Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 7 Chapter 96: Heavenly Emperor Treasury opens

After a short surprise, the man in black robe, known by Chu Tian as the old man in black heart, suddenly moved his body!

Quick, fast!

So fast that everyone on the scene could not react, except Chu Tian!

In a blink of an eye, the black robe has already reached the huge towering ancient tree, and a swell of blood is spreading all over the body. All those who are close to him can't help shivering!

The black robe, or the old black heart, came to Zhang Xiaofan in the blink of an eye!

The dry five claws stretched forward, a stream of blood gas staggered in the hands, and Zhang Xiaofan on the opposite side seemed to see the world bathed in blood!

"You, you !!!"

Zhang Xiaofan recognized it!

It was the one who summoned the treasure house of the Emperor!

Instinctively transporting Taiji Xuanqing Dao and Great Brahma Prajna, Zhang Xiaofan instantly raised his skill to the extreme, and at the same time raised the burning stick in his hand. A similar **** atmosphere erupted from the top of the burning stick!

Under the blending of the seventh volume of the Heavenly Book, the blue Taiji Xuanqing Dao, the golden Great Brahma Prajna, and the blood-red light of the blood-sucking bead actually have a tendency to merge. Powerful energies burst out from inside!

The old man with a dark heart shook his head and said in a low voice: "Blood-eaten bead is my coagulation of blood, use it to deal with me? Heavenly Emperor, you can't do it now!"

A pair of dry hands directly broke through several defenses, and the blood-eating bead, like seeing the master's doll, separated from the Dementor and jumped into the arms of the old black heart.


The old man of the black heart swallowed the blood bead!

Suddenly, the old dry-hearted old man's dry hands actually had a bit of blood, as if he had recovered a lot of strength. A flurry of blood was spreading in his hands, and the old man with black heart grabbed Zhang Xiaofan, and he would soar upward.

"Relax Xiaofan!"

Lin Jingyu rushed up angrily!

On the Dragon Sword, the blazing light shone, and in anger, the Dragon Sword uttered an agitated dragon sound, as if echoing the master's mood.

The old man with a dark heart glanced at Lin Jingyu and said, "No time to play with you!"

Seizing Zhang Xiaofan, the figure of the old black heart suddenly disappeared in place, Lin Jingyu's dragon sword slashed, but only a residual image was chopped ...

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The roar of magic weapons continued behind the old black heart, but unfortunately it couldn't even hit the shadow. The crowd at Qingyun Gate struggled to kill them, chasing the old man with a black heart, but there was always a feeling that it seemed that they could no longer catch up!

"Treasure of Heaven Emperor!"

Four large characters are written above the giant gate.

The old man with a black heart glanced at Chu Tian in the air, and he was a little worried. In his current state, he is not sure about winning half a point, otherwise, how could he take the risk without planning?

Carrying Zhang Xiaofan, the black-hearted old man rushed toward the front quickly.

"You, what are you going to do! Let me go! Put me down!" Zhang Xiaofan yelled, but unfortunately all his aura was imprisoned and could not be controlled at all.

"What to do? Borrow your blood!" Said the old black heart in a low voice.

A palm shot on Zhang Xiaofan's back, Zhang Xiaofan's blood spewed on the door of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury. The old man with a dark heart looked at the folding door excitedly, his palms trembling.

The sun shone on the gate, and the four golden characters of the Emperor's Treasure Vault shone brilliantly. It complements Zhang Xiaofan's blood. The door of the Emperor's Treasury has a tendency to open!

The old man with a dark heart roared with a smile and said, "Treasure of the Heavenly Emperor! Treasure of the Heavenly Emperor !! Although I don't have the power to open it now, if the blood of the Heavenly Emperor has another magical effect!-If it were your blood, how could blood refine the blood beads? ! "

The old man with a dark heart laughed, and as soon as the door of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury opened, he quickly entered the Treasury.

Among the emperor treasure trove, it is very spacious.

On a huge stone wall, there are sections of vicissitudes and profound words:

"Book of Heaven, Volume Three!"

"Heaven and earth are benevolent, take everything as a Zou dog!"


This is a mysterious book! The source of the various exercises of Buddhism and Taoism!

Zhang Xiaofan stared at the volume of books with a stunned look, his brain exploded. The seventh volume of the Heavenly Book that Jade Bird sent him seemed to have a close relationship with this third volume.

The dents, every handwriting, Zhang Xiaofan looked very familiar. It seems that these words are carved by myself. Just standing here, staring blankly, Zhang Xiaofan's mind is getting chaotic, and there seems to be something to pop out ...

However, the old man with a black heart did not look at this book.

Glancing at Zhang Xiaofan, he didn't know what idea he was playing. The old man with a dark heart walked to a corner in front, staring at a small stone, his eyes showing a bloodthirsty light.

"Heavenly Emperor's Stone! This is Emperor's Emerald Stone !!"

The old man with a black heart trembles. He stretched out his hand and held this little stone: "This thing, you didn't use it at that time, I really don't understand!"

The old man with a black heart opened his mouth and threw the Heavenly Emperor's Nether Stone into his mouth.

A majestic breath burst into the body of the old black heart! As if to blow the whole person! The little Heavenly Emperor's Nether Stone quickly dissolves in the body of the old black heart, turning it into a huge energy tonic. The dry hands of the old black heart, slowly, actually recovered a bit close to normal people.

After glancing at his arm, the old black heart smiled, very satisfied.

"Strength, barely recovered a little bit. However, it is still not enough."

A deep voice came from the old man's throat, and the old man looked at the pot of water on the other side. This was also collected by the Emperor of the year and was of great value.

The old man of the black heart stepped forward and was just preparing to replenish and restore his strength!

Suddenly, there was a noise from outside!

As if the end of the world is coming, the gate of the Emperor's Treasury has gradually disappeared in the chaotic flow of black paint. The chaotic and exploding space is rolled towards the treasure house of the Emperor!

A huge palm print, descending from the sky, enveloped the entire treasure of the heavenly emperor!

"Damn! This strength, I'm afraid I can contend in my heyday!"

The old black heart roared angrily, glancing at Chu Tian standing in the air. Reluctantly glanced at the fairy water left by Heavenly Emperor in the distance, the old man of Black Heart flew out quickly towards the Emperor's treasure.

Chu Tian in the air was not in a hurry, and said lightly:

"Dare to play tricks in front of Lao Tzu, you can be kind!"

A fire, hot fire, hot breath, blasted toward the old black heart! The blazing white flame burned everything, and even the space where it passed was burning with scorn, this is the strongest fire that contains the fire rules!

The old heart of the black heart mentioned his throat!

How can I think that he is a person who has understood the laws of the fire department! According to his current situation, fire is the most restrained thing for him!

"Asshole !!! I'm not convinced !!! I'm not willing !!!!!!"

The old man with the black heart put his palms on his face, and the blood gas dispersed most of the sky. The terrifying breath collided with the pale flame of Chu Tian!


The whole world seemed to shake a moment. The dark clouds within a million miles scattered away, the thunder continued to explode, and where the wind blew, the western Osawa seemed to be at the end of the world! Even the space is exploding in large areas!

"Is this still human power?"

The monk below watched the two meet, trance, dull ...

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