Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 32: Special Training for Sword Spirit Ruby (1/1)

"Everyone's body structure is very different, and everyone has different talents in different Taoist techniques. The strategy of" teaching according to the aptitude "that I put forward thousands of years ago officially means this."

Chu Tianlou is wearing ruby, pretending to be serious. Chu Tian had no guilt for plagiarizing Confucius's great ideas.


Chu Tian remembers that it seems that he is now a Bachelor of Wenyuange University. Confucius has made many achievements. He has been increasing Yangshou, and with it, he lives to the present. It can be considered as one of Chu Tian's right assistants ...

Chu Tian put a little effort on his hands and hugged Ruby's body tighter in his arms. Continued: "Especially Ruby you, you as a sword spirit, the plasticity of your body is much less than that of human beings. In practice, you must have extremely high-fitting exercises and patterns in order to use The potential is fully exploited. After mastering your situation, I will create a practice that belongs to you ... "

"Thank you Master," Ruby whispered.

"No need to thank you, I should be your master. Well, Ruby, your hands are really water. Tender ..."

Chu Tian shook his head, Dadao Li said a word.

But Chu Tian's big hand didn't stop moving for a moment.

To be honest, this hand of Ruby is really water, tender water, tender, and no bone can feel it. Chu Tian was even worried, would he squeeze it in case his strength increased?

Ruby's skin is also very fine-skinned and tender, white and snowy.

The figure is also very good, lying in his arms, there is a fragrant smell, smelling and smelling, Chu Tian actually has a feeling of being drunk-slow! The Ruby girl was so clever, she did not resist at all!

Nima is worthy of the sword spirit he created, and he is obedient to himself!

Chu Tian soared up from Ruby's small hand all the way to Xiangxiang's shoulders, kneading. Ruby's body became softer and weaker and fell into Chu Tian's arms. The fiery red collar gradually loosened, revealing the snow-white slippery inside. Greasy, as if blown away by the blow. Beautiful skin ...

Ruby's small mouth is also very soft. Well, Comrade Chu Tian tentatively kissed him. Ruby didn't resist, but he also loosened the shell and let Chu Tian go in to explore.

Xuefeng, the beauty of Ruby, is even more beautiful. There is nothing to say! It is as firm as bamboo shoots and tender as cotton. Knead. Rubbing and squeezing, no matter how you play, and finally restore the original ...

"Well, Ruby, your body, I have finished the inspection."

Half an hour later, the coat of the ruby ​​beauty had somehow backed to her waist, wearing a pink obscene dress. Ice muscle jade bones, full of girls' beautiful carcasses, are revealed in front of Chu Tian.

Ruby lies in Chu Tian's arms obediently, his face pink and pink, extremely delicate.

And Chu Tian, ​​with a straight face and deep eyes, how could there be the kind of guilt after molesting a girl!

There is even a thoughtful look, looking at the red and white jade body. A little pink blooms on it, full of alternative styles. Love ...

After a while, maybe it was satisfactory, and Chu Tian said again, "Your body of Ruby, um, very good, probably it was taken by the master's blood reformation. After my inspection, also You know almost. So, I ’ve tailored a set of exercises for you, and it ’s called 'Ruyu Sword Skill'. How about it? — Don't look at the master who only spent so much effort, this is the Kuangshi Xianfa ! "

Ruby suddenly raised his head.

Bright eyes looked at Chu Tian with a trace of guilt.

Is Chu Tian really helping her create exercises?

Chu Tian is really helping her create exercises!

The eyes are reddish, and the ruby ​​cherry lips are slightly opened, and he said softly: "Master, master, you, you, just now, have you always been creating exercises for Ruby?"

"That is of course!" Chu Tian replied. ——Actually, I just created the exercises by the way when I was a girl, Chu Tian said ...

Where does Ruby know Chu Tian's thoughts?

In the bright eyes, a trace of guilt flashed, Ruby lowered his head, whispered in Chu Tian's arms: "Master, Master, Ruby is wrong. Ruby, Ruby should not doubt the master ..."


Chu Tian couldn't figure it out.

Ruby nodded conscientiously, with a slightly hoarse voice with a fan's magnetism. He continued: "The host just checked the body for Ruby and also created exercises for Ruby. Ruby, Ruby actually misunderstood the master. . Ruby thought that the master was invading and invading. Ruby ... "

Chu Tian was stunned, and his face looked like a messenger of justice. He quickly defended and said: "How is it possible! How can I do such a thing, master!"

"Ruby, Ruby knows the wrong, Master, please punish Master!"


"Ruby, willing to be punished!"

"Ruby, why do you think my master is invading and committing you?"

"Because, because Ruby can feel it, your eyes, squinting ..."


I have to say that speaking with Jian Ling is straightforward.

Although it has the wisdom of human beings, after all, Ruby has just been transformed, and there are so many things that it will not be considered in depth. Chu Tian has finally become the image of a gentleman.

Although the attributes of the **** ghosts will be exposed sooner or later, but the moment is later, Chu Tian still hopes that the girls will treat themselves as good people and heroes ...

Touching ruby's skin, Chu Tian said meaningfully: "Ruby, remember, the owner's eyes just didn't make a look, it was called care."

"Master!" Ruby's beautiful face, a complex expression of guilt and gratitude.

It turns out that Jian Ling's keen sense can also go wrong ...

"However, Ruby, you have to be punished if you make a mistake. I just dared to doubt the master. I shouldn't."

"Master, Ruby is willing to be punished ..."

"Ruby, come on. See this thing under the master, see it, yes, reach out, um, yes, it's like holding a sword. This is the punishment that the master gave you today, just let it ..."

The special training of Jianling Ruby began like this.

There is some time to improve the strength of the horse, Chu Tian thinks, let's start with the most basic "training" ...

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