Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 53: Behind the battle of legends (1)

"Good ... good ... so powerful."

"Actually ... actually by virtue of strength ... crushing my holy spirit sword ... this ... this is the power of the realm of the real sword ... really ... the real realm of real sword ...

"I ... I was caught up by a younger generation ... cough cough cough cough ..."

"Nameless ... if you are ... can you win this battle ... cough cough ... puff!"


Juggernaut lay on the ground in the distance, gasping heavily, muttering to himself, his eyes apathetic.

For the first time in his life, he was defeated for the first time. After a long time, I slowly turned around and looked at Chu Tian in front. This young man who defeated him with just one trick!

Juggernaut also finally knew that there were people outside and people outside. The first master of martial arts today is not his sword sage or namelessness, but this young guy who has never heard of himself but looks like he is about twenty years old! This man who has reached the terrifying sky sword realm!

Supporting the ground with both hands, Juggernaut climbed up hard, staring at Chu Tian in front.

The power of this sword remains in the sword saint.

The body was so badly injured that it was almost difficult to even move the bullet.

But Chu Tian ’s cloudless and breezy appearance clearly shows that he did not do his utmost. If he really goes all out, how powerful is the Heavenly Sword Realm? !

With mixed feelings in his heart, at this time, Jian Sheng no longer treats Chu Tian with the attitude of his elders. In the eyes, there is no more contempt.

There is no order of learning, the master is the teacher.

Chu Tian's swordsmanship is higher than him, and his realm is higher than him, so he deserves respect.

Juggernaut clenched his fists with both hands, punching deeply in front of Chu Tian, ​​and said earnestly, with a serious tone: "The realm of your sword sword is far beyond me. The name of the world's first sword, I can no longer afford The back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave, but I did n’t expect ... I did n’t expect to be so lucky today to see such a genius ... cough cough cough cough ... "

"In this battle, I lost my heart and took it orally! ... cough cough cough cough cough cough ..."

The autumn wind roared.

The sword in the sword saint's hand was actually cracked.

Obviously Chu Tian's just attack has reached the point of crying ghosts and gods. In addition to the surprise in Juggernaut's heart, there was a deep curiosity and exploration.

What does the realm of the sky sword look like! ?

How powerful is the real power of the Heavenly Sword Realm! ?

Juggernaut looked at Chu Tian's eyes. Although he was a little old, the fighting spirit in Juggernaut's eyes was more persistent and fanatical than any young man. In the previous Juggernaut, the goal was to surpass the namelessness and become the true master of the world. But now the Juggernaut has one more goal. He wants to explore the unknown area ...

He is full of infinite desire and curiosity ...

He wants to dedicate his life to Kendo ...

Chu Tian nodded, and seemed to be very satisfied with Juggernaut's reaction.

In the younger generation, such a state of mind seems pretty good to Chu Tian.

"Although you provoked me for not knowing what to do or not, but afterwards the attitude is good, I will not care about you ... lose to me, you don't have to lose it. My age is much older than you think."

Chu Tian pointed and reached, and gently waved his hand. The lightsaber in his hand dissipated in the air. Chu Tian then pointed to the distant trees and said, "When did the leaves start to yellow and when did they start to age? There is no clear boundary, even the four realms of martial arts are only a gradual evolution ... What is acquired? What is congenital? What is heaven and earth? After all, change, man or person ... Persevere in a specific state, rather than persevere in Own sword. "

"You are a Kendo practitioner, you should understand this."

"Also, your sword is killing. The gas of killing is too strong, killing and hurting your body. Your life yuan is not as long as the person of the same realm. You should be mentally prepared. Within ten years, you must be white-headed."


Chu Tian casually said a few words, but let the sword saint mausoleum on the opposite side start!

After practicing for so many years, Jian Sheng has never seen a person as knowledgeable as Chu Tian. He can say anything with just a few words. I have never seen a person like Chu Tian who cultivates himself, but after just a few glances, he poked all his key points and difficulties!

Many of Juggernaut's past doubts were swept away in just a few minutes!

Juggernaut has treated Chu Tian as a senior in his mind!

This superior person has never been seen before!

Although it was only in his twenties on the surface, the Juggernaut now felt that he seemed to be talking to an unpredictable expert who thought he had gone through vicissitudes, and everything could not be concealed!

so horrible! Too strong!

Jian Sheng listened respectfully, with unprecedented seriousness.

A lot of things to pay attention to have been carefully recorded.

Chatting casually for a while, Chu Tian was also dry-mouthed.

For a few hundred years, it was rare to encounter a good seedling, and Chu Tian would not be stingy in a few words. Pointing to the forest in the distance, Chu Tian suddenly said: "Nameless is coming, is coming here, and there will be an hour to arrive. Will you continue the fight with the nameless?"

The Juggernaut had almost no hesitation and cut the railroad: "That's natural!"

Chu Tiandao: "Are you afraid of losing?"

Jian Sheng Dao: "I come for Kendo, not win or lose!"

Chu Tian continued: "It's your business to compete with you as you please, but don't tell me anything about confidentiality. Recently, I want to be stable for a while, not when it is exposed."

Juggernaut did not understand why Chu Tian was hiding.

But now that you have reached the realm of Chutian, you must not bother to engage in conspiracy. Juggernaut himself, did he also put down the position of the master of Wushuangcheng and study the sword way?

The state has reached a certain height, and we will not care too much about worldly power.

Without any doubt, Juggernaut nodded and said:

"It must be kept secret!"

Chu Tian nodded comfortably.

It seemed that he thought of something again, Chu Tian reached into his arms, took out a blood bodhi, and threw it to the distant swordsman: "Next. Now you are fighting with the nameless, it is equivalent to death. After eating this, it is estimated that the injury can recover nine Cheng ... Gee, 90% strength, 12 points of fighting spirit, what is the result, I really look forward to it ... "

Jian Sheng caught the blood bodhi thrown to him by Chu Tian.

As a predecessor who has been walking in rivers and lakes for many years, Jiansheng has a natural vision. At the first sight of this blood-red little fruit, I recognized it!

"Blood Bodhi! This, this is the healing medicine, Blood Bodhi! Actually, actually exists !?"

The Juggernaut couldn't be more surprised!

Blood Bodhi!

Specially treat internal injuries, even when taken without injuries, it can increase internal force! This is the holy medicine that only exists in the martial arts! Chu Tian actually has!

After a battle with Chu Tian, ​​Jian Sheng's injury could not fight the unknown again, and now with the blood bodhi, it is different! This is not a time for hypocrisy, and a nameless competition is imperative. Jian Sheng Zhao Chu Tian earnestly saluted again, and then quickly ate the blood bodhi.

The energy of Blood Bodhi spreads rapidly, and the injury of the sword saint's body is cured in three or four minutes in an instant.

Juggernaut had closed his eyes in a blink of an eye and stood in place.

This is the preparation for the decisive battle without a name, but also the experience of digesting and Chu Tian ’s just battle ...

As if immersed in his own world ...

The next one is Juggernaut and Unknown, the legendary battle. Chu Tian originally came for this ...



"Natural swordsman ... Gee, this is fun."

Chu Tian looked at the Juggernaut who entered the spot on the spot, with a playful smile in the corner of his mouth. Turning his head, he grabbed Yan Ying's jade hand and said, "Let's go, Yan Ying. I'm so happy today ... I abused another master, cool!"

Yan Yingshui's eyes looked at Chu Tian with the same joy.

Yan Ying didn't speak, nor did she answer Chu Tian. She looked stunned and looked at Chu Tian with tenderness, like tenderness and water, as if looking at a huge gold ingot.

She just saw everything and heard everything.

Chu Tian, ​​actually martial arts master, Juggernaut, finished, finished abuse!

The first master of martial arts, can't withstand a blow!

Chu Tian is so strong, so powerful!

Actually ...

Yan Ying seemed to see countless people kneeling in front of Chu Tian, ​​countless people cast their longing eyes on his wife, the martial arts leader, and countless people sent gold and silver treasures. When those people talk about themselves, they are all praising. This is the wife of a certain hero, the wife of a certain person, and the admirers of countless people.

Once in my mind, the most powerful martial arts master was completely abused by Chu Tian! Chu Tian is so powerful, her glory, status, money, everything is at your fingertips!

So happy, so happy! Her eyes are indeed right!

Yan Ying was caught in a fantasy ...

"Hey, hello, hello? Let's go, don't be dazed, you little girl, thinking about something cranky, let's go ..."

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