Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 30: The benefits are not in vain (1)

"Sir, you ... are you going to make this rule public?"

Xiang Yu asked excitedly after being surprised for a long time.

These four realms, and the concise principles in them, are the guiding lights for countless martial arts people! With this division of Chu Tian, ​​you can practice step by step, with purpose, with the ultimate direction of cultivation, naturally there are a lot of detours!

Taking Xiang Yu himself, he used to practice hard internal exercises and various external exercises, thinking that as long as he keeps practicing. Although the strength is indeed very strong, Xiang Yu does not know that after the acquired realm, it is the innate realm! If we knew the direction of our efforts one step earlier, we might be stronger now!

This is the guiding role of the level!

Without a lot of research and broad knowledge in martial arts, it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing! Normally, this division of grades should be a hierarchical system that has been continually explored, revised, and gradually established by countless attempts ...

This should have been a theory gradually refined by the entire martial arts after a long period of time.

but now--

Chu Tian, ​​one person perfected it! And clarified all the principles!

Chu Tian smiled, and once again pretended to force Chu Tian to float. Nodded and said:

"Since I have proposed it, of course, I want to share it with everyone and contribute to the development of martial arts. Moreover, it is only a division of levels, and I don't need to be so excited."

Xiang Yu almost fell to his knees, shouting long live!

Almost looking at Chu Tian with his eyes looking up, Xiang Yu shouted loudly:

"Mr. Gao Yi! Xiang Yu admires! After a thousand years, the sir must become a legend of martial arts, admiring the world! Today, I can listen to Mr. Xiang's opinion, Xiang Yu is lucky!

"It's easy to talk."

Chu Tian is humble, but disdainful in his heart.

Legend of martial arts?

That kind of thing, Chu Tian has long missed it.

In so many worlds in the body, Chu Tian is already the supreme ruler and god-like existence! According to a legend, Chu Tian didn't care much.

Chu Tian just suddenly remembered it today, wanting to act as a force. The martial arts level will definitely be divided within hundreds of years, and I just contributed to it.

Without continuing to discuss this issue with Xiang Yu, Chu Tian's tone changed and returned to the previous words, saying: "Okay, Xiang Yu, aren't you coming to challenge me? The norm of martial arts level is not in a hurry, just a little The propaganda is spreading very quickly. Let's put this aside for now. I am just so happy today. Let me show you something first. "

"Thank you, Mr.!" Xiang Yu said with excitement.

"Okay, you're welcome, come on, let me see what you can do."

"Sir please!"



Xiang Yu was very excited.

Such an expert's advice must be cherished.

The two came to an open space and immediately started to fight. Chu Tian carried his hands on his back. In order to pretend to force, he said he would not fight Xiang Yu with both hands ...

Bang Bang Bang!


Bang Bang Bang!


The sound of fists and feet fighting in the forest.

Xiang Yu knew Chu Tian's power and naturally went all out. Even if Chu Tian does not try his hands, he will definitely not despise them! That is the existence of crushing 50,000 troops! Each punch of Xiang Yu exhausted his strength and exerted himself to suckle. Where the fist passed, the air made a roaring boom!

It was originally born with divine power, coupled with martial arts is also very high, every punch of Xiang Yu, has the prestige of cracking the mountain!

Do your best!


Xiang Yu is almost desperate!

Tree after tree fell one after another, Xiang Yu kept attacking, attacking, and kept punching. Combat experience is rich, natural divine power, strong internal force, and the skills are also superior ... All these things make Xiang Yu, who is in the acquired realm, already able to exert the power of the innate realm!

That's why Xiang Yu's strength is enough to sweep the entire era!

After half an hour--

Xiang Yu in the fierce battle suddenly looked up to the sky!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sn accordingly the thesoon it that it is on it."

boom! ! !

A punch of volley hit the trees in the distance!

Xiang Yu's violent internal force, after the first tree was bombarded and broken, it was the second, third, fourth ... a series of dozens of trees, all the baby Xiang Yu fell into the sky!

The strength of Xiang Yu's internal force instantly increased, and the whole person was almost reborn!

Fighting power doubled!

In Xiang Yu's eyes, a fierce sharp edge erupted, as if reborn!

The internal force that was originally consumed sharply in a short period of time has already recovered to the ground, and the recovery rate is faster than before, I don't know how many times faster! And some of his own understanding of martial arts seems to be a lot deeper!

Xiang Yu shouted:

"I am promoted to the innate realm !!!!!! I am at the inborn realm! This, this is the inborn realm !? Me, I am promoted to the innate realm! I am promoted to the innate realm! I, I, am I actually promoted? ..."

Xiang Yu shouted excitedly, suddenly realized what he was, and knelt towards Chu Tian in the distance!

How could Xiang Yu not understand why he was promoted in the battle?

Chu Tian clearly guided him deliberately!

If it were n’t for Chu Tian ’s guidance, it would take many years for Xiang Yu to enter this realm! Chu Tian's every move and every style is guiding Xiang Yu into this realm!

Xiang Yu knelt down and gratefully said:

"Mr. Daen, Xiang Yu can't forget! Xiang Yu, Xiang Yu thanks Mr. Cultivation! Mr. Xiang Yu will be completed if he is sent! Sir, please give him a visit!"

Xiang Yu couldn't believe it, there was such a master!

Still pointing him so selflessly!

Xiang Yu was so excited, even a little incoherent ... while saying all kinds of gratitude, he kept bowing. Chu Tian ’s advice, but Xiang Yu was saved for more than ten years, and even a longer time to explore.

For the warrior, it's not bad for the grace of reconstruction!

Chu Tian nodded with satisfaction.

Slowly walking towards Xiang Yu, it seems to be watching something.

Xiang Yu vaguely felt that Chu Tian's smile was a little weird, but there was no doubt. Xiang Yu now can be said to be both admiring and grateful for Chu Tian.

Chu Tian walked slowly to the kneeling Xiang Yu, stretched out his hand, and volleyed a little.

The connotation of a faint law, block it ...

The light and light words, like the rules that cannot be violated, are branded in Xiang Yu's heart: ...

"From today on, you are a member of Tianmen. Abandon all emotions of seven emotions and six desires, and be loyal to this seat. The will of this seat is above all else."

"[Tianmen] divides the three realms of heaven, earth, and human. You are the leader of the human world, dealing with common things. This seat gives you" Sunflower Collection ", all members of Tianmen must learn it.

"Publish the rules of martial arts formulated by this seat to the world, promote the prestige of this seat, and develop the power of Tianmen ..."





After some nagging, Chu Tian dropped Xiang Yu, returned to the carriage again, and dared to go to Peixian with all the women.

Xiang Yu?

Of course it is a collection of sunflower sunflowers, which helped Chu Tian to promote his deeds and to develop the Tianmen grassroots people by the way.

In just a short moment, Xiang Yu was promoted from the acquired realm to the innate realm, and then changed from the innate realm to the Chutian doll ... it is really a big ups and downs.

Chu Tian could not help but chuckle, he is not selfless and helpless Lei Feng, really think he is a good person? What if you do n’t mention Xiang Yu ’s martial arts and get killed by someone else! ?

"Yu Shu, go, let's go to Peixian to play!"

The matter was handed over to Xiang Yu, and Chu Tian continued to be free ...

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