Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 49: Bijian one with a horizontal kick (supplement)

"You! Yes! Success! Heart! And! Me! Go! Go! No !?"

Nine words, one word at a time, burst out of the mouth of the swordsman in white.

Every word seemed to carry a fierce killing intent, and the people were horrified. At the moment when each word is spoken, a wave of leaves rises on the ground, and the majestic internal force is spread around by the voice of this white swordsman. The horrible sword intention seems to pierce the blind man's eyes, sharp and sharp!

Yan Ying was scared to hide behind Chu Tian, ​​revealing half of her head, watching the swordsman in the distance.

It seems very powerful.

Yan Ying thought.

After looking at Chu Tian, ​​Yan Ying immediately calmed down again. Nie Renwang claimed to be the strongest master of the younger generation, and was still seriously injured by Chu Tian's ear scraper. Chu Tian has no problem ...

The violent waves of waves spread from place to place.

However, when they arrived in front of Chu Tian, ​​they stopped still, and there was no more waves ...


A sword suddenly jumped out from the back of the white swordsman opposite.

The swordsman in white reaches out and holds the sword, and the momentum of the whole person is strengthened again.

Birds and beasts run around, leaves rustle, swordsman in white as the center, a strong momentum, constantly spreading around. But the eyes of the swordsman in white became clearer.

Watching Chu Tian tightly, seriously and seriously.

The swordsman in white is extraordinary

Naturally, Chu Tian's kung fu ... not low!

"Not bad!"

The swordsman in white commented, "Being able to remain so calm under my full swordsmanship, you are definitely among the top ten masters in the younger generation! No wonder you have the courage to dare to challenge your husband! Do not praise you, good talent, good guts! "

"... but today is an important day for the old man to compete. Since you broke the old man's state, you naturally have to bear the consequences. Whether you want it or not, the old man will warmly warm you up and prepare for the battle. … "

"This is your honor."

Although it looks very young.

But this swordsman is actually more than sixty years old. Claiming to be an old man, nothing is wrong.

He has been in the rivers and lakes for decades, but he has never met his rival!

He defeated two masters, one person and one sword, and made a statement!

He is the sage of swords and swordsmen on the rivers and lakes.

Today's long-awaited battle with the opponent who cherishes it! Naturally, I can't leave any regrets! It ’s not bad to have a young master like Chu Tian warm up and adapt.

Juggernaut's sword is getting stronger and stronger.

Not waiting for Chu Tian to answer, he was ready to attack.

In the eyes of the whole person, there is nothing else, only Chu Tian, ​​the opponent ...


Chu Tian looked at the white swordsman in the distance and smiled helplessly.

To be honest, Chu Tian really didn't mean to fight.

South Wuming, North Jiansheng, this is the most top master of martial arts today, is the pinnacle of countless rivers and lakes. In the battle between the unknown and the sword saint, Chu Tian was quite impressed when he watched TV dramas. This game of two masters is indeed a good entertainment program, rare.

Chu Tian really just came to watch the battle.

Under the knowledge, the martial arts of the descendants of this world.

But now, it seems to be misunderstood by others ... Chu Tian does not intend to explain anything, he does not need to explain to anyone, and there is no need to explain.

Raising his hand gently, Chu Tian stretched out his index finger and pointed to the white swordsman in the distance.

That is ... the so-called Juggernaut.

Chu Tian's expression was not a little nervous.

"There is a saying that if you don't die, you won't die."

Chu Tian pointed at the sword sage, and his actions were very impolite, with a high tone of voice, "Today is the day of your long decisive battle. As a swordsman, I understand your mood. I did not want to disturb, just watch Just look ... "

"... But since you are so ignorant, you can't blame me."

boom! ! !

A sword exploded violently!

On Chu Tian's index finger, a horrible sword burst out instantly!

Although for Chu Tian, ​​it was only a slight, random movement, even, it could not be called hands-on at all. But for Juggernaut, for the people of this world, it is already a terrifying master!

Very strong move!

Very horrible sword!

The sword is like an overwhelming torrential rain, which instantly envelopes the surrounding mountains! The fierce Jianmang turned into a real sword, penetrating every part of the forest!

The leaves fell down.

The birds in the sky are flying around!

There was a leaf on the ground blocking it, with Chutian as the center, as if the waves were rolling around. The horrible sword will crush almost everything!

The leaves are torn!

Daojian marks are left on the bark!

stronger! Increasingly incredible! And it seems that it is increasing indefinitely! The Juggernaut in the distance suddenly changed greatly, and almost called out!


Such a master!

Such a master is hidden in the young generation!

Juggernaut originally wanted to perform a warm-up to prepare for the decisive battle. But I did not expect that Chu Tian was such a master!

Shocked in the next second, it turned into a strong sense of war!

The most persistent fighting spirit!

It is self-evident how the swordsman has longed for the invincible hands of the rivers and lakes for decades. Now I actually met a rival with considerable strength, how can I not be excited! Without any words or explanations, the Juggernaut violently waved the sword in his hand, with a horrible sword meaning no less than Chu Tian's, quickly exploding!

Jian Qi blasted!

Go all out!

The figure of Juggernaut had been blasted out in an instant, and he went straight to Chu Tian, ​​his eyes full of fierce fighting intent. Even the Juggernaut subconsciously used his strongest skills!

If you do n’t use your stunts, I ’m afraid ... you do n’t have the certainty.

"Junior, look at my holy spirit swordsmanship!"

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