Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 24: Convicted in the sky

Prince Changqin is half dead.

Vulcan Zhurong became an ice sculpture.

The entire battle scene, from beginning to end, is no more than ten seconds. Chu Tian didn't use any great method, and it must be said that the amazing place, that is, the attack method was unexpected.

However, such Chutian is more frightening.

After a hundred battles, no, not even a million battles are enough!

Although Zhu Rong couldn't move, his eyes could still be seen. With his eyes wide open, Chu Tian looked at Chu Tian, ​​not knowing whether it was fear or shock ...

Nu Wa in the distance came to Chu Tian's side in an instant.

The white dress fluttered, and Nu Wa didn't know where to take out a fruit. Nu Wa jade fingered the aura, and instantly split the skin, exposing the tender meat inside, and handed it to Chu Tian's mouth: Come, litchi. "

"Well! Nuwa girl, you are so sweet."

Chu Tian bite the juicy fruit with satisfaction and felt comfortable.

Just after the fight, there were beautiful women sending food, it was really a comfortable life.

Turning his head, Chu Tian found Zhu Rong in Bing Jing, his eyes widened even more, and he seemed incredibly uncomfortable looking at Chu Tian and Nu Wa ...

"Look! What to see! Look at your eyes again!"

Chu Tian scolded.

Zhu Rong glared diligently and gestured towards the goddess Nuwa, wanting to tell Nuwa that she was Zhurong.


But Nu Wa only talked to Chu Tian and talked and laughed as if she hadn't seen him!

Goddess Nu Wa, did you not see me? I was frozen! It was frozen! Zhu Rong roared again and again. Only Nu Tian in the eyes of Nu Wa opposite, and, snacks ...

Zhu Rong is still convinced that Nu Wa did not see him, yes! It must be because he did not recognize him. If the goddess Nuwa, who has always been holy and dignified and kind-hearted, sees that she is frozen, how can she be indifferent?

I have to wait, wait ...

"Oh, brother, can you send Zhu Rong away. Someone is here to hinder us, I, I feel uncomfortable ..." After a long time, a thin, slightly shy voice passed into Zhu Rong's ears .

"Oh, this one, or kill him directly."

"Tiange ... Um, Tiange, you wouldn't have been a killer for them because of me-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you do n’t have to worry about me, Nuwa is so happy ... ohhhhhhh-- "

"Nuwa girl, that, you still have to swallow your mouth before talking."

"Oh, woo woo, too much to swallow."


Bing Zhurong still has some listening skills.

Nu Wa mentioned his name, Zhu Rong heard clearly.

However, Zhu Rong didn't understand that since the goddess Nuwa knew herself, why didn't she save herself! ! He also talked to this Chu Tian and smiled like a good friend!

How is this going!

I wanted to be a master of fireball juggling in Hongya Realm! I usually performed a lot of projects for the gods! There is hard work without credit!

How can it be so unforgiving!

Goddess Nuwa, wake up, help me, do n’t eat anymore! ! !

Zhu Rong keeps pleading, praying again and again ...

Talk to Nüwa and laugh.

Chu Tian looked at the three people from time to time, thinking about how to deal with them.

It stands to reason that Chu Tian did not have much enmity with them, nor did they make Chu Tian worth noting. If you change someone else, Chu Tian will either kill or lose, or delete the memory, etc., just swell.

But these three people, after all, are closely related to the original, but this kind of character is rare, so you have to play it. The opportunity to experience the plot is rare. I waited for a thousand years before I came to the plot, and I did not plan it through it ...

"In the end, what to do is more interesting."

Chu Tian touched his chin and thought of ...

In the Chutian thinking room, the distant sky, golden light emerged.

The golden light, full of the majesty of the emperor, stained the whole sky with the atmosphere. A shining light flashed suddenly from thousands of miles away!

In a flash!

A man, dressed in a majestic robe and a gold crown, his stern eyes filled with an atmosphere of looking down on sentient beings. Nu Wa, who was beside Chu Tian, ​​lighted her eyes and said softly: "It's Fu Xi. It seems that your brother Tian's movements are still a little bit bigger, and the whole South China Sea is frozen, which is so striking."

"What! Fuxi !!"

Chu Tian exclaimed.

A flash of light flashed over, and Chu Tian suddenly thought of something.

Without saying a word, Chu Tian mischievously, the sword has been pulled out-do n’t ask when the sword appeared, Comrade Chu Tian ’s action at this moment was completely instinctive, and it was too fast to exceed the limit of exploration by everyone. !

Ancestral Sword, the sheath was released in a blink of an eye!

Even Fu Xi, who had just arrived, was stunned after seeing Chu Tian pulling his sword!


What speed!

How did it appear!

Fu Xi is unimaginable. In this world, there are still things he cannot understand. The simple sword-pulling action cannot be captured! How can it be! How can it be! ! !

He is the head of the three emperors, Fu Xi! ! !

Suppress the feeling of excitement and fear. Fu Xi, who had always stood on top of the gods, also had a strange emotion at this moment.

He is not the strongest!

Suppressing the strange impulse in the bottom of my heart, Fu Xi looked at Chu Tian, ​​trying to keep a calm tone, and slowly said: "This Daoist, I don't know, how to call it?"

"Lao Zi is called Chu Tian!"

Chu Tian said old-fashioned.

The ancestor sword gently waved, and the glaciers that stretched for millions of miles across the sea burst in an instant!

Jian Qi diffused and expanded.

Lightning and thunder in the sky, the space is trembling violently. The whole world seems to be unable to accommodate the ancestor of the ancestor sword, trembling in the shattered sharp sword spirit!

Chu Tian smiled, and the tip of the sword gently turned a slight arc, aiming at Fuxi in the distance——

"You!" Fu Xi shuddered violently!

Heart, instantly mentioned the throat!

This sword!

This sword is the legendary first sword in the world-the beginning! Ancestor! sword!

This sword gave Fu Xi a terrifying feeling, which was a feeling that Fu Xi had never had since his birth. Fuxi didn't even know what it was like to be injured. At this time, there was a firm guess: this sword, as long as it gently brushes the skin, can make him ... seriously injured!

This is the oldest strong weapon!

"Daoyou, what do you mean?"

Fu Xi's face was a bit ugly, and he was alert all over, preventing Chu Tian's hasty attacks. Auras form a shield around the body, resisting the sharp sword qi of the ancestor sword ...

"What do I mean? Fu Xi, you really don't know, you still don't know. You two subordinates go to my chassis to find fault, and you still ask me what I mean? In other words, do you want to teach me? OK! No problem, my lord has a lot of people, meet your requirements, come on, let's fight! "

Chu Tian said frivolously.

The ancestor sword in his hand exudes increasingly sharp sword mansions, as if to split the world. The entire South China Sea is shrouded in horrible sword ...

Fu Xi stayed for a while.

In the deep eyes, passing a complex emotion, that is Fu Xi ’s first possession and first experience since birth, hate, fear, fear, unwillingness, hesitation, jealousy, fear, flinch ...

These have always been considered by Fu Xi, and only the emotions that ordinary people have, at this moment, they have finally experienced it. I do n’t know how long it took, for a moment, or a minute, Fu Xi ’s brain slowly recovered ...

——All kinds of emotions instantly turned into a wave of standing water, and no longer appeared halfway. Fu Xi's expression is joyless and sad, deeply restrained. It seems that a normal person.

Fu Xi also finally realized that as God himself, he is not very different from those who are old, sick and dead. Under the power, it is nothing but arbitrariness--

Ruminant dog! ! ! !

"Daoyou, you misunderstood."

Fu Xi said deeply, looking at Chu Tian's expression, even a little gentle. In a short moment, Fu Xi has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Turning slowly, Fu Xi looked at the frozen Zhu Rong, his eyes sharp. A halo flickered in his hand, and he took a hard shot: "Damn it! Without my permission, who let you come down privately!"


Just 2 today.

Recently 2 to 3 changes, one is very busy with homework; second, coughing, it will be more busy in the next few days, so I have to save the manuscript, I have to make sure that I will keep changing.

Try not to have one more situation =. =

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