Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 75: Meeting of Xiaoxiong (3)

Chu Tian is fast.

The intelligence of the World Association is equally fast.

When Chu Tian arrived in the world club three days later with large and small vehicles, Xiongba had already come out to greet him.

With a magnificent face and a robe, he is quite a king.

Far away, when he saw Chu Tian, ​​Xiongba stepped forward and smiled, as if he hadn't seen him for many days ...

The general manager of the world club, Wen Chouhou, as always, held a fan and smiled flatteringly, fanned himself, and fanned the bully, like a clown, from left to right.

It is the same as the world meeting in Chu Tian's impression.

Xiongba stepped forward and clenched his fists:

"Brother Chu, I haven't seen you in years."

Chu Tian also nodded and smiled:

"Lost for years, Xiongbangzhu."

A few simple words, but it can make people sigh with emotion.

Xiongba also remembered the events of the year. At that time, he was just an unknown soldier, and Chu Tian also declared that there was no response. But after a few years, now the two are already in the clouds. If you stomp your feet, you should shake the mountain.

Changes in the world, Xiongba is also quite emotional.

The bully pointed his finger and led the way in person while walking:

"Brother Chu, please."

"Brother Xiongba, please!"

"Please! ... I remember the kindness of Brother Chu at that time. I remember it clearly. I thought I was a self-made man. I had no money. I only rely on blood and bumped. I do n’t know how many times I hit the wall. I thought Jiangong was hopeless, but he didn't want to meet Brother Chu, and received a gift from Brother Chu. If Brother Chu didn't help me, would I have the glory of today? Brother Chu came today, I am so relieved! "

What the bully said was really true.

Rao is a ugly and ugly man on one side, and he can't help but be suspicious. The male gang master who is usually domineering and side-by-side has such feelings.

After all, Xiongba was also young.

Although Xiongxiong is a Xiongxiong, he is also a human being, and he cannot be unsympathetic. Chu Tian ’s gift of that year was too much for the bully! The graciousness of five million two silvers, the hegemony has not forgotten.

Although there are polite words.

When big people meet, they always have to say a few words of politeness.

The words of Xiongba are half-truth and half-false, and whether they are true or false is not understood by Xiongba. It is often the case that the most confusing and the most touching ...

Chu Tian smiled, shook his head, and said:

"Brother Xiongba, you are so polite and serious. Your career over the years cannot be achieved by five million two silvers. If you have money, you can do anything. Is that right? Brother Xiongba is not something in the pool. No one can stop it when he rises! "


Xiongba looked at Chu Tian suspiciously.

Things in the pool?

Is Chu Tian intentional or unintentional? Suddenly, Xiongba thought of Mud Bodhisattva's comments, but since Mud Bodhisattva said that he would keep his mouth shut, it should not be leaked. Xiongba also thought that Chu Tian said casually, not seriously.

Haha laughed a few times, the bully continued to walk forward.

The two entered side by side, and countless bodyguards stood on either side.

The world and the money gang are the two most famous schools at present.

"Brother Chu is very kind. Hey, no matter what, the favor of the year, I have never forgotten. Brother Chu came today, it is really gratifying ... We must do our best to be a landlord and entertain!"

"Haha, you said, then I'm welcome!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha-Brother Chu is quick and quick, I appreciate it!"

"So, talk inside?"

"Talk inside!"



Big guys like to pretend to talk and put on the scene.

Chu Tian and Xiongba nagged for a long time, and said a lot of polite words before they entered the hall of the world club.

Wen Chouzhuo is on the side, taking care of things in an orderly manner, and at the same time taking care of Xiongba and Chu Tian.

The master apprentice Qin Shuang also came early. Such a big scene naturally has the chief disciple.

Here is Chu Tian.

Bringing only Yan Ying, the pearl-like treasure all over, close to Chu Tian, ​​the enchanting temperament almost dumped all beings. Bringing this peerless beauty to attend, Chu Tian's face is also very bright ...

Laugh all the way.

Chu Tian and Xiongba walked into the hall.



After the two were seated.

Instead of rushing to talk about the general situation in the world, instead of talking about homely.

Chu Tian does not have the mind to clean up the world club. After all, the world club is an important place in the plot. You have to play it first; Xiongba is also not an enemy of Chutian, because Xiongba sees that Chutian has no intention of fighting for hegemony. There is no rivalry between two people, so the topic of natural talk is more peaceful.

The two first talked about a lot of rivers and lakes.

Such as the myth of the martial arts at that time, nameless.

There is also the peerless strongman who retired Wushuang City, Jian Sheng.

Because the first evil emperor who practiced the magic sword went into flames.

There is also an unknown sword emperor.

Even ... farther away, Wu Zu, Chu Tian, ​​the Qin Dynasty, who started the era of martial arts ...

In the discussion, Xiongba also admired Chu Tian more and more. There are so many secret stories of martial arts that even Xiongba has never heard of them, but Chu Tian is like a few treasures, coming together one by one, as if to know everything. As far as information is concerned, Xiongba has never met before!

"-Speaking of Wu Zu Chu Tian, ​​Brother Chu, this is your name. Brother Chu's name seems to be very meaningful. There was Wu Zu Chu Tian in the front, and there was money to help Chu Tian, ​​good name, good name. what!"

Who said that bigwigs wouldn't stay behind?

The big figures are touted each other. Even Chu Tian's identity thousands of years ago was taken out and boasted by Xiongba. For Chu Tian's erudition, Xiongba is really amazed. Even the martial arts master who took care of the mistress, Chu Tian knew, Nima, so speechless ...

Chu Tian smiled and said: "Where, where, Wu Zu Chu Tian, ​​is said to be handsome and handsome, fascinated by thousands of girls, women who have met him will never forget the eternal life. Wu Zu's life left countless legends, even one People went directly to the palace and killed Qin Shihuang directly. This kind of merit ... is an unprecedented person, a latecomer! Wu Zu Chutian, who can match it! "

Chu Tian also began to brag.

Anyway, I am blowing myself, afraid of a hair? Praising himself so brightly, Rao is Chutian, and some ... sorry.

The bully laughed and said:

"Brother Chu is overly humble! But the name of Wu Zu is indeed what I and others who have learned from martial arts want to buy online. This is true. Unfortunately, after Wu Zu, there is no such thing as a shocking person to appear, hey ... I wait Even the realm of heaven and man has never been touched. Wu Zu pinched the realm and regulated the level of martial arts years ago ... "

Suddenly felt, Xiongba asked:

"Brother Chu, look, did Wu Zu reach the state of broken void? In theory, the higher the Wu Xuexiu, the longer he lived, so how long did Wu Zu live in the end? Han Dynasty? Jin Dynasty? Tang Dynasty? … "

The domineering tone was full of doubts.

The higher the cultivation level, the more doubts.

Rarely encountered Chu Tian, ​​Xiongba couldn't help but have the idea of ​​discussing with Chu Tian. After all, the rest of the world clubs are far less powerful than domineers, and discussion is meaningless.

Chu Tian smiled strangely. Pointing to the sky outside, Chu Tian said mysteriously: "I have some opinions on this matter. The day before yesterday, I decisively battled with Nie Renwang and found that the Leshan Giant Buddha had the words" Chu Tian came to this tour "and the sword intentions remained. On it, it looks like a towering giant sword, tearing everything apart for thousands of years. Undoubtedly, it should be left by Wu Zu. "

The bully is dull:

"Thousands of millennia ... do not disperse? This is serious !?" Xiongba said in shock.

"That's right." Chu Tian continued to brag about himself, without blushing symptoms, and said cautiously, "This state is terrifying. Wu Zu Chu Tian has exceeded the limits of mortals. As I see, he ... he may be alive."


The bully's eyes were stern, and he was serious for a few points.

The nearby ugly and ugly, Qin Shuang on one side, and many subordinates who heard the conversation between the two of them took a breath and looked pale!

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