Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 72: Once in a turbulent situation, the dragon will turn into two

"Hey ... beyond destiny, without causality, that person can't even see through me, is it ... you two children can resist? Juvenile Lang, listen to me to persuade, don't think of revenge, never want, you There is no hope, no point at all. "

The distant tone actually has a sense of seeing through the red dust.

This is a slightly sloppy young man with casual clothing and messy hair.

Under the **** of the general manager of the world, and the **** of more than ten masters, he slowly walked forward. When passing the front of Nie Feng several people, suddenly said such a thing.

After listening to Nie Feng and Duan Lang, they fell into the clouds and fluttered.

The person who came here looked only in his twenties, but there were a few sores on his face, which looked a bit ugly. After looking at Nie Feng, the breaking waves, and Bu Jingyun not far away, there was a lot of interest in the eyes of Lai Ren, and he said this.

It's very strange, very abrupt, Nie Feng and the breaking wave are still unknown for a while.

The breaking wave stepped forward and said:

"Hey! Hey! What do you mean, what are you talking about? Why can't you take revenge, why? You say! I can't take revenge on my broken wave revenge !? Chu Tian killed my father, why can't I take revenge?"

"Can't just can't, that's for your good." Lai Ren replied.

"Who are you! Why can't I claim revenge!"

"Everything is already doomed, where comes from." Lai Ren tone is very calm, disdain to argue.

"You bullshit, you bullshit, you—"

"Go for it! Little boy, noisy!"

In the distance, Wen Chouzhuo waved the fan in his hand to stop the shouting of several people who broke the waves.

Turning around, Wen Chouzhuo looked at the young man flatteringly and said:

"Oh, Mud Bodhisattva, you have sores all over your face, how can you show your face, you can save your snacks, in case you have something wrong, I can't afford it. Waiting for you. "

Mud Bodhisattva!

Even the startled clouds in the distance are startling!

This man is actually a mud bodhisattva!

According to recent rumors, Xiangshu is unparalleled in the world, but he can be auspicious and avoid evil, and the unfathomable master, Mud Bodhisattva! The broken waves, Nie Feng, and many disciples in the world were stunned.

Mud Buddha smiled and said:

"It's okay, get used to it. When I see strange faces, I always want to say a few words."

Wen Chouzhug turned his head and looked at a few people in the distance, Nie Feng, disdainful: "They look strange? Really see a ghost, then look, how is my face?"

"Phase of early death."


Mud Bodhisattva no longer speaks, once again deeply looked at Nie Feng, step shocked cloud, Mud Bodhisattva said something in his mouth, then quickly stepped forward to the grand building in the distance ...

Mud Bodhisattva has no joy on his face.

Anyone who is good at observing words and ugliness does not know what Mud Bodhisattva is thinking at the moment.

This person may have reached an unfathomable level. Even the tyrants dominate him so much, and have been searching for so many years ...



The world will.

Domineering study.

Mud Bodhisattva finally arrived on schedule.

What the bully needs, Mud Bodhisattva naturally knows that, after the two have a simple conversation, they immediately get to the point. The Mud Bodhisattva helped the bully and calculated his fate.

Mud Bodhisattva put down his luggage and took out various utensils.

"——This is Fuxi gossip. I traveled all over the world and took it out of the tomb of the ancestors. I copied it. The helper only needs to put his hands on it. The helper's fate will be shown next.

In the hands of Mud Bodhisattva is a copper plate.

The copper plate was placed on the table, glowing with golden light.

On the copper plate, complex hexagrams are carved.

Dry against the earthquake ...

Jin Mu Shui Huo ...

Gossip, five elements, and various strange symbols are intertwined. People who don't know how to use the same technique can't see anything even if their knowledge is abundant. It is completely like a divine book. The combinations between the symbols have almost infinite solutions. The bully stared at the eyes for a long while, and could not see the famous hall.

Finally, the bully still slowly, attached his hands to it.

"Don't cheat the old man, the consequences, you know."

The bully said to himself.

An awe-inspiring domineering was revealed.

"Help the Lord, please rest. Put your hands on the copper plate and wait for a moment. How can the villain's hands have no power to harm the Lord?" Mud Buddha said with a smile, his face was still very plain.

Even the devastating sky and thunder have experienced, what else are you afraid of Mud Bodhisattva?

Seeing Xiongba's hands printed on Fuxi's gossip.

Mud Bodhisattva's eyes gradually became sharper.

The copper plate began to rotate, and a ray of light shone, and various hexagram images were continuously combined and changed, and a golden light gradually appeared in the sky.

There are actually fonts that emerge from the light.

That is a poem.

It is very vague, very vague, as the following hexagrams are gradually determined, the above fonts are also gradually clear, here is a verse that symbolizes the destiny of the bully: Jin Lin is originally a thing in the pool.

In case of change, the situation changes.

The bully ’s eyes were fixed on the two lines of words, slowly chanting:

"Jin Lin was originally a thing in a pond. Whenever the situation changed, the dragon changed ... When the situation changed, the dragon changed ... Fengyun ... The dragon ... Fengyun, the dragon ... the mud Buddha, what does this mean?"

The bully turned his head, staring at the Mud Buddha and asked.

Mud Bodhisattva said with a smile:

"Meaning, as long as you help the Lord, you can transform into a dragon and soar for nine days. Get the wind and the world. This is your destiny."

The ecstasy on Xiongba's face was unstoppable, and he quickly said: "Fengyun? What is Fengyun? Is it a person or a treasure, or something else?"

"If it used to be, I really don't know if I am here. However, I just saw a few interesting children here, and now I have an idea." Mud Bodhisattva said cautiously, "The wind is Nie Feng. The cloud is Bu Jingyun . At this moment, they are all in the world. The lord ’s hegemony is doomed to heaven. "

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ---"

The bully heard the words and immediately gave a hearty and bold laugh.

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