Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 55: Unknown doubts (1)

To dominate here, Chu Tian is only temporarily making friends.

No matter how big the hero is, there are times when he is down, and there are times when he is in difficulty. His five million dollars at this time can be said to be spent on ideas. No matter how ruthless the bully is, he will thank him in the bottom of his heart. In this way, Chu Tian has also become a veteran of the world society in a sense.

Going to the world will play in the future, bubble girl, abuse, and this relationship, it is much easier. As a generation of heroes, Xiongba is definitely not small. It's not difficult to get some more means by yourself, to be a host or something.

Five million two silver ...

Gee, just like that, buy the money from Yu Ruo's daughter, Yu Ruo ...

Chu Tian thought funny ...

Moreover, do you provoke the bullies and the wind and clouds to let them fight in the nest; or do you not help on both sides, sit on the hill and watch the tiger fight? This fun game Chu Tian has been entangled for a long time. How to play it, and more than ten years to think, I am not in a hurry ...

Chu Tian and Yan Ying walked leisurely on the mountain road.

The sound of the Juggernaut and the unknown sword in the distance has almost disappeared.

It seems that the results are divided ...

Three days later, major news came out of Jianghu Wulin.

After the battle between Juggernaut and Wuming, he suddenly retreat to learn the sword skills, and no longer see foreigners.

Even the master of Wushuangcheng went looking for the sword saint, the sword saint didn't care, and his whole heart fell on the sword way. With such an unreasonable retreat, many martial arts analysts believe that the sword saint and the unknown sword are lost.

Only after losing the competition will this move be possible!

The nameless reputation soared again!

After defeating the Juggernaut, namelessness became the first in the world!

The world's first swordsman, the world's first master!

Coupled with the past glorious record, people will praise the nameless to an unimaginable and terrifying situation, everyone, give the nameless name a strong title-

Martial arts myth!

That's right!

The nameless has been called the martial arts myth, one step closer to that supreme throne!

In this age when Nie Renwang has not risen and the world will just start, it is an era of no name, an era of myth! No name in the world, no one can shake it! At present, in the eyes of everyone in the entire rivers and lakes, the only one that can be compared with the nameless in reputation is Wu Zu Chutian!

——All those who choose to practice martial arts, who must have three knocks and nine worships at the time of entry, the ancestor of martial arts!

Can already be compared with Chu Tian!

One can imagine how prestigious the namelessness is now!


Everyone so respects the nameless.

Anonymous at the moment, but was lost in confusion.

In the nameless residence, in the courtyard. Anonymous is looking up at the bright moon in the sky, and there are infinite doubts in his heart, and he can't figure out why and why this is so ...

"Jiansheng fights with me, winning is too easy, too easy. Even, it is much easier than I thought. The strength of the swordsman is absolutely impossible to be so weak. The prestige of the swordsman in the sword cannot be so. Strength. What happened to Juggernaut in the end? Is it to help others keep secrets? Or, is there any hidden words? "

"... His sword moves are inconsistent, and it seems that he has fought a bit before ... but the swordsman's fighting spirit is more intense, as if ... it is like being defeated and wanting to go beyond. The passion for martial arts is fiercely ... Even I was shocked ... "

"But ... but if my guess is correct, who on earth can beat Juggernaut? On the rivers and lakes, there is such a master?"

"Who is that ...?"


Anonymous paced in the courtyard.

After defeating the Juggernaut, he was not as happy as expected.

Instead, an unsolvable doubt shrouded the unknown. With a wealth of experience, Anonymous actually speculated from the battle between the two that Juggernaut had a defeat before!

Anonymous has vaguely perceived Chu Tian's existence!

Know that there is a very strong person!

However, Chu Tian has been on the rivers and lakes for thousands of years, and has been very low-key. Wu Ming wants to break his head. I do n’t know who it is and defeated the sword saint ...

Nameless is just a hunch ...

Raising his head, he looked up at the moon in the sky without name.

The breath of the whole body became more and more refined and stronger. After the nameless battle with Juggernaut, but after his wish, he suddenly realized the epiphany. At this moment, he entered the congenital realm from the middle of the congenital realm!

Only one step away from the realm of supreme heaven and earth!

In terms of qualifications, Anonymous is even better than Juggernaut!

"Heaven Realm ... Sky Sword Realm ... What the **** ..."

"Wu Zu Chutian ... What kind of state is it? What a shocking person in the end? Killing Emperor Qin Shihuang and sweeping 50,000 troops is legendary ..."

"The extreme of Kendo, where is it ..."

"Who is the person who defeated the swordmaster?"




Because Chu Tian, ​​a lot of people and things are slowly changing.

Anonymous is even more yearning for that realm, and Xiongba also started his own dominance in advance. King Nie Ren was angry because of his wife's hatred; the sword saint began to retreat and realized the perfect Holy Spirit swordsmanship ...

Unconsciously, the entire rivers and lakes have started to rotate around Chu Tian.

The days passed.

Rivers and lakes have gradually fallen into a new round of wind and rain.

Soon after, Wu Ming returned to the division, competing for Wan Jian to return to the sect, and then a series of things happened, and Wu Ming also disappeared.

The exit of a myth, the opening of another period of hegemony.

The gang called the world club suddenly rose.

The reputation of Nan Lin's sword head and Bei Yin's mad knife also gradually resounded through the rivers and lakes.

A new generation replaces the old one, "The top of the south mountain is fierce, and the North Sea dives deep into the snow and drinks cold." This rumor says that it is a rising star above today's martial arts, facing the two top masters of the north and south!

Duan Shuai!

King Nie!

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