, there are no guidelines for cultivation, all of which are based on the experience of the predecessors, handed down from generation to generation, and then explored by yourself. It is a common thing to take a fork!


This will be a major change in history!

Breathing heavily, Xiang Yu's expression of a good student's devotion and education was very excited.

Chu Tian nodded and continued:

"Based on my observations, summary, and analysis of principles. Finally, I made a brief division of the realm of martial arts in the practice of everyone in this world. In general, I divided it into four realms."

"People who practice martial arts nowadays are rushing around, rushing around randomly, and have no purpose. Even many martial arts classics, I am afraid that they have taken a wrong way ... With these four martial arts realms, the warriors just From low to high, if you practice with purpose, you can gradually become stronger ... "

"At the same time, this is also a criterion of judgment. Those with high realm can easily beat those with low realm ..."

"... Of course, the division of grades will only make people take a few wrong paths. If you want to become a master, you don't have to rely on this ... Even if I don't say it, I am probably almost summed up after hundreds of years ... "


"These four realms, I named them: Acquired Realm. Congenital Realm. Heaven and Man Realm. And, the Last Broken Void Realm."


Finished talking.

Xiang Yu was dumbfounded and completely shocked!

Chu Tian's remarks made Xiang Yumao stop, at the same time, he also realized that Chu Tian's division would be a significant step!

According to Chu Tian's explanation:

The acquired realm, almost all martial artists, are all in this realm!

Innate warriors, the internal force has returned to the original, and back to the innate, the quality and quantity cannot be the same as the acquired realm. The same is true of the body and qualifications. Like returning to the mother, it is easy to menstruate and regenerate, and the potential is greatly increased. The internal force is endless, cyclical, this is a brand new state ...

Even at the extreme of the innate realm, one can perceive the changes of the heavens and the people, perceive all kinds of wonderful phenomena, and communicate the power of the world with one's own power. This is the ultimate state of congenital realm, which can be done!

There are few innate warriors at present, not even Xiang Yu himself!

And the realm of heaven and man——

If you raise your hand, you have the prestige of heaven and earth.

After the extreme of the congenital realm, from the body to the world, it is the realm of heaven and man.

The power of exertion has also expanded from its own limitations to the entire world.

You can use the natural power of heaven and earth to launch a huge attack. Manpower is always exhausted, but the power of nature is indeed endless. After entering the realm of heaven and man, it is like the unity of heaven and man, raising his hands and throwing his feet, inducing the power of heaven and earth, terrifyingly strong! This is a completely different new realm! Gradually beyond the realm of mortals!

The farther back, the more terrifying the level gap of each realm!

As for the last state.

Broken void.

As the name suggests, power is enough to break the void and break the boundaries of space.

This is the strongest limit that people can reach, even the space can be broken, what else can't be done? However, after reaching this level, it is unpredictable whether it will usher in death or a new life ...

At least, Chu Tian seems to have no physical tempering, and most people who reach this state are about to die. In this respect, the possibility of those beasts is much greater ...


Xiang Yu stood blankly, and after a long, long time, he recovered.

Acquired, born, born, broken.

Four realms, Xiang Yu was shocked for a long time. For some of the principles Chu Tian said, Xiang Yu was also heard for the first time and was completely shocked.

In addition, Xiang Yu told Xiang Yu that Chu Tian was right!

Chu Tian divided the new era of martial arts!

Chu Tian regulated the basic principles of martial arts cultivation!

Chu Tian will become a legendary grand master!

Based on Chu Tian's current reputation for abusing Yingzheng, if this criterion is divided by Chu Tian, ​​no one will doubt that it will be popularized soon! The specification of martial arts level was abruptly advanced by Chu Tian for hundreds of years! When people learn martial arts in the future, the first thing that comes to mind is that people who have martial arts grades!

This is definitely a great feat forever!

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