Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 19: Youdu is established, a thousand years

Two years later.

With the assistance of Chu Tian, ​​Nu Wa finally built a huge castle on the ground boundary. Covering a million square kilometers, it is comparable to the size of many countries.

Because the architectural style is influenced by modern society, the scene here is very different from all the buildings in the world. The ghost city in the ancient sword and strange world was born in this way ...

A group of humans who believed in Nuwa and had a temperamental life of nobleness, settled in Youdu and became the first original residents of Youdu.


Feng Qingxue's hometown appeared like this. However, it seems that thousands of years before Feng Qingxue was born ...

Time passed slowly.

Although Nu Wa established Youyou, she stayed with Chu Tian all the time. After so many years, without Chu Tian being around, Nu Wa also felt that she was missing something.

The two have been to the bustling metropolis and Chutian Royal Palace. They have traveled with the Chinese people from time to time. Of course, Nu Wa also likes to go shopping in modern society ...

In this way, the years are long, thousands of years, fleeting ...


"--Brother Tian, ​​have breakfast."

A light voice broke the morning silence of Lushan.

The dreamy white gauze enveloped the delicate body, and the slim figure exuded a holy breath. With a bowl of porridge, Nu Wa came to Chu Tian's chuang, with a sweet face.

"Um ... Um, breakfast, what is breakfast?"

Chu Tian wiped his eyes, still a little sleepy.

Chu Tian went shopping with Nu Wa last night, but Chu Tian was exhausted. Nu Wa actually ran through all the clothing stores and snack bars in three big cities in one night. Chu Tian now regrets that she actually told Nu Wa that she has a body The news of the world can't hurt ...

Nu Wa sat gently beside Chu Tian and passed the warm bowl. A refreshing aroma came out of the bowl. Nu Wa took a few hints of pride: "Tiange, this is something I made for you. I just invented it, and I don't know what the name is."

"Oh, girl Nuwa, you made it yourself!"

Chu Tian only solved a lot of difficulties.

Nu Wa's cooking skills can only be described in one word: absolutely!

In itself, it is food. Nüwa's persistent pursuit of food is something that ordinary people simply cannot imagine! Moreover, Nuwa is a fairy, and her learning ability is first-class. She can learn Chinese characters by herself. What else can you do?

For thousands of years, Nu Wa's cooking skills have not reached Chu Tian's point of sigh! In the different world travels with Chu Tian again and again, Nu Wa never forgets to learn from time to time. The fusion of nine worlds of culinary skills, now Nu Wa, the well-deserved culinary master!

Taking the bowl from Nuwa Jingying's hands, Chu Tian drank it.

A sweet, sour, and cool feeling, as if soaked in the soul, spreading from Chu Tian's mouth, instilled in all the limbs and limbs, the whole person is warm, the distress disappeared.

It's so delicious!

"Good! Good! It's really delicious! If I don't use power to cheat, there's absolutely no delicious food you do!" Chu Tian praised vigorously.

On Nu Wa's face, the red Yunxia flew by, and smiled: "Brother Tian, ​​you like it."

Watching Chu Tian bite by bit, he ate all the porridge in the bowl. Nu Wa's face showed a little woman-like smile.

Have not experienced any strong winds and waves, farewell to death, and Chu Tian, ​​has been plain and plain. But Nu Wa really enjoys this indifference and the time when two people are together.

I like this kind of peaceful life.

What's so good about fairy? Watching Chu Tian happy, he was happy. Then everything is fine ...


Chu Tian suddenly said, interrupting Nu Wa's contemplation.

"Um? Brother Tian, ​​what's the matter?"

"Good things to share together, come on, Nuwa girl, you also have a bite."

"Oh, okay."

Nu Wa said sweetly.

Nu Wa had just prepared to take over the bowl, and when she saw Chu Tian's smile with a slightly frivolous expression, Nu Wa knew Chu Tian's idea. She shyly looked at Chu Tian, ​​Nu Wa closed her eyes slightly, her face flushed ...

Chu Tian leaned forward and kissed Nuwa's fragrant cherry lips.

The mouth is full of fragrance and the fragrance is overflowing.

Chu Tian put down the bowl, hugged Nu Wa from behind with his hands, pryed away the shells of Nu Wa, and transferred the sweet and greasy porridge from his mouth to Nu Wa.

"Woo woo-oh man, woo, you--"

Chu Tian smiled.

Two large hands fumbled behind, reaching into Nuwa's soft white gauze. Delicate and delicate skin, soft, soft, smooth and greasy, kneading under Chu Tian's hands, showing a little fluorescence.

The two gasped violently, tongues intertwined, and probed each other again and again. Soon, Nu Wa collapsed softly in Chu Tian's arms, and she had no strength at all.

"Well! Sister Nuwa, your breakfast is delicious."

Chu Tian hugged Nu Wa, don't say something meaningfully. Licking his lips, it seems that he still misses Nuwa's fragrance.


Nu Wa said softly that her small head was buried in Chu Tian's arms, and she dared not look at Chu Tian.

Every time Chu Tian is intimate, he must be laughed at by Chu Tian. Nuwa ’s body is water and water, especially after Chu Tian ’s development, she fell down when touched, and she is extremely sensitive. In Chu Tian ’s words, it ’s the lady under Chuang, what is on Chuang ... It ’s really shame Dead!

——Wu Wa knows where she is, it is like this in Chu Tian's hands! Chu Tian's Yin-Yang Avenue is endlessly useful!

"Right, brother ... today, where are we going to play today?"

Nu Wa diverted the topic and concealed her embarrassment.

"You are a greedy eater, you just want to eat and play. Today, I have something to do. The floods in the south, the people are displaced. As the emperor of the world, I can do my best!"

Chu Tian said the way is calm, but that expression, how to look like "look for fun" ...


The world view of the ancient sword is the Three Realms. Heaven, earth, human world.

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