Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 7 Chapter 74: Daoxuan is a **** guy

Bright red blood dripped from Dao Xuan's robe, Dao Xuan's expression became grim and terrifying. Looking at the Cangsong in front of him, Daoxuan had only one thought in his mind to get rid of all the misunderstandings.

Zhu Xian!

Please come out the ancient sword! ! !

If it is only Cangsong apostasy, there is no big deal.

However, in Cangsong's mouth just now, the word "Special Department of Ghost King Zong" was clearly spoken!

The ghost king ancestors who have never seen the bottom of the behemoth, plus the invincible strength of the ghost king sect master, can't help Tao Xuan without fear! Cang Song's actions, I am afraid that he is not alone! Taiji Xuanqing Dao runs rapidly. Dao Xuan does not rush to remove toxins at once, but slowly, surely, freezes the toxins and slowly removes them.

While clearing the toxins and stabilizing the injury, Daoxuan stared at Cangsong and said, "Taiqing Realm? The realm you haven't reached, you can't understand the real subtlety by hearing.

Take a deep breath. Dao Xuan's complexion quickly returned to ruddy, his chest suddenly aura, and the dagger suddenly popped out, hitting the loose chest with a bang!

Dao Xuan's palms followed closely and shot towards Cangsong!


Fight with both palms.

Even though Cangsong was a master of the Qing Dynasty, he still couldn't hold a blow under the injured Daoxuan palm. The two had just touched, and Cangsong's body flew out quickly, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed out, falling on the threshold of Yuqing Hall.

Cangsong panted heavily, but he didn't have any decadence. He looked at Daoxuan, and said, "Daoxuan, how about you killing me? Can you stop the world's lingering mouth! Hahahaha !!! "

Dao Xuan was shocked, his gaze fixed on Cang Song, and said, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Do you still not understand? At the top of the Yuqing Hall, did Brother Wan also usher in the end? You Daoxuan is so bold and powerful! But today, it has not been defeated by me. Under the plan! Hahahaha !! "

There was silence in the Yuqing Hall.

No one thought that Cangsong actually mentioned what happened.

One by one, they bowed their heads one after another.

There was a trace of contempt in Cang Song's eyes, and also, at the beginning, he was indeed for the enmity of Wan Jianyi. But after joining the ghost king sect, Cang Song really understood the so-called meaning.

No matter how strong a person is, no matter how firm his beliefs are, or any clear truths, he is vulnerable in the face of that adult. What Cangsong has to do now is just to do his job well and betray any thoughts of betrayal.

That's all.

Reaching out, Cangsong pointed towards the people in the palace one by one, and continued to perform tasks according to the script: "You! You! And you! How did Brother Wan treat you, but in the end, how did you see death? save!"

"Shang Zhengliang! How did Brother Wan teach you to teach you how to teach you! What do you do in the end!"

"Tian is not easy! Do you really think I don't know about that thing? Brother Wan has treated you like a master, why did you betray? Ah! Say! Do you really think I don't know!"

Cangsong shouted exhaustedly.

Daoxuan Hetian is not easy for two, his face suddenly stagnate!

What I just planned to do, I saw Cangsong ran out of the hall quickly and took out a horn-shaped thing from his arms.


Cangsong played a trick, the small horn suddenly became half the size of a person, Cangsong held the horn with both hands, and aimed at the square in front of the entire Yuqing Hall!

Qi Hao, Lin Jingyu and others were shocked!

"Master! What are you doing!"

"Master! That is the master, the master! How can you!"


"Uncle Cangsong !!!"


Among the crowd, only Chu Tianchao gave Cangsong a "good" look. Cang Song nodded respectfully, before shouting to the speaker, he shouted according to the established script: "Please note! Please note!"

"The people of Qingyun Gate, decent people, have passed by!"

"Please note! Please note!"

"Tell you a big news! That about Qingyunmen Dao Xuanzhen! Dao Xuanzhen, the head of the right path, in fact, he is actually--"

Dao Xuan in the Yuqing Hall suddenly changed color!

Tian is not as pale as the same!

This huge horn spread the sound to the entire Yuqing Hall Square! Not only that, but even hundreds of miles outside Qingyun Mountain, they are shrouded in this thick voice!

In Dao Xuan's complexion, he passed a trace of murderous opportunity!

The figure shot quickly, galloping towards Cangsong! Daoxuan strained his nerves, fearing that this matter would be publicized! At that time, the embarrassing class is not just him, but the whole Qingyun Gate!


An invisible wall suddenly blocked in front of Dao Xuan! Dao Xuan moment's heart was as gray as death, watching Cang Song's words in front of him.

In the huge horn, the sound came out from the blessing of mana:

"Dao Xuan, a real person, is Kira! Dazhufeng's first field is not easy, and Daoxuan, they have been engaged in Ji Ji for a century !!!"

All the disciples were stunned.

I have thought of countless situations, but I did not anticipate this situation!

However, after the shock, the sound of 簌簌 rang above the square:

"No wonder, every time Uncle Tian looks at me wrong!"

"The original news that Uncle Tian is so manly is true!"

"Dao Xuan, the head of Dao Xuan is actually--"

"How can it be!"


Once a belief collapses, it can no longer be established.

The image of the real person Dao Xuan suddenly collapsed in the eyes of all the disciples. No one wants to know that the head of the magnificent Qingyun Gate is actually a **** guy! !

The square gradually boiled ...

The fact is that after Chu Tian tampered with Tian Zhi's thinking, Tian Zi didn't like women anymore, but instead continued to deepen his favor for Dao Xuan. Under the chase, Dao Xuanzhen was finally chased ... (Khan)

Cangsong is not lying.

Although Tian is not easy to hide, there are still clues and traces discovered by the disciples and widely circulated in the Qingyun Gate. With this pine exposure, the disciples did not even have much doubt and believed it!

In the Yuqing Hall, Daoxuan Zhenren turned his head lost.

Shang Zhengliang, Tianmen Taoist, the first and the elders all looked at Daoxuan with strange eyes. Dao Xuanxin was as gray as death, but only felt that his life was bleak.

Not only is his reputation ruined, but even Qingyun Gate is nowhere to be destroyed!

Taking a deep breath, Daoxuan suppressed the injury. His old face blushed and said: "No matter how you ... think of me. For Qingyunmen, I have no doubts.-I am afraid that this matter has not ended yet, the loose voice, It should also be the signal agreed with the demon, I will go out and invite the ancient sword of Zhuxian, you ... take care! "

Looking deeply at a few people, Dao Xuan turned around, and his body was staggering towards the back of the Yuqing Temple. The figure was crooked, and now it seems to all the disciples that it is not so tall ...

Note: Regarding Tian ’s difficulty in getting involved, I have hinted three times before, not suddenly ...

Re-note: The word "basic", skillful entertainment, should not have appeared in ancient times.

In addition, there are more votes, and all future updates will be released regularly at 9 am.

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