Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 34: The ultimate purpose of the last line is of course-(1/1)

The location of Bishan School is far away from the block.

Because it is a Jianghu school, in the place where the people live, there are many inconveniences. Even if you don't do the activities of stolen dogs and dogs, morning exercises of martial arts, all kinds of affairs, it is very inconvenient in troubled urban areas.

Leaving the town, walking through a small bamboo forest, and then the seat of Bishan School. The quiet environment is also a good place for cultivation.

Bishan School, and Zixian Mountain Villa, are the largest two schools in the world.

He Wenjun hugged the rabbit and walked briskly.

A light green dress, like a fresh jasmine. The tender and tender body seemed to carry dew flowers in the morning, which aroused pity.

The figure is uneven, but it does not give people a full and pleasing visual enjoyment. Because He Wenjun feels weak and slender. Even if the pair of hills and mounds are already standing upright, waiting to be released ...

——But the slender waist that was overwhelmed, white and even some sick looks, and the sadness that was interesting to be immersed in the bones, let people see her, and the thought was soft and delicate.

The plump and bumpy figure, together with the soft, tender and delicate temperament, are perfectly combined ...

"Don't be afraid, bunny, I'll be here right away. I will give you medicine when I arrive at the Bishan School. After you get the medicine, you will be able to jump around like before, okay?"

He Wenjun touched the legs of the little rabbit while walking, taking care of him carefully.

The little rabbit, lying down in He Wenjun's arms with vigilance, his eyes beading around, seemed to be vigilant in writing something. Animal instincts are very keen, and can often perceive some hidden crises.

The little rabbit's eyes kept looking behind He Wenjun, as if reminding the kind-hearted little girl of what was there.

"Bunny, don't worry, don't worry, you can run right away. Stay here now and don't move. I will give you carrots, isn't rabbits favorite carrots?"

He Wenjun smiled and hugged the little rabbit in his arms and said to himself.

After a slight glance, He Wenjun glanced behind him again.

There seemed to be a breeze just now, but now it is gone. He Wenjun glanced at the street again, left, and walked to the bamboo forest in front. Few people entered the dense bamboo forest.

From here, it is the site of Bishan School ...

"Shy, shy--!"

The little rabbit suddenly jumped from He Wenjun's arms!

"Bunny, your leg is hurt, don't move—" He Wenjun ran forward nervously, trying to catch the rabbit. The rabbit was suddenly so lively, and He Wenjun did not know why.

But the little rabbit seemed to be suggesting something, and while running away, he showed anxious eyes at He Wenjun.

What is actually happening?

At this moment, He Wenjun suddenly discovered that a shadow appeared on the ground. Under the influence of sunlight, the shadow stretched very long, far away, to the land in front of He Wenjun's feet.

Graceful and graceful, beautiful and beautiful.

Even looking at this shadow alone can make people feel the beauty in it.

He Wenjun turned his head and looked at the man. My eyes lit up!

A woman dressed in red glamorous clothes, long hair shawl, holding a sword, in a brave manner, with a charming and charming style. He Wenjun has always been up and down by martial arts, and people around the world are generally regarded as beautiful women, but compared with the person in front of him, He Wenjun has to admit that he is a lot worse ...

"This older sister, younger sister He Wenjun, I don't know if you are—" He Wenjun asked.

"It turns out that this is a rabbit essence that has been cultivated for forty years, and it has a little spirituality."

Ruby said to herself with a charming face, "Miss He, your luck is very good, the rabbit will help you. It is a pity that no one can escape from the person who the master looks at. . "

A pair of beautiful eyes of Ruby stared at He Wenjun.

Nothing was done, but He Wenjun across from him suddenly felt dizzy. In Ruby's eyes, something seemed to be drilling into her brain.

Affect her thinking!

Head, so dizzy.

The body is also a bit soft ...

"Come, come--"

He Wenjun couldn't even pull his sword, so he could only shout.

However, He Wenjun thought of it suddenly, this is a bamboo forest, under normal circumstances, no one will pass by. It does n’t matter how you shout!

Just now, has this person followed his code?

He Wenjun could only watch Ruby with his eyes, step by step, walking towards himself ...

"You ... what are you doing!"

He Wenjun fell to the ground and looked at Ruby in horror.

The cultivation of this woman is really unfathomable. One look made her lose her strength. I ’m afraid I ’m going to lose my hands ...

"My name is Ruby, and I will give you special training at the order of the master." Ruby said seriously.

"Special training?"

"Women who are masters must learn how to serve and wait for their masters. The master's status is respected, how can you let you serve at will? Ruby will turn you into a qualified product and give it to the master.

Ruby explained, thinking of himself and Chu Tian's special training, happy.

She is different from these women. Master, the master personally trained her personally, Ruby, Ruby is the master's favorite, favorite ...

The love of Chu Tian in my heart is surging infinitely, and Ruby only feels that, for Chu Tian, ​​even if he pays any price and does any evil, it will do!

"Serving? You, you, what are you going to do !!!" He Wenjun shook his body, as if expecting the next thing. This woman, this woman ...

Want to dedicate her to that master? !

He Wenjun felt very sorry in his heart.

I knew early on that she should n’t have come out alone, she should n’t stay in the bamboo forest. She, she was a 16-year-old girl with a yellow flower, how could she--

"Good sister, don't be afraid, come, relax, relax."

Ruby stretched out his hand, and slipped gently on He Wenjun's delicate face. Feeling the moisture of the skin, I found that the woman's skin was even more moist than the ordinary woman. Ruby's heart was even more joyful.

In this case, the host will be very happy.

Ruby ’s fingers went all the way down and rubbed on top of Xuefeng, saying: "Good elasticity and enough water. It is a good material. The figure is also very good, the owner will be very satisfied. Rest assured, I will You do basic training ... "

"Don't, don't, don't! Help, help, help!"

Ruby finger flicked gently.

An aura turned into a rope, binding He Wenjun's feet together. At the same time, a strong prohibition will isolate the whole circle from the outside world!

Ruby took out a ready tonic from his waist again, reached out a finger, and blocked He Wenjun's mouth.

"So, just come down, it is the most basic training. Miss He Wenjun, one day later, it's time to serve the master, you have to study hard. Let's start, remember, if you can't remember, your spirit Under the strong impact, life is better than death. "

Ruby's voice is so beautiful that it tells methodically:

"First of all, how to excite the master? What are the women ’s most attractive positions to men? Come, Miss He Wenjun. Now I will treat you as the master. I have used all the means I have for you ..."

"Don't resist, the owner's charm is beyond everything, and sooner or later you will be thankful for today's encounter ..."

Chu Tian, ​​who was hiding in the grass in the distance, suddenly saw blood boiling.

Nima, the woman tunes the woman, it really has another flavor! It's just that Ruby just tuned her for the first time, and the method is not good! It seems that much training!

Moreover, how does this He Wenjun sound so familiar? Is it possible that Sun Yueyan's previous life?

Chu Tian swallowed and began to fantasize that He Wenjun and Sun Yueyan surrounded him and fell down ...

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