Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 7 Chapter 75: Second Holy Church Alliance

"Ha ha ha ha! Dao Xuan'er, I didn't expect you to be okay!"

Crazy and wanton voices came from the bottom of the mountain, and four tall figures came from the front. Act calmly and intimately. Behind a few people, followed by a large crowd of people, approaching Qingyunmen Square.

Yu Yangzi, Poison God, Mrs. Sanmiao, and the Minister of Armed Forces, Qinglong!

The four major schools of sacred religions, for the second time since one hundred years ago, organized an alliance to attack Qingyunmen. And compared to the war of the year, the preparation for this time is more ample!

Daoxuan was injured, and Qingyun Gate lost one of its strongest combat powers!

Cangsong apostasy, the Qingyun Gate guard was fully opened, and the four leaders of the Demon Sect drove straight in. Under the arrangement of Cangsong, he easily reached the square in front of the Yuqing Hall.

And, the hidden assassin Zhou Yin ...

"Dao Xuan, where are you going? Do you dare to admit that you have the skills? Ah? Ha ha ha ha!"

"Hahaha !!"


There was a noisy laugh from the demonic ranks. The disciples of Qingyunmen faced embarrassment, and could not find a statement to refute for a while.

A master who is engaged in foundation, really lost all the faces of Qingyunmen ...

"Cang Song! You dare to collude with the demon!"

At the Yuqing Hall, an elder shouted angrily.

Cangsong laughed, not thinking: "Apostasy? You look at me too much! What I Cangsong has to do is more than apostasy!"

Cangsong shook his body quickly, and quickly came to the queue of the Demon Religion, facing Qinglong Lang and said: "Ghost Wangzong Information Department, the fifth sub-rudder master Cangsong, see the Qinglong Holy Envoy!"

Qinglong said solemnly: "You and I will work together for adults, don't need to be more polite! Right now, it is important to implement the plan!"

"The Holy Angel said yes!"

Cang Song nodded and quickly escaped into the demon's queue.

The three bosses of the Demon Church, together with the Blue Dragon Saint Envoy, approached the Yuqing Hall step by step. The whole Tongtianfeng Mountain is panic ...

Everyone at Qingyun Gate was alert quickly.

Cangsong's apostasy is more serious than anything. The defense of Qingyun Gate has always been the responsibility of Cangsong. Now the inside and outside meet, the enemy is driving straight in, attacking the Qingyunmen heavy ground, the situation is already too bad to be worse!

This is a major crisis that has not been seen in a century!

Pu Hong of Tianyin Temple came out and folded his hands together: "Everyone in Qingyun Gate, except Demon Guardian Road, please count as a share of Lao Qin!"

The first of them all said with joy: "Thank you for your help!"

Pu Hong, one of the four gods and monks of Tianyin Temple, presided over by Tianyin Temple. Pu Hong's participation in the war can be said to have too much help for the reversal of the situation!

Yun Yilan at the back also came up and said: "Master is so open-minded, how can I Yun Yilan lag behind others? I will also help you!"

With the help of two peerless masters, Qingyunmen suddenly felt much less pressure. It can be said that these two men made up for the disadvantage of Qingyunmen completely. Both of them are masters of the same name as Daoxuan, and their combat power is far from that of the ordinary first!

Pu Hong put his hands together: "Where is Brother Yun the chivalrous--"

Pu Hong's voice stopped suddenly.

Suffering from a pain in the abdomen, Pu Hong's entire body could not move. Looking at Yun Yilan in front of him, Pu Hong couldn't think of anything. What happened to Dao Xuan just happened again on him!

In the abdomen, that weapon is—

"This is, this is the Cone of People! How can these different treasures fall into your hands! You are not Yun Yilan! Who are you !!!"

Yun Yilan jumped away from the spot quickly, and laughed, saying: "Unable to go down! Ghost King Zong special department, assassin sub-helm rudder, Zhou Yin is!"

Zhou Yin's face, a flutter of aura, a change of face, where is Yun Yilan just now!



"Where to run !!"

The three elders of Qingyun Gate stepped forward quickly. Unexpectedly, Zhou Yin struck out three palms in succession, and the number of bursts cracked, and the three elders were repelled!

Everyone was taken aback by surprise. Unexpectedly, this assassin Zhou Yin actually had such strength!

In fact, those who can serve as the host of the Ghost King Sect must at least have their cultivation practices in the late Qing Dynasty! As for ministers and deputy ministers, they are all too Qingjing! Assassin Zhou Yin is good at assassination, strength is not the most important, but how to say is also the helm, Zhou Yin's cultivation is-Shang Qingjing, Qizhong!

Assassin Zhou Yin smiled, quickly rushed towards the demon's ranks, and disappeared in front of everyone.

Dao Xuan was injured, Pu Hong was injured, and even Yun Yilan was fake.

Qingyunmen's side suddenly fell into extreme predicament!

"People, blood. Wash Qingyun Gate!"

"It's time for my holy church to become famous!"

"All of you, kill!"


Qingyunmen's strength is greatly damaged!

The Demon Church is ready!

The demons all gave a roar of cheering, and their momentum was soaring. With the order of Yu Yangzi, the leader of the operation, the attack was finally launched!

Various magic weapons are flying in the air. The demons are fierce and irresistible, and they are killed towards the Yuqing Hall! Like the raging waters, it rushed to the Yuqing Hall!

Yu Yangzi, God of Poison, Mrs. Sanmiao, and the four people of Qinglong, still, watching this terrifying battle. These four people are the insurmountable peak in the eyes of the disciples!

Seeing the demons rushing up, the disciples of Qingyunmen are not behind!

Being in a dangerous situation also inspired everyone's determination to eliminate the demon and defend the Dao; Daoxuan took the foundation and lost the face of Qingyun Gate, which also made everyone angry and filled! In terms of momentum, it is not weaker than the four schools of the Demon Church!

"All of you! For Qingyunmen, you can't lose to them!"

"All of you, come on !!"

"Demon Guardian Road !!"


The disciples of Qingyunmen also rushed forward!

Shang Zhengliang, Tian Zhuan, Zeng Shuchang, the first of you also held the sword, ready to shoot at any time, and a large number of elders who followed the beast roar. All the combat capabilities of Qingyun Gate are ready!


With a loud roar, under the Hongqiao at the end of the square, a fierce beast jumped out. The majestic body exudes majesty, and a stream of water soars into the sky. The surging water energy surrounds this ancient ancient beast.

Water Unicorn in Qingyun Gate!

In the eyes of the disciples of Qingyun Gate, there was finally a glimmer of hope!

The disciples on both sides swarmed together, huddled together, "boomed" together, and the magic weapon was staggered, shining brightly.

The battle of Qingyun Mountain has begun!

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