Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 7 Chapter 73: Shot (Supplement 6)

Zhang Xiaofan's acquisition of the Great Brahma not only caused a huge wave in the Qingyun Gate. The main schools of the right way, and even the whole cultivation world, were all alarmed!

After all, the problem of exercises has always been the most valued by the major schools. The exercises of each faction are kept strictly and never leaked! As a disciple of Qingyun Gate, Zhang Xiaofan learned the Brahma of Tianyin Temple, and immediately involved two giants!

The world shakes!

Yun Yilan, the host of the Incense Valley, Pu Hong, the host of Tianyin Temple, and some other righteous schools, and some disciples under the door, came to Qingyun Gate one after another. Maybe it's a good show, maybe it's a look, maybe ... don't use motivation.

The whole Qingyun Gate is coming!

In Xiaozhufeng, after some conversation, Shuiyue brought Chu Tian and Ling'er and Lu Xueqi, and Yu Jian came to Tongtianfeng Yuqing Hall.

The front of the Yuqing Hall was already full of people. Nearly a hundred people came from the various schools of disciples, and they looked at the door one after another. It was related to Qingyunmen ’s reputation.

Shuiyue nodded to Chutian and walked towards the Yuqing Hall.

Sitting in the center of the Yuqing Hall are the three heads of Dao Xuan Zhenren, Pu Hong and Yun Yilan.

The first line of the Qingyun Gate has also come together, and the elders have gathered here to watch the development of this event. Everyone's face was covered with dignity.

In the middle of the hall, Zhang Xiaofan knelt on the ground, a pair of fists clenched tightly, a weak figure, helpless and desolate ...

"Say! You big Brahma, how come from Xi Xi !!"

Daoxuan Zhenren's face was angry and he shouted sharply. There was a strong coercion, rushing towards Zhang Xiaofan. Zhang Xiaofan was suddenly dizzy and barely supported with a stubbornness.

With your mouth closed, Zhang Xiaofan said nothing. Just staring at the ground, don't know what to think. The more silent he is, the more angry Dao Xuan will be. Raised his palm, Daoxuan Zhenren's hands boiled, and said sharply: "You really think that I dare not kill you traitor!"

In Daoxuan's hands, a surging spirit surged, as if to take Zhang Xiaofan's life at any time. Zhang Xiaofan closed his eyes tightly without saying a word.

Yun Yilan on the other side opened his mouth and said: "Dao Xuan Zhenren is angry. Since this kid has learned the exercises, how can he tell you honestly? No bad guy who does evil will take the initiative to be honest and kill him. It's too hasty. "

A faint voice fluttered in the hall, as if Zhang Xiaofan was found to be stealing.

"What do you mean !!!" Tian on the side was not easily angry!

The body is fat, although most of his temper is good, but Tian is not an exception. The practice is again towards the Taoist technique of the fire department, Tian Tian ’s strange temperament is strange, and the entire Qingyun Gate knows.

Yun Yilan glanced at Tian Tian, ​​and said, "Tian Shizuo, your disciples secretly learn from other factions, can you still rely on it? You don't need to cover up like this."

Tian stood up in a hurry and said, "It's terrible to bully! Do you really believe that Burning Fragrant Valley, with the Eight Waste Fire Dragons, is invincible in the world! The Zhuxian sword of my Qingyun Gate is still available in Houshan!"

On Tian Yi's body, a scorching breath spewed.

Above the main hall, there was silence.

Even Master Puhong of Tianyin Temple frowned.

The sentence "I burn incense valleys, the world is invincible" many days ago, but spread all over China. Although the true and false are still to be tested, the eight wild fire dragons are indeed summoned.

Today's Yun Yilan is full of momentum!

After glancing at Yun Yilan, Pu Hong said: "Brother Yun is strange. Tian Shizuo also cares about his lovers, so it is inappropriate to speak. Right now, it is important to interrogate this disciple."

Dao Xuan also gave Tian Tian an uneasy glance, Tian Tian was calmed down and returned to his seat obediently.

Above the main hall, the spirit of tension was finally fading away, and the calm was restored.

Dao Xuan took a deep breath, turned around, took Zhang Xiaofan's magic weapon to eat the soul, and began to interrogate again: "You don't say the Gong Fa, then, you have to say this? This blood bite, where are you from? Come? Who gave it to you the blood refining method? What does the demon cult have to do with you? "

Daoxuan stared at Zhang Xiaofan, suppressing the anger in his heart, and said calmly.

Zhang Xiaofan still grasped the clothes tightly without saying a word.

Dao Xuan's eyes gradually turned cold, saying: "You, don't you really say that?"

Zhang Xiaofan nodded. You must do what you promise. This is the principle of Zhang Xiaofan, even at the expense of his life!

"Good! Good! Good! Really good ambition! Good guts! I want to see Dao Xuan, when can you stay!" It's a matter of Qingyunmen's face, Dao Xuan can't care too much. Raised his hand, the blue aura spread in his palm, and Dao Xuan had just prepared to use one or two means of coercion!

Suddenly, my arm hurt suddenly!

A terrifying breath rushed into his arm quickly. Rao took the practice of Dao Xuanzhen's Taiqing cultivation. Under this toxin, he still lost his mind instantly, and his entire arm seemed to be not his own! With a glance at Daoxuan's eyes, he saw a colorful and colorful centipede.

Seven-tailed centipede!

It was actually a seven-tailed centipede! !

There are seven forks at the tail, and the blood of Daoxuanzhen is still stained on it. Dao Xuanyun raised Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, quickly suppressing his injuries. With a big sleeve, the seven-tailed centipede slammed away!

"You traitor! Don't do anything!"

The real person of Dao Xuan is so angry that Qiqiao is smoking! It was actually harmed by the disciples with poison!

Zhang Xiaofan was shocked, he did nothing!

"No, it's not me! It's really not me!"

Zhang Xiaofan swayed his hands fiercely. He didn't know how to explain it in panic. He only knew that he swayed his hands and said "no"! At this time, Cang Song on one side suddenly came up and said, "Brother Master, please rest your anger, your body matters!"

Cangsong supported Daoxuan Zhenren's body.

Realistic Dao Xuan shook his head, disappointed.

But at this moment!

Mutation regeneration!

A bright light sprang from the loose sleeves, extremely fast and extremely fierce! At close range, and without guard, Dao Xuan simply had no time to dodge. When the reaction came, the dagger was already in the chest!

The dark green color appeared on the dagger, Dao Xuan's chest, and a pool of black blood had appeared in the blink of an eye! This is the symptom of poisoning!

Everyone went crazy in no time!


"Brother Cangsong!"

"Master !!"

"How is this going!!!"


The most surprising is Daoxuan. Dao Xuan couldn't think of anything. This Qingyun Gate, in charge of rewards and punishments, is known as fair and selfless, and will betray!

The aura of his body was surging rapidly, and Daoxuan had just prepared to get rid of toxins. However, with a sudden shock, instead of being able to get rid of it, a spit of blood spurted out!

Cangsong smiled wildly: "Hahahaha! How is it! How do I smell the toxins from the Special Department of Ghost Wangzong? This is the third poison agent rudder master gave me, Daoxuan. , What can I do? Ah? Hahahahaha !!! "

Ghost King Zong, Special Department!

Terrible nouns, once again wrapped around the first heart of the crowd!

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