Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 33: Tail (1/1)

【Photo of He Wenjun】

(He Wenjun, Sun Yueyan ’s previous life, do you remember?)


The special training for Ruby Beauty was carried out like this ...

There are many training contents, for example, how to make the master's "sword" bigger; for example, how to hold the sword is the most standard.

For another example, let the master's "sword" burst out with a powerful sword awn--

"Master, why is Jianmang a white liquid?"

"Oh, Ruby, don't care too much. It's just a transformation of truth and reality. The master's sword is too strong, and the result becomes a liquid."

"Master is amazing!"

"Ruby, quickly swallow these liquefied swords, and refine them well, which is very helpful for your cultivation."

"Thank you Master!"

Ruby lowered the show ...

Chu Tian closed his eyes ...

As a qualified sword spirit, you must not only have enough strength to protect the master, but also learn to let the master relax and enjoy life.

Ruby still has a long way to go in the future. In order to make the owner happy, Ruby has been conscientious and dedicated. Under the guidance of Chu Tian, ​​he has conducted various special trainings.

Chu Tian even sent ruby ​​to the small world in his body, and gave it to his huge harem member for several trainings.

Ruby is developing towards the omnipotent sword spirit ...

Time is like this, slowly passing ...


The sun is shining and the autumn wind is cool.

Another cool morning.

Located on a prosperous street, the crowd is endless ...

Chu Tian was wearing a purple and luxurious costume with a white jade pendant hanging around his waist, holding a noble folding fan inlaid with gold inlaid jade in his hand, and walking while fanning.

Gentle, gentle, and elegant, at first glance are rich children and educated people!

The best choice of spouses for the majority of women!

Chu Tian was just like this, walking on the street, looking at him without any haste. Everyone I saw with Chu Tian felt that Chu Tian would laugh with them again ... This is the highest state of the pervert. Look at others with squinting eyes, but make others feel that they are very serious ...

"Ruby, get ready, it's time to test your special training results!" Chu Tian said.

"Master, Ruby knows."

"Okay, get up and look around, and see the beauty report to the owner for the first time, and hear it."

"Yes! Master!"

The two seemed to be walking leisurely on the street.

Ruby carried a sword, and followed respectfully behind Chu Tian. Chu Tian is her master, and all the orders of Chu Tian will be executed meticulously by Ruby.

Even a strong girl!

Ruby's special training was initially completed not long ago. Now, it has reached the stage of practice!

This time the goal is to find a beautiful girl in a day, capture it and give it to the owner!

Ruby in the first action, with a little anxiety and excitement. Finally, being able to do things for the master, Ruby was full of energy all day long.

Ruby has become a relatively qualified sword spirit under Chu Tian's training. Now even if Chu Tian asked her to slaughter the people, it is estimated that Ruby's brow will not wrinkle ...

Robbing girls?

That ’s for their benefit!

The two were walking on the street in this way.

From time to time there were girls who secretly sent Qiu Bo to Chu Tian. The person is so handsome that he is so self-cultivated and temperamental, wearing gold and silver. Which girl didn't look at it!

It's a pity that Chu Tian's vision is too high. These ordinary women lose interest after a glance. What Chu Tian needs, but a real big beauty!

After walking for a while, Ruby suddenly spoke.

"Master, look, there!"

Ruby pointed to the front.

Looking in the direction of Ruby's fingers, a pale green shadow did not enter Chu Tian's eyes.

The figure is thin and light.

Chu Tian's scent was already felt by Chu Tian with his huge five senses. This is the best virgin fragrance! And, moreover, even looking at the back of the graceful girl, one or two can be distinguished.

This is a big beauty!

"Master, how is this beauty? Do you want Ruby to catch her!"

Ruby used a task-like tone and Chu Tiandao.

A beauty was discovered so quickly, Ruby was very excited.

"You know how to do it?"

"The master is assured that Ruby has completed all the courses of" Tao Xing "and" Training "and tied a beautiful woman to the master, a trifle!"

Chu Tian nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, according to my years of experience, this beauty is very good. Well, the figure is good, the mind is clear and flawless, rare, rare. The shortcoming is that the body is a little weak. Although I have practiced a little martial arts, it is still weak. Remember, when acting, do n’t be too violent, just subdued ... "

Chu Tian observed the beauty in the distance, and with just one glance, he saw the entire beauty through.

"Yes! Master!"

Hongyu nodded to Chutian and walked gently forward.

Chu Tian also slowly disappeared and followed Ruby to check Ruby's practice results ...


"Boss, this rabbit, how much is it?" This beautiful woman who was loved by Chu Tian was talking to the boss in front of a stall.

Looking at the cute little rabbit on the ground, a little bit of intolerance rose in the girl's heart. The rabbit's leg was still injured, and the girl was very sad.

This is a sentimental, kind-hearted woman ...

"Miss He, you are our acquaintances. You can sell you at a bargain price. Twenty papers will do. I was injured by mistake when I was hunting. I did n’t even want a rabbit. Rabbits are comparable to wild boars. No…"

"Thank you boss."

After paying the money, Miss He picked up the little rabbit.

"Bunny, don't be afraid, I'll take you back here and heal you." Gently stroking the bunny, the girl said silently in her heart.

Speeding up, the girl walked forward.

Along the way, pedestrians coming and going, stalls, and medicine sellers greeted the girls.

The girl's last name is He Wenjun. It is the daughter of the Bishan School leader, and the people around her are very kind to her. Everyone knows that Miss He is a good-hearted girl ...


He Wenjun suddenly stopped and looked back. He always felt that someone was following him. However, when you look closely, you can see that there is nothing wrong.

Are you more conscious?

He Wenjun turned his head, holding the bunny and going on ...

Two obscure shadows, following in the distance ...

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