Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 54: Lu Yuxiong, the investment must be early (2)

On the lush mountain road, wild flowers bloom.

Chu Tian and Yan Ying joined hands and took steps in the mountains to enjoy the scenery.

Swords seemed to sound in the distance.

Anonymous has apparently arrived. The matchup with the sword saint, countless martial arts people speculated, symbolizing the peak of this river and lake martial arts, the showdown has already begun!

The majestic sword meaning, Chu Tian can feel it so far away ...

The sound of clashing swords and swords is echoed in the mountains ...

The battle between Juggernaut and the Nameless has entered a fierce battle ...

"... But Brother Chu, you, didn't you say that they came to see the two?" Why don't you watch it now? Isn't it ... Isn't it something that Brother Chu thinks is not worth mentioning at all? "

Yan Ying suddenly raised her pink tender face and asked suspiciously.

On the little face, the blush spread, cute and flexible, let people have the temptation to eat a bite.

Yan Ying looked at Chu Tian's pair of water eyes, and it was almost spring-like. Ever since she learned that Chu Tian had defeated Jian Sheng, Yan Ying was more and more happy in her heart, and her expectations for Chu Tian became higher and higher. Now, I almost recognize Chu Tian in my heart, and follow Chu Tian to the end no matter what.

In the future, there will definitely be a good day to wear gold and silver to make the wind and rain!

Chu Tian will definitely become the character who dominates the world!

Such a man is what she likes!

Yan Ying's small chest. Chu Tian is next to Chu Tian, ​​holding Chu Tian's arm like a kitten, and sticking to Chu Tian's side, so gentle that it makes people feel soft ...

Where did Chu Tian not know Yan Ying ’s thoughts, he smiled and said:

"You girl, what's not worth mentioning. Anyway, it's a first-class master on the rivers and lakes. I don't go because it is unnecessary. After eating my sword, the swordsman will definitely lose in this competition. I have also seen the holy spirit swordsmanship, nothing interested me ... "

Yan Ying uttered something, and then thought of something, said: "Brother Chu, did you not talk to Jian Sheng before, looking forward to their competition?"

Chu Tian smiled: "I was teasing him. After eating my sword, and wanting to fight against the nameless? He was lucky that he hadn't been abused."

"Ah ..." Yan Ying's eyes widened.

"You think, if I discourage and encourage him, how could the Juggernaut go all out?"

"That is to say, Juggernaut lost this competition because of his competition with Brother Chu ..."

"He should have lost it, but now it's more tragic ..."



Yan Ying immediately understood.

Another person was fooled by Chu Tian.

The blood bodhi given by Chu Tian can't cure the sword saint's injury at all!

South Wuming, North Jiansheng, the two most powerful men in the two rivers, lakes and martial arts, are still vulnerable in front of Chu Tian. In a decisive battle that attracted worldwide attention, in Chu Tian's eyes, it was basically the children who played the house, and they were free to play with applause.

This man is too strong.

It feels like playing around, and doesn't care about anything at all.

What is this man's identity?

Why, always feel that he has countless mysteries?

Yan Ying clenched the powder. Tender little fist, determined to find out Chu Tian's identity ... Of course, let Chu Tian cheer up and make contributions, is also one of Yan Ying's goals!

But, in that case ... Chu Tian will definitely think of himself as ... a little girl who is greedy for fame and fortune ...

What should I do ... Yan Ying felt a little melancholy ...



The two walked along.

The sound of weapons in the distance gradually dimmed.

Juggernaut and the nameless battle are almost at the end.

At this moment, not far from Chu Tian's front, a person walked out of the forest slowly.

The man is about twenty years old, with a burly figure, a dragon and a tiger.

A pair of eyes are particularly bright, which seems to contain a strong fighting spirit.

This is an ambitious and talented man!

Chu Tian ’s eyes glanced and found that the internal force in the coming person ’s body was circling in a hurry. In the meridian, three internal forces of different natures overlapped and influenced each other, and finally gathered into a very strong force. Extremely weird, extremely domineering internal skills!

Combat experience is extremely rich, both external and internal skills are first-class! Only one step away, you can enter the congenital, even better than Nie Renwang!

Among the younger generation, at least the top three!

In particular, the three different internal forces converged into a domineering force, which was obviously originally three martial arts, which was melted into a furnace by this person and created a practice alone! The advantages of the three martial arts are both! The entire martial arts, martial arts can be compared on a par with only a handful!

Such an overbearing, so fierce martial art, Chu Tian has guessed ...

Three points back to life!

This is definitely a three-pointer!

It's just that the three points at this time are in the air, and they haven't achieved much, and they have many flaws ...

Then the identity of this person is self-evident.

It's just that Chu Tian didn't expect that he would meet him here, the big boss in the storm, the domineering ...

I killed Xu Fu and founded Tianmen, which is the super boss. The meeting of the super boss and the big boss, hey, I feel a little comical ...

Seeing Chu Tian not talking, Xiongba just stared at himself. Yan Ying also looked like she didn't care, and put a heart on Chu Tian. After hesitating for a while, and not feeling embarrassed, he clasped his fists and said frankly: "Under the Xiongba, I have seen two of them! Both of them are very good-looking at first glance. Anonymous, what is going on now? Who loses and wins? Who has the upper hand? "

"Many people came to watch the game today, but it ’s a pity that they ca n’t determine the place where the two will compete. Most of them are wandering in the distance. Although I got here, it seems impossible to catch up with the two. Hey, it ’s a pity not to witness the battle between the two great masters of the world! ... The two came from the fighting place in the front. Have you ever seen the comparison between Juggernaut and Unknown? Can you explain it to me? "

The domineering face was full of curiosity, with a bit of eagerness.

Yan Ying, the world's first beauty, glanced at the bully, and immediately turned his gaze, unmoved at all. I was only a little surprised at Yan Ying's beauty.

He is more concerned about it, but it is Juggernaut and unknown sword!

If you are not ambitious, you ca n’t bear such a temptation.

The current dominance is so young, so ambitious. In the future, the **** of martial arts is not entirely dependent on the situation. Xiongba himself is a generation of owls!

Chu Tiandao:

"Is it a bully? I've heard about it in the world, very good, very good. As for the Juggernaut and the nameless, it doesn't matter who wins or loses. Too much perseverance is a drag. It is not impossible for the male gang to replace it. "

There was a surprise in the domineering eyes.

Did the other party see his ambition? Know that he has the ambition to unite martial arts? Are you so optimistic about yourself? Or is it just a coincidence?

And what's going on in the world!

How can the other party know that the world will! ?

Xiongba just thought about the name of the world club a month ago, and the gangs have been formed for ten days, and there are only a hundred members now. Chu Tian knows now?

Lying trough, this is too strange! !

But no matter what, Xiongba first clenched his fists and smiled back to the courtesy:

"Thank you Xiongtai Meiyan! Your good words, haha!"

Chu Tian waved his hand and said, "Nothing, I am also bored. By the way, my name is Chu Tian, ​​and I forgot to introduce it. I didn't bring anything good today when I went out, promise, this is for you. Go, I'm optimistic about you! "

"this is--"

"Okay, don't thank me. Your career will succeed in the future, and we will meet again."


"Don't be surprised, I'm just an investment. There will be a period."

Chu Tian pretended to say a few words, and after passing a piece of paper, he took Yan Ying's hand and walked away, continuing to talk about the world.

Xiongba stood on the spot and looked at Chu Tian and the two left in surprise, not knowing what to say in a flash.

Does the other person know him?

Know his ambition to dominate martial arts?

Do you know that this is just a world of scum gangs?

Who is he ...

Too many questions puzzled Xiongba. Xiongba opened a piece of paper that Chu Tian handed him, and at one glance, he was shocked again!

"Five, Wu million two silver! This, this, this !!!"

The bully held the silver ticket in his hand.

The world is just getting started, and the bully is worrying about the funds. Why is it that now, there are five million or two silvers all at once? Do not worry about many things now!

It's a pie in the sky!

Charcoal in the snow!

The bully stared at Chu Tian ’s back, his eyes rising sharply, and said to himself:

"Chu Tian? Although my hero is ruthless, but I have received your kindness! Whether you are an involuntary act, or a deliberate act. Other days, I will dominate the world, and today's gifts will definitely be returned 100 times! "

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