Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 7 Chapter 95: Blackheart Old Man

The wind blew and the mist was hazy.

Countless monks have now been attracted to this untouched land in Western Daze.

The birth of the Emperor's Treasury has caused many monks to come in madness, not taking into account the various dangers in Daze, and began the road of treasure exploration. What kind of treasure will there be in the turmoil that shocked the entire mainland of China?

No one can say for sure!

But, no doubt, it will definitely be the most powerful and mysterious treasure!

Right way, magic way.

Even a lot of free repairs came over. Under the huge tree that rushed straight into the sky, it was already crowded with people. There was not a fierce fighting, the blood never stopped flowing for a moment.

Death is the original intention of those who summoned the emperor's treasure house!

As the fighting progressed gradually, there were also people running quickly towards the giant tree.

What are the hidden things in the place where the four characters "Tiandi treasure house" are written? Nobody knows. But this thing at the top of the giant tree must be extremely valuable!

Everyone is madly fighting for the treasure!


"The treasure is mine, don't grab anyone!"

"Bull noses, give me down!"


I don't know how long the killing continued. It wasn't until a beautiful bird chirp interrupted everyone's killing.

The huge bird has always been bigger than everyone's imagination. Even one eye has the size of a human head. The huge double-holding volley is spreading, and a strong wind blows from top to bottom, blowing to everyone!

Can the hurricane incited by the Yellow Bird be resisted by ordinary monks? Everyone was falling fast, and many of them even fell directly from the sky, and fell into a pool of mud!

Only those with good luck and high cultivation can barely stop the figure. This ancient alien is terribly strong!


There was another cry, as if to warn everyone not to approach the treasure house, the things in the treasure house were the same. The huge figure of the giant bird landed on the giant tree. A kind of monk below was so scared that the fart was peeing on.

"This is, this is an ancient beast, yellow bird!"

There was a scream, coming from a dressed-up population.

"What? Shushu, this is the yellow bird?"

"Yes, I'm sure! This thing is the same level as the Kui cow we saw last time. They are monsters that have lived at least tens of thousands of years!


Everyone was talking. On the one hand, Zhang Xiaofan looked at the yellow bird thoughtfully.

He was thinking, did he know this yellow bird before?

I always feel like I've seen it before. The bird song seems to wake up something deep in my memory ...

"Xiaofan! Xiaofan !? What's wrong?" Zeng Shushu asked.

"No, nothing, some headaches."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

The crowd continued to move slowly towards the top of the giant tree.

The giant tree is very tall, and the yellow bird is so strong. A few people can only climb slowly along the north side of the giant tree, and dare not be too public. Zhang Xiaofan's vision has always been hovering between the Yellow Bird and the Emperor's Treasure ...

The yellow bird still kept his head upright, as if examining the people below.

Huge wings incited at random, but the hurricane rolled up made it difficult to breathe. Even the falling feathers are bigger than people!

At this moment, someone below shouted suddenly: "Look! Someone in the sky!"

Everyone looked up.

Two people, standing in the sky, are walking in the air.

One is a woman, with her exquisite figure, and a breath of femininity. This is a perfect woman. Her body, appearance, and temperament are perfect. Even on his body, the faint charm of a charming woman made people have the illusion that she was captured by the soul! This is a person with a very high charm!

The other person ... is covered in a black robe, mysterious, and seems not to show up.

They are Chu Tian and Xiao Bai.

Without giving the yellow bird time to resist, Chu Tian stretched out his hand and waved in the air, the wind system Taoist art spread out, and a strong chain wrapped the yellow bird tightly. The chains condensed by the blue wind, dense and dense, completely cover the huge body of the yellow bird!


The yellow bird screamed and resisted.

But found that in front of Chu Tian, ​​it seems that nothing can be done. This wind-based Taoism is so powerful! Even if it can cut the beak of the black water black snake scale armor, it can't destroy it!

"Stop struggling, come here!"

Chu Tian reached out and gently pulled!

Suddenly, the huge body of the yellow bird flew towards Chu Tian quickly. The huge figure seemed to be like ants in front of Chu Tian, ​​a tiny human being!


Suddenly, the yellow bird turned his head and aimed at Chu Tian. A spiritual aura spewed out of his beak and flew towards Chu Tian quickly. Chu Tian was motionless, as if there was an invisible wall, which naturally blocked the yellow bird's attack.

Reaching out and taking out Fu Longding, Chu Tian grabbed the yellow bird volley, and at the same time chanted the spell. Take Fulongding away ...





In a cry, the people below were all sweating.

Such a powerful yellow bird has been ruled to be obedient and obedient. If this person is present, what other treasure will he rob? Straight to the end!

However, after Chu Tian conquered the yellow bird, he didn't go down, but stood in the sky and did nothing.

Gradually, the crowd below gradually became restless.

Since Chu Tian did not intend to shoot, the yellow bird is gone, they are not afraid of anything!

"Without the yellow bird, I'm afraid of hair!"


"The treasure is mine !!"


Seeing that Chu Tian had no intention of winning the treasure, the people started fighting and killing again.

Chu Tian and Xiao Bai stood in the sky, watching the crowd below. Chu Tian, ​​in particular, seems to be looking for something.

In the open mind, the whole piece of Western Daze, the shaking of the vegetation, the flow of dewdrops, are all in Chu Tian's observation. The blood and energy seemed to gather from the dead person slowly towards a certain place.

This is a person who has a similar breath to the blood bite. One, someone who is also hidden in a black robe ...

"Old Blackheart."

Chu Tian looked at the black robe below and said lightly. The sound condensed into a thin line and passed to the person's ear.

The black robe shuddered and looked up sharply!

In a pair of vicissitudes eyes, there is a deep surprise! !

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