Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 18: Still good

Looking at Nu Wa's greedy appearance, Chu Tian suddenly remembered something.

No wonder the ten-year inventory is only finished in two or three years, dare to love Nuwa is a big stomach king!

However, this is not a problem for Chu Tian. In Chu Tian's body, there are several foods provided by the world, how could it not be enough!

Moreover, the food-seeking attributes of Nuwa's sister seem to be a breakthrough point for Chu Tian. It is said that grabbing the man's stomach can grab the man's heart. This time, Chu Tian turned it upside down ...

"Nuwa, I'll take you to a good place. There are so many delicious things there. You can't eat it for three days and three nights!" Chu Tian said with a tempting tone.

"Where, where?"

"You will know by then. However, because that way is different from this place, you must keep holding my hand and not let go if you want to avoid conflict." Chu Tian's expression was serious, and he never blushed.

Nu Wa doesn't understand very well.

However, Nu Chu nodded at Chu Tian's seriousness. In today's society, there is not much ethics education between men and women.

So, Nu Wa had a slender crystal jade hand deep and grabbed Chu Tian.

"Really, are there a lot of cakes?" Nu Wa confirmed again.

"The cake is a piece of hair, better ones!"

"Really, really?"

"Absolutely true!"

Nu Wa's crystal-clear eyes have refracted a projection of delicious food. In this age without soy sauce and salt, even the gods ca n’t help but be enchanted when they encounter gourmet food!

"Okay, Nuwa, hold on!"

Chu Tian's body, with the power of the world, gently oscillated.

Without any warning, Chu Tian and Nu Wa disappeared inside the house and came to the world inside Chu Tian ...

Among the big cities.

The building that pierced the sky was gorgeous and gorgeous, and it was beautiful.

Cars drove back and forth without any noise. Under the leadership of the great Chu Tian, ​​he has found a new and efficient energy to replace oil.

There are also pedestrians coming and going on the road, carrying backpacks, beautifully dressed ...

"Where is this?"

Nu Wa looked at this strange place, her bright eyes shining strangely. Chu Tian shielded the existence of the two with the power of the world, and no one here could feel it.

Otherwise, wearing a costume, you must be treated as a neuropathy!

"This is where there is food. Nu Wa, go, I will take you to KFC."

"KFC! I know, it appeared on TV!"

"Okay, just know ..."


Pulling Nuwa, Chu Tian and Nuwa, like transparent people, came to a KFC store.

Take things yourself and eat your own.

Laws of power oscillated, and those delicious chicken wings drifted in the air, but no one saw them. Or, even if you see it, the brain will automatically filter it out.

In the world controlled by Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian can realize anything with one idea!

The two of them and Nüwa were generous and acted as thieves and ate in KFC. Nu Wa didn't know that she had to pay to eat, otherwise how could she do such a thing!

"Chu Tian, ​​it's delicious."

"Chu Tian, ​​did you put salt in it? I heard it was a delicious thing."

"Chu Tian, ​​you also eat--"


The joyous time passes quickly.

Chu Tian and Nu Wa, after a heavy meal in this metropolis, Nu Wa made a request for shopping, so the two visited a clothing store again, and, three hours later--

Nu Wa walked on the street carrying big and small bags.

Good time, good times, seaweed, Xizhilang jelly, bayberry ...

A series of super-era items are placed in the bag in Nu Wa's hands. There were so many delicious things, Nu Wa didn't think of it.

With the left handbag and the right hand holding Chu Tian's shoulder, learning the people in the love TV series, Nu Wa and Chu Tian walked on the street like a couple.

Many people coming and going, cast their blessings on them. This kind of Lang Cai feminine, in addition to making people feel like a match, can not produce a trace of jealousy.

Both of them are perfect.

"It's so good on earth. There is never such an interesting thing in Hongya."

Nu Wa said happily.

Shining eyes looked at the crowd in the distance, eating Nuwa for most of the day, then at this time a little serious. In addition to the joy and ease in his eyes, there are also some deep thoughts ...

"Of course, the world is better than Hong Yajing. Who can bear it all the time living in that kind of place. You see, I do n’t want to go to Hong Yajing when I hang up the power of Tian Tian? Because I ca n’t live! Your choice is right! Follow Tiange me, yes! "

While Chu Tian was talking, he peeled off a jelly and handed it to Nu Wa's mouth—because one hand hugged Chu Tian's shoulder and a handbag, Nu Wa couldn't really make it. Originally Chu Tian proposed to work for the lady, but Nu Wa clung to those desserts and never let go.

"En! Chutian, thank you!"

Nu Wa ate the jelly in one bite, and her beautiful face showed a touch of emotion.

I have never been so happy, nor have I been so leisurely.

In Hongya, apart from cultivation, it is to sleep. The most lively time was just a meeting of the gods to discuss certain major events, but that was only once in hundreds or even thousands of years.

Should life be called happiness now?

Nu Wa thought while walking. After a while, suddenly relieved, a bright smile appeared on his face: "Chu Tian, ​​I decided!"

"Decide what?" Chu Tian said indistinctly, and had eaten snacks himself.

Nu Wa's tone was soft and pleasant, but she was incredibly determined: "I have decided, and I will never return to Hongya Realm in the future. What is the meaning of the simple and boring life day after day? Living freely To live happily. Although there are defects in the world, there are more shining places ... "

Chu Tian nodded again and again and hugged Nu Wa, saying:

"Nuwa girl, you are so wise! That's right, Fu Xi's guy, actually preparing to go to the sky, is really arrogant. If one day falls from the sky, he will die!"

"Giggle, how can it be so exaggerated." Nuwa Yanzui chuckled.

"In short, you can rest assured that staying in my mountain for as long as you want. Fuxi that guy does not care, if he dares to do bad things, I don't mind slapping him!"

Nu Wa nodded with a smile.

"Thank you, Chu Tian. However, I think Lushan is your place after all. Ten years later, I ... I won't stay any longer," Nu Wa seemed to think of something, her face turned slightly red for a while, revealing A little glamorous. After a pause, I continued, "Chu Tian, ​​in fact, I have observed your layout in Fushan in recent years. I often have an idea. I want to build a brand-new place like Lushan, according to my own design. Oh , I ’ve already thought about the name, and it ’s called “Yudu”. How about that? When the time comes, I invite you to be a guest ... "


Looking at Nu Wa's happy face, Chu Tianlei was out of focus. It turned out that you all came like this! ! !

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