Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 50: Bijian II (1)

bass! !

bass! ! ! !

bass! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The sword sounded louder and louder.

The majestic swordsmanship is constantly condensing, condensing, and it is terrifyingly strong and incredible. Once Juggernaut entered the state, there was only Chu Tian as his opponent, and there was nothing else!

All the power is poured on this sword in the hand!

A burst of white light burst out.

A simple sword.

A straight sword.

A sharp and wanton sword!

"Sword One !!!"

The Juggernaut shouted loudly, and the sword in his hand erupted out of the mountain like a rock! The strong light made Yan Ying behind Chu Tian unable to open his eyes!

Sword One!

Holy spirit swordsmanship, the most initial and the simplest one!

It is also the most difficult trick to practice!

Sword one.

It ’s just a simple sword with no mysteries and no fancy. A straight sword is like a "one".

Just a simple sword.

The simple "one".

However, because it is simple, it is difficult to practice, and too many people look down on such a simple sword. This is Juggernaut has gone through countless duels, after countless experiences, all experience has been melted into a furnace, reduced to simple, the simplest, but also the most simple and essential sword!

Power, speed, sword intention, angle, everything, all reach a perfect sword! As long as all aspects reach the perfect sword, even the simplest "one" sword moves are the most powerful!

Without a lot of experience, no ten years of hard work on the sword, and no superhuman talent, it is impossible to learn this trick and to understand it.

Holy spirit swordsmanship, the first move!

Sword One!


Flying stream blast!

Far away, across a distance of tens of meters, the sword gas burst out suddenly, stab Chu Tian! A simple sword is also the most powerful sword!

Boom! ! ! ! ! !

The whole ground seemed to shake.

Jian Qi exploded in front of Chu Tian!

The sword gas dissipated, and Chu Tian was still standing lightly and calmly, looking at the sword master calmly, as if waiting for the next trick of the sword master.

Juggernaut was also shocked!

How did Chu Tian crack?

How to crack?

Just condensed a sword spirit almost full strength of Jian Sheng, unexpectedly exploded? And he didn't actually see Chu Tian's moves, so strange!

However, the duel will not be terminated because of this doubt. Since Chu Tian can break Jianyi head-on, it means that he is also a master of kendo! In this way, it is more valuable to fight! So simple, it broke the master of Jianyi. Since his lifetime, Jiansheng has encountered no more than ten! Absolutely a rare opponent!

"Come again!"

The sword saint's wrist shook gently, the long sword changed quickly, and two rays of light flew out of the sword quickly!

Two smart sword lights!

Not only is Jian Yi sturdy and simple, concise and simple, but at the same time, there is a spirit that the sword does not have!

Sword one is the foundation of every sword from sword two to sword twenty-one!

Each subsequent move has its own characteristics!

At the moment of the sword eight, the body of the sword saint also changed several, dozens, or even dozens of positions in a moment, and it was clever and unpredictable!

Sword qi, radiating from all directions, from all different angles, piercing Chutian!

"Sword Eight !!!"

Bang Bang Bang!

Bang Bang Bang!

Bang Bang Bang!

Dust is billowing and trees are bursting!

Around Chu Tian's entire body, countless sword spirits flying through the book seemed to be cut by sword spirits with only a slight movement!

Sword eight!

Two sword qi, like an "eight" character, shot to Chu Tian from different angles in pairs. Jianjian's Jianba is not only a sword technique, but also a body technique.

With the unique body and mind, the sword spirit, flying all over the sky, hit Chu Tian one after another. Where there is sword gas on the ground, there are deep sword holes! The trees around Chutian also exploded one by one! The horrible sword spirit swept almost everything!



Juggernaut frowned sharply!

"Why can't you hit him !?"

"The old man clearly attacked him. Why did he spur him all around and deflect his direction?"

"How exactly did he do it ?!"

"Why! Why exactly?"


The surprise in Juggernaut's heart couldn't be more complex.

All the sword qi, after reaching Chu Tian's body, deflected their directions one after another and shot from all directions! Even if Chu Tian's sword spirit was positive, he was turned around hard!

As if I couldn't touch Chu Tian at all!

Chu Tian's body seems to have a repulsive force!

No matter how many swords the Jiansheng sent out, how many powerful sword qi, and how many powerful internal forces condensed, all beside Chu Tian, ​​the sword qi shifted and shot elsewhere.

Was offset by a huge repulsive force!

Chu Tian just stood still in silence.

All the sword spirit naturally bypassed Chu Tian ...

"Impossible, impossible, no one can stop my sword in this world!-Sword Thirteen !!"

The sword moves in the sword saint's hand!

The fierce sword spirit is more violent than just now!

Sword spirit, in all directions, formed a large airtight net, surrounded by layers of Chu Tian, ​​Jian Sheng almost used all his powers, launched a fierce attack on Chu Tian!

A younger generation!

A younger generation is so strong! Forced him to this point!

You can't touch each other!

"Sword Sixteen!"

"Sword Ten!"

"Sword Eighteen!"

"Sword Twenty !!!"

"Sword Three! Sword Four! Sword Five!"

"Sword eighteen, sword nineteen, sword twenty!"





Juggernaut's holy spirit swordsmanship, one trick after another, has been continuously brought out. Juggernaut, like the king of swords, issued violent, various, and unimaginable sword moves. Countless sword qi rushed towards Chu Tian under the sword of the sword saint. Chu Tian's body is 100 meters away, there is no complete land!

All were destroyed by the swordsman's moves!

The whole mountain forest has become a sea of ​​sword gas!

There is flying sword spirit everywhere!

Even the master of the peak of the acquired realm. In this neighborhood, I am afraid that if one is not careful, he will be seriously injured! The fighting power of the Juggernaut is constantly soaring! Jianyi is also getting stronger!

Sword is originally a tool for killing!

If stronger, stronger!


But Chu Tian himself still stood quietly, not stained with dust.

All the sword energy, before reaching Chu Tian, ​​automatically deflected, as if fearing Chu Tian.

All attacks, even Chu Tian's clothing angle can not touch.

No matter how many swords, no matter how strong the sword.

From Chu Tian, ​​there seems to be an insurmountable ditch. The ravine can never be touched.

It is far away, the distance between heaven and earth.

There was a trace of weakness in Juggernaut's heart ...

"I'm very sorry. I'm still standing behind the bed-warming maid. Although this maid isn't very obedient, if it hurts, where will my face go ... your sword, I can only take it like this."

"With a stronger sword, just defeat it."

Chu Tian looked at the doubtful and surprised Juggernaut in the distance and smiled.


Juggernaut opened his eyes unbelievably, and at the same time sent out hundreds of sword qi attacks.

Every sword qi, like a rainbow, approached Chu Tian's chest, but without exception, all shifted again, and could not get close to Chu Tian's body. Even if Juggernaut changed a dozen kinds of swordsmanship in a row, they all did so.

Not hit at all!

"The baby who is not so stinky is actually talking about it and defeating the old man's sword! It's ridiculous, ridiculous! What's more, the old man will let you know what is the real sword!

"If you die here, you can blame the old man!"

The Juggernaut roared, and the sword moves again!

The violent killing intentions are overwhelming, and everything is silent. Compared with all the swords in front, it is obviously different. Juggernaut's momentum, at this moment, reached a peak of terror!

Killing everything!

Swords that pierce everything!

The world kills!

Kill kill!

Only a sword to kill!

Holy spirit swordsmanship, this is the sword of killing! The sword 22 in the future is even more merciless and unsympathetic!

The current sword saint, the strongest swordsmanship, is undoubtedly the sword twenty-one!

A gleaming light like the red sun shone from the sword saint ’s sword. From the sword saint ’s mouth, he read out of the sword that made countless people frightened by the wind——

"Sword twenty-one!"

The sword of man!

The sword body turned into a ray of light, carrying hundreds of thousands of sword qi, and went straight to Chu Tian!

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