Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 35: panic


The sunrise rises and falls, and the sky becomes black and white.

The hurried day passed quickly.

There seemed to be a little change in the little bamboo forest. Some birds and beasts, pedestrians, etc., when they get there, will always be affected by an inexplicable force and avoid it subconsciously.

Or, even if you go inside, you will suddenly get lost, or hit a sudden wall, all kinds of strange things. In this fairy tale world, this kind of thing is rare, but not impossible. Everyone thought they were haunted these days, so they dared not go deep into the forest ...


Bishan School.

The main hall.

The head of the Bishan School, that is, He Wenjun's father, was sitting in a chair at this time, his brows twisted together, and he was thinking hard. It seems that something extremely troublesome happened ...

"Why, did you find Wen Jun?"

After a long time, He Zhang said.

He Wenjun has been missing for a whole day, with no trace at all. What happened was that his daughter didn't come back all day, and he was puzzled.

The daughter is not a farewell, even if you are playing, you want to have a degree, never disappeared for such a long time, not to mention, last night did not return. He Zhang, there is a bad hunch ...

"Head Qiqi, we have searched the entire Bishan School, and many places around it have also been searched, but ... but the lady is not there." A disciple said in a report, his face was also full of sadness.

Although He Wenjun is the daughter of the head, but there is no shelf, and getting along with these disciples is also very harmonious. He Wenjun disappeared, and all the disciples were anxious.

"Have you found it all?" He head squeezed his hands and asked again.

"Head Qiqi, yes, yes, yes!"

"Have you ever found the market?" The head asked again.

"I found it, I found it ..."

He Zhangmen slapped on the table, sawdust flew across, scaring the disciple to kneel to the ground quickly. The daughter was not in good health since she was a child, and He Zhang took care of her so much that she could not bear the slightest grievances.

But now, it is missing!

"Look! Keep looking! Keep looking !!!! Can't find Wen Jun, don't come back !!"

He Zhang shouted loudly.

After a surge of aura, he was turbulent around He Zhang's head, and he was obviously extremely angry.

"Yes! Yes! Disciple, disciple will go—"

The disciple just left the front foot, and another person ran in quickly.

His face was hurried and extremely anxious. A sword with a handle around her waist, wearing a purple coat, handsome and handsome. Although compared to Chu Tian, ​​his handsomeness is ten thousand miles, but it is also more handsome among mortals.

This man, a disciple of He Zhang, is named Jin Lei.

Among the Bishan School, He Zhang is the most important person.

As soon as Jin Lei entered the hall, he could not wait to say:

"Master! Master! I heard, I heard that she is missing, is it true? Sister, how can she--"

When He Zhang saw Jin Lei, his face eased a little.

He has no children under his knees and treats Jin Lei like his own son. Seeing that Jin Lei was okay, the heart of He's head relaxed a lot.

He waved his hand and comforted his head: "Jin Lei, don't worry. I've told the disciples to look for it. Your sister is not an insignificant person. It is estimated that you have played for a long time and forgot to return.

Jin Lei hesitated for a while and said, "But, Shimei is not like a playful person. Moreover, and Shimei disappeared yesterday, how could Shimei not appear all day ..."

"Jin Lei--"

"Master, you tell me, is there any accident, Sister, Master! Sister, Sister ---"

Jin Lei's face was anxious, and he immediately wished to insert a pair of wings and flew out.

He Zhang knew that this kid could not stop him.

He Zhangmen had actually intended to match Jin Lei and Wen Jun, but because the two were still young, they never mentioned it.

At this moment, if Jin Lei finds Wen Jun, it can also enhance their emotions. Although this year is the life of his parents, He Zhang still hopes that his daughter will be satisfied with the people he chooses ...

Having figured out the main points, He Zhang nodded and said:

"Okay, since this is the case. Jin Lei, put it down in advance and go to your teacher. Remember, be careful, your teacher and sister may be missing this time-"

"Thank you Master!"

Without waiting for the leader to finish speaking, Jin Lei rushed out of the hall like a wind.

In full swing, call all disciples ...

"This kid! Hope, he can find Wenjun." He Zhang smiled, and his heart was calm. For someone his age, what could be happier than the joy of his children ...




at this time.

In the dim bamboo forest.

The murky voice gradually came out, this is the voice of wearing clothes.

Chu Daqing Sheng lazily put on his clothes, ruddy complexion, just came to a field. The field battle, but it was really cool to the bone.

At this time, this He Wenjun lying on the ground, although his body was weak, in fact, on the contrary, he had a different style. This woman belongs to that kind of intimate body, which is extremely sensitive and sensitive. Everything on the bed is easy and the style is infinite.

It's just so rare that Ruby's simple training is so superb.

Pure appearance and inner style are the greatest embodiment of this kind of woman. Of course, this is not to say that such women are lascivious, but their physical particularities, so that once they reach the top of the bed, they will be judged as two ...

The appearance looks completely invisible!

"However, it is because of the inner body that the body is weak. Well, I will say, obviously it is a family of martial arts, children of rivers and lakes, how can the body be so weak ..." Chu Tian said to himself while he was in Wenjun He Touching slowly on your body. Stroking ...

"You, you, you let go!" He Wenjun bit his lower lip and said shamefully.

Chu Tian smiled.

This little girl was not so tall just now.

Chu Tian did not let go, but continued to caress on He Wenjun. He touched and said, "Little beauty, you weren't like this just now. You won't finish the work, just turn your face and don't recognize people? Actually I am this person There are many advantages, do you want to, try to get along with me for a while? "

"You, you are a liar, even if I commit suicide, I will never be bullied by you again—"

Chu Tian reached out his finger and set He Wenjun in place.

He Wenjun struggled a few times and found that he couldn't move. You ca n’t even move your tongue!

Chu Tiandao said: "Well, how do you commit suicide? Actually, I am not stopping you from committing suicide. I just want to tell you that even if you commit suicide and die, I can save you. Those life-threatening tricks , It does n’t work with me. So, why waste your energy? "

After talking, Chu Tian once again unlocked He Wenjun's body-setting technique.

He Wenjun was shivered and weak. There was a little blush on the white carcass. However, He Wenjun has ignored these exposed spring.

Looking at Chu Tian, ​​she only felt that she had encountered the biggest devil in the world.

Why, why is such a powerful, so handsome person, a bad person? He Wenjun was very sad in his heart. Perhaps, if Chu Tian is a good person, it would be nice to commit himself to him like that, it ’s a pity ...

Chu Tian smiled and continued:

"Okay, don't be verbose with you, just talk about the point. Your father is now sending people around to find you. The forest has been banned for a long time, it is not good to attract too many people's attention, I will take you back . If you can, raise your parents by the way.-Why, you doubt me when you look? Am I the kind of person who is not responsible for doing things? "

"After all, who is Jin Le? Who are you? Now I am holding a sword and chopping down my prohibition, I really can't help myself ..."


Jin Lei, Fang Lan's lifetime.


XXOO Shenma, just skip it, it seems to be hit hard recently ~

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