Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 23: Convicted in the sky

"Trick and worm skills."

Chu Tian stood in the sky and said with a smile.

The two's attacks were too straightforward, but they simply made a move-aiming-attacking, and did not even have a little skill. The monotonous form makes Chu Tian not interested in anything.

Fighting in this world is basically, as long as the strength is strong, the battle will definitely win. If the strength is weak, the battle will lose.

with no doubt.

Fighting purely by virtue of the original ability was originally not bad, but for Chu Tian, ​​whose power has already surpassed the two, it would be too boring if he had no technical content at all.

"Well, let me see you today, what a real battle is."

Chu Tian said lightly in the air.

The voice is ethereal, with a peculiar tone.

Taking Chutian as the center, the spirit, air, sea water, mountains and rocks, and everything in the surrounding area seem to have been affected by Chutian's discourse, forming a wonderful resonance with Chutian.

Chu Tian and the whole heaven and earth seemed to merge into one.



The attack of Prince Changqin and Zhu Rong, halfway through, was suddenly penetrated by an invisible force and burst instantly!

The two looked pale and froze for a moment!

I don't know why!

-There is no sign of destruction, nor any collision of energy. Chu Tian just used the principle of simple resonance to find the most lethal frequency and resolve the attack of the two!

Physical attack!

Although it is a fairy world, all physical attacks are the same in any world. The same way, the ultimate physical attack, especially Chu Tian, ​​an old monster with hundreds of years of experience, is not necessarily as good as the magic attack!

Or to put it further, if a hydrogen bomb is made in this world, it is possible to kill some immortals who are not very strong!

The moment they froze, Chu Tian counterattacked instantly.


The ethereal voice rang in the ears of Zhu Rong and Prince Changqin.

The immense waves that turned into an instant in the sea water, a huge figure leaped from the sea, it is, the huge body of the unlucky! Chu Tian took control of it with a few auras left in the body.

How powerful is Yinglong's body!

"Sorry--!" Changqin exclaimed.

"Be careful--!"

Prince Changqin was careless, where would he want his friends to attack him. Even if it's a fairy, it's not easy to feel the collision force of the huge body!

Unpretentious huge figure did not have a slight delay, in the control of Chu Tian, ​​hit the chest of Prince Changqin with a bang! Prince Changqin's body passed a distance of thousands of kilometers in the air and was seriously injured in an instant!

A mouthful of blood spewed out of the mouth!

Prince Changqin lost most of his fighting power in an instant!

"Long Qin !!"

Zhu Rong looked anxiously, reached out and waved his hand, and a magnificent amount of mana condensed into a huge barrier.

But at this time, Chu Tian's series of chain attacks began.

With the tremendous huge waves rising from the body of Yingyu Long, suddenly a bitter chill came out.

The sea was filled with white smoke, and huge waves were being manipulated by Chu Tian, ​​surrounded by two people in all directions. Like a cage formed by sea water, the two quickly wrapped!

The seawater quickly became colder and colder.

In a short time of less than 0.1 second, the entire surface of the South China Sea has become a white glacier!

The huge glacier contains Chu Tian's majestic spirit. The five elements of yin and yang, the change of water, Chutian is very skilled in using the land. The blood that Prince Changqin just spit out has frozen in an instant!

Even Zhu Rong felt a chill from the depths of his soul! The glaciers in all directions are constantly shrinking and squeezing, and they will be crushed into meat sauce!

"Fire comes!"

Zhu Rong hurried nervously.

The blazing flame jumped in Zhu Rong's hands, making a crackling explosion. However, surrounded by this huge ice crystal, it actually-instantly extinguished!

Aura of fire attribute, completely suppressed by ice attribute and water attribute!

The water of the entire sea is used by Chu Tian.

Such a huge ice attribute power, the condensed giant prison cage, even if the fire **** Zhurong, it is difficult to crack. What's more, ice restrains fire better than water!

"... difficult, have you calculated it from the beginning? The interlocking attacks are really difficult for you!"

Zhu Rong said with a deep voice, and his face was very solemn.

In such ancient times, there are so many tricks in fighting.

Attack with your voice while speaking to control your own attack, and even a series of preparations for this follow-up! I have lived for so many years, and honestly, I have n’t thought about it!

Zhu Rong took a deep breath and looked at the crown prince harp in the distance. His eyes were burning with anger. Chu Tian is not easy to deal with, this fact, Zhu Rong has to admit ...

After seeing Chu Tian standing and laughing outside the ice wall, Zhu Rong became more irritable: "However, it's not finished yet! I Zhu Rong, how could it be controlled by glaciers in this area!"

On Zhu Rong's body, a misty power spreads continuously.

There is no blazing flame, no blazing red, but the meaning of that kind of fire is stronger than ever! The whole glaciers are shrouded in a hot breath!


Zhu Rong shouted.

Suddenly, within the ice cage, flames suddenly ignited!

The endless flame is many times stronger than before. Even Chu Tian's condensed power to earn a sea is quickly dissipating!

This is the rule of supremacy!

Zhu Rong as a Pangu Qingqi bred gods, although not as good as the Three Emperors, but also extremely powerful! The fire law can already be applied!

"Boy, I am Vulcan Zhurong! Everyone, Fanbing, what can I do !!!"

Zhu Rong's body ignited a raging fire.

Even the space, under the flame, crackled. Zhu Rong took a deep breath, pointed in the direction of Chu Tian, ​​and suddenly accelerated!

Take Chu Tian's throat straight-

"Fire Sword!"

In Zhu Rong's hands, a flame condensed into a pale long sword, faster than Thunder, and reached the ice wall in a blink of an eye.

Stabbed with a sword!

The glacier melted before it broke.

The hot temperature on the sword is not only the temperature, but also the essence of suppressing water and ice, the law!

Zhu Rong seizes the moment when Chu Tian relaxes outside the ice wall and fights for his death!


The glacier burst!

Zhu Rong stabbed out with a sword. Both the timing, the location, and the unexpected effect are perfect. Zhu Rong feels that he will succeed—


Where the long sword fell, and where the ice was broken, it was empty.

Instead, Chuxun was on the left of Zhu Rong's sword, and Chu Tian stood with a smile. A long sword condensed with aura, shining in Chu Tian's hands, penetrated the ice wall, and stuck in Zhu Rong's heart ...

"Fantasy ... illusion?"

Zhu Rong spit out blood and shivered.

I never imagined that I was still put together ...

"Imagine you! You don't know the refraction of light? I really don't know what your consciousness is used for. In battle, it's not enough to rely on the eyes. There is also your fire law, which is too used It ’s rough. Also, my lord, I ’m killing you with something weaker than you, let alone foul me! "

Chu Tian 叽叽 呱呱, shoot with a palm.

The aura of the ice attribute keeps going deep into Zhu Rong's internal organs, and the blink of an eye has completely sealed Zhu Rong's entire body.

The aura is sealed, the body is sealed, and even the soul is completely solidified!

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