Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 76: Accidental intrusion (4)

Wuzu Chutian!

What a character!

So far, all the masters of martial arts, all myths and legends, and even the myths of martial arts that had been hidden a few years ago are nameless. Compared with the ancestors of the martial arts, they are not worth mentioning!

Everyone who starts a new era of martial arts must have three knocks and nine worshippers while practicing martial arts, just like the Buddha Shakyamuni and the Taoist Sanqing ancestors.

If such a person lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present--

The bully swallowed and snorted.

Even when the situation of Mud Bodhisattva's criticism is available to the world, the male bully has been so disoriented. If Wu Zu really lived to the present, then the power it contains is self-evident. Not to mention how out of reach the martial arts realm is, even if it is fame, under the order of Wu Zu, countless warriors, like devout believers, will go forward and succeed to their births and deaths-like the Sanqing Taoist ancestors, which Taoist disciples Dare to ignore? Isn't that Taoist disciple crying for heaven and earth?

Such a person simply destroys the balance of the entire river and lake system!

Hegemony's hegemony has to be taken into account!

But how to deal with it?

How to consider?

How to treat such people?

For a time, he was a little scared. He has also killed many, many people over the years. If Wu Zu knows, will he ... replace the sky ...

Chu Tian naturally took the bully's reaction into his eyes.

Unexpectedly, his title of the year still has such a huge deterrent to the domineering. Pretending to smile inadvertently, Chu Tian continued: "Of course, this is just my personal guess. It may not be true. The sword will last for thousands of years, and it may not be possible for people. What is the realm of Wu Zu? Did you die? ? People who have n’t reached that level wo n’t know, we are only guessing after all ... "

The bully heard the words and slowly recovered.

Nodded solemnly, Xiongba was really shocked with cold sweat.

The bully calmed down and continued:

"It is true. The concepts of these predecessors and seniors are beyond our knowledge. No amount of guessing is necessary. Maybe we have long been unwilling to take care of worldly affairs and delve into martial arts."

Chu Tian smiled and said: "Brother domineering, is it because he is afraid that he will kill too many people, Wu Zu asks you to settle?"

Xiongba froze for a while, and said, "Hahahahaha--, Brother Chu laughed. Who hasn't killed a few people in the rivers and lakes? How could Wang Tubaye have less bloodshed? I just lost my mind for a while. I used to be my idol ... Moreover, Brother Chu did not do less evil than your money. I heard that Brother Chu played a few robbers of flower-picking not long ago ... "

Chu Tiandao said: "The news of Xiongba's brother is really well informed."

Domineering: "Where and where."

The two talked about trivial matters and some cooperation issues between the two parties.

Xiongba and Chu Tian are smart people, not the short-sighted guy on the other hand. The cooperative relationship between the two was soon settled.

Everything went smoothly.

And it's rare to have a little hero who makes himself a little bit better than chatting with those gangsters. Chu Tian also chatted for a while and said a lot of anecdotes.

Unconsciously, it was already noon.

Dominate Xiongba, let Chu Tianyanying and others stay for dinner. When they were about to leave the place with two people and went to the room where Xiongba was receiving guests, there was a loud noise outside.

Someone seemed to yell again.

"Let's go in, let's go in!"

"Give up, give up!"

"I'm going in, I'm going in!"

"If you don't let go, I will start, don't stop me!"

"You can't go in!"


The tumult of the chaos made a mess. In an orderly world, this kind of thing rarely happens. The shouting was so loud that Xiongba and Chutian could not talk normally.

Xiongba frowned, looking out of the door, and at the same time sneered at Wen Chou:

"How is it so noisy? What are the guards doing? I don't know if the dignitaries are here today? How did the old man tell him to go down? The old man and Brother Chu are talking about important things here, why are they still so chaotic, and how do they come together !!"


The bully slammed into the seat!

Under the slap of the bully, the cast iron handle of the seat beside him actually cracked a deep mark! After losing the courtesy in front of the guests, Xiongba is obviously very angry!

Wen Chouzhuo quickly exaggerated his expression and panicked: "Help the lord to anger, help the lord to anger. If you are young, let's take a look, and then take a look ... It's true, after eating the ambitious leopard, I dare to disturb the helper and Chu Talk to the Lord, **** it, **** it! ... Help the Lord to anger, anger ... "

Wen Chouzhuo turned around and was about to go out.

The movement outside has disappeared by this time.


There was a loud noise.

A child rushed in!

The child actually knocked down more than ten bodyguards to the ground!

It was another child who followed this child closely. Two children, actually broke into the world and will be the ground! The guards who fell to the ground wanted to return, but they seemed to have scruples and dared not to do it.

Can only watch the two break in!

The two are none other than Nie Feng and the breaking waves!

After learning that Chu Tian had come to the world meeting, Nie Feng and Broke Wave would certainly not remain silent. Killing the father's revenge, they don't share the sky, and the two quickly came here. And Nie Feng has been accepted as a disciple, these guards, of course, dare not take the heavy hand!

So much so that he broke into the place where Xiongba and Chu Tian met!

"Oh? Nie Feng? Breaking the waves? It's been a long time since I saw you." Chu Tian sat in his chair with a playful expression, unmoved.

After listening to Nie Feng and the broken waves in the distance, he became more angry!

It's this person!

It was this man who killed their dad!

I don't care about the presence of the bully, or where the place is now. Nie Feng and Duan Lang instantly stunned their heads with hatred and rushed to Chu Tian like crazy—

"Chu Tian! Return my father's orders!"

"Chu Tian !!"

"I will kill you!"

"Return my father's order--"

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