Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 73: Seed (1)

"... That is to say, as long as the old man gets the help of Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, he can fly into the sky and dominate the martial arts. The whole world is under the control of the old man! ... Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun are in my world. Yes, I really help the old man, and God help me too. No one can stop the old man's hegemony! "

"Good! Good! Good!"

"The old man knew that nothing could stop me in this world! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ---"

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"


Xiongba laughed loudly for a long time before calming down.

I am ambitious and have always believed that I can succeed. Wen Tao Wulue, everything is fine. Xiongba is indeed a hero.

However, the domineering shortcoming is that the suspicion is too heavy, and there are too many concerns, and it turns back to hesitation. Too much believe in fate, so he invited the Mud Bodhisattva to count for himself.

In the domineering hands, true energy slowly condenses, staring at the Mud Bodhisattva on the opposite side, with a smile on his face.

Slowly stepped forward and laughed:

"Mud Bodhisattva, you have calculated such an important matter for the old man, old man, thank you very much!"

A glimpse of the killer suddenly appeared in the eyes!


If you kill Mud Bodhisattva, you can keep this secret forever!

Mud Bodhisattva is dead, then no one will know his weakness!

Such a strange person can't be used by others since he can no longer use it.

The bully stepped forward slowly, his face still full of smiles, this strange man famous in the world, the bully still had a little caution in his mind. In the seemingly random hands, the three-pointed Guiqi has begun to condense, the domineering and long real Qi, condensed into a spherical solid Qi, more and more thick, more and more ...

This three-point return to vitality is enough to kill the Houtianding Peak Master in an instant.

The sleeves of the bully slightly bulged, and the three-pointed condensed air was extremely overbearing and terrifying, with a smile on his face, and his hand was about to be raised. In the next moment, you can kill Mud Bodhisattva unconsciously.

The Mud Bodhisattva on the opposite side suddenly shook his head and said with a sigh: "Help the Lord, you are too happy to be too early."

"Oh?" Xiongba looked curious and continued to gather three points in his sleeve.

Mud Buddha shook his head and said:

"You don't know the Lord, the manpower is poor, how can you guess the will of God by virtue of the divine image? Even if I am a bodhisattva, I can't determine the destiny of the Lord for your life. The two sentences just just help the Lord for your life. Help the Lord with your wealth for the first half of your life, but it is all in it, but when it comes to the second half of your life ... "

With the words of the Mud Bodhisattva, the three-pointer in the domineering hands gradually regained vitality, and gradually faded, faded, and slowly dispersed.

The killing intention slowly faded away.

Actually just the first half of life?

What about his second half of life?

In this case, the Mud Bodhisattva could not be killed. The bully seemed to have nothing happened. He smiled deeply and said: "'Gold scales are originally in the pool, and the dragon changes in case of circumstances.' The fate of half a lifetime? "


"What is the fate of the old man's second half of life? How to count?"

Mud Bodhisattva seems to have no idea of ​​the motive of the bully, and calmly said:

"In the second half of your life, you have to wait until the next half of your life to calculate. Ten years later, you can get a glimpse of the fate of the fate ... Help the Lord, you don't have to worry, then the Mud Bodhisattva will calculate a trigram for you.

"And there is this ..."

The bully nodded, his smile skyrocketing.

In his bright eyes, it seems as though he can see through everything. The bully stared at the Mud Bodhisattva for a long, long time, and finally felt that Mud Bodhisattva did not seem to be lying.

"Since this is the case, how about waiting for another ten years? Mud Bodhisattva, today's thing--"

"Help the Lord to rest assured that things under the circumstances will be tight-lipped. This is the professional ethics of our fortune tellers, ha ha, ha ha ..."

"That's good."

Xiongba said to the door: "Ugly and ugly, send away Mud Bodhisattva.-Mud Bodhisattva, ten years later, the old man will go to you again, but don't hide from the old man."

"It is a small honor to help the Lord rest and serve the Lord."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha-, okay, really know the current affairs!"



In the presence of Wen Chouzhuo and others, Mud Bodhisattva finally left the world club.

Mud Bodhisattva is alone on the road again.

The sores on the face have increased a lot again.

The fortune-telling for the dominance today is quite serious. But Mud Bodhisattva seems to be indifferent, with a sorrowful face, instead thinking about other things. Looking at the distant sky, standing for a long, long time, as if thinking of a serious question, years of doubts, this moment broke out again ...

Mud Bodhisattva counts the destiny of the world's people, but it does not count its own misfortune. At that moment today, Mud Bodhisattva even thought he could not go. This is not the first time Mud Bodhisattva has encountered. For a long, long time, Mud Bodhisattva sighed, shook his head, and walked forward slowly.

Seems to have undergone a huge transformation ...

"Chu Tian, ​​if it were you, what would you do?"

Mud Bodhisattva looked at the sky in the distance and suddenly said to himself.

The unfathomable person on the one side, the mud bodhisattva has been deeply remembered in his mind. With a free hand to break the power of Thunder Tribulation, Mud Bodhisattva can only look up.

In this world, there is only Chu Tian, ​​who can truly respect Mud Bodhisattva.

No name.

No bully.

No matter what happens!

Chu Tian is the only person who admires the Mud Bodhisattva, the unfathomable person, the Mud Bodhisattva has not been able to speculate so far. At this time, the first thought of Mud Bodhisattva was Chu Tian.

Mumbling to himself, with heavy thoughts, Mud Bodhisattva walked forward slowly.

A small whisper kept coming ...

"I want to cross the world, but everyone in the world bullies me, why?"

"Hero, how can I return to you ten years later?"


What impressed me the most was the fact that he was talking to others with a smile on his face, and then he secretly put his hands behind his back to gather gas. Suddenly another attack, coughing, coughing, and three points are really convenient ~

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