Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 38: Get one, then another one (1/4)

【Leaf Agarwood】

When Chu Tian came to Houshan, He Wenjun was leaning under a colorful bauhinia tree, looking at the green grass on the ground. The eyes are sad and silent.

The breeze practice made her soft clothes dance lightly, like a light narcissus.

"Tomorrow ... I am leaving here?"

He Wenjun looked at the grass on the ground and said softly.

With melancholic eyes looking at the grass on the ground, He Wenjun seemed to miss the days here. The slim and delicate jade hand stretched out slowly, showing a soft state.

Squat gently.

He Wenjun's slender figure, wrapped in light clothing, was soft and moving. The fat buttocks. The silk is tight and straight, and the smooth and greasy skin seems to bounce out at any time. Compared with the previous He Wenjun, now He Wenjun, in addition to that softness, seems to have another attractive style.

"Well, you have to leave tomorrow. Why, do you miss here and don't want to leave?"

Chu Tian walked to He Wenjun's side and smiled.

He Wenjun's fingers shook gently.

After pursing his jade lips, He Wenjun said: "No, no, I am just, I am just thinking, can I come back in the future. Lord, let me go, I, naturally listen to the Lord, how dare you violate it."

After finishing the speech, He Wenjun's finger ticked lightly.

As far as my heart is concerned, a drop of dew on the grass in the distance has not been dropped, instantly captured by He Wenjun in the sky, suspended in the palm of He Wenjun. In the past, this was something He Wenjun couldn't even imagine. But since the two cultivations of Yin and Yang in Chu Tian, ​​it can be done easily.

How powerful Chu Tian is, although He Wenjun doesn't know, but, vaguely, He Wenjun knows a little ...

That is, even if you look up, you can't see the peak at the top!

"Just know."

Chu Tian came to He Wenjun's side.

Grasping He Wenjun's hand, a light flashed in Chu Tian's hand, and a grass in the distance suddenly pulled up and flew into Chu Tian's He Wenjun's hand.

"Master Chutian--" He Wenjun's breath suddenly accelerated, thinking what Chutian was going to do.

"However, I didn't think that your talents were good on the way to the monastery. Putting it in Tiancheng City is also the capital of the upper middle class. Only then, you can already control this power.

Chu Tian grabbed He Wenjun's hand and swelled with aura, controlling He Wenjun's jade hand, extracting all the water in this grass ...

All the spirits belonged to He Wenjun, but they were controlled by Chu Tian as if they were under his control.

He Wenjun can clearly feel that the clever use of Reiki, Chu Tian's powerful control ability.

And, all the tips on how to manipulate the drops of water are fully realized. Chu Tian ’s method of teaching is the most direct. He Wenjun, who had never received any high-level Daoist practice, suddenly discovered some interesting things.

"Aura's manipulation ability is closely related to cultivation behavior and experience, but it is not absolute. Many small tricks can be used."

"With double cultivation, you have great power in your body. If you work hard, it won't take long for you to surpass mortals and achieve immortality. You still have to work a little bit in cultivation. You can't control your own strength, which ultimately leads The consequences are serious ... "

"Remember, the most important thing about using spells is not diligence, but understanding. The ultimate goal of diligence is not to master ..."


Chu Tian manipulated He Wenjun's jade hands, throwing out spells one by one.

The grass that was pulled out instantly returned to its original position, and the broken part blended perfectly. While Chu Tian was demonstrating, he explained to He Wenjun the key to casting spells ...

Slowly, He Wenjun was actually fascinated by the sound.

Chu Tian's cultivation practice is incomparable to anyone in this world. Even the ordinary lectures, those of the Xianxian school, are very different ...

"... that's the point of manipulating small water system Taoism. Remember it. Do you understand, Wenjun?"

Chu Tian is gentle and authentic.

No longer the kind of commanding tone.

There is no such majesty, but a kind of speech that is like a spring breeze, the teacher is concerned and appreciative of the apprentice. Coupled with Chu Tian's inquiring tone, He Wenjun suddenly froze.

I saw Chutian like this for the first time.

"I, I ... Master Chu Tian, ​​I get it ..."

He Wenjunxiu blushed slightly.

She found that when Chu Tian was serious, when talking about Taoism, he was actually very gentle and peaceful. That serious look actually made the girl's heart a little nervous.

In addition, what Chu Tian said was also He Wenjun's man. Although this person is forcing her and is still very strong, but otherwise, there seems to be nothing bad about it ...

When Chu Tian was serious.

very handsome…

The girl ’s mind condensed to the end, it seems that there is only such a message left ...

In this way, continue to listen to Chu Tian, ​​just hope that Chu Tian will always be like this ...

"... Although all things are the same, but it's always good to learn a little more about bypass, remember--"

The explanation has lasted for almost an hour.

Chu Tian just wanted to continue, and suddenly stopped strangely.

Frowning, frowning, there seems to be something uncomfortable, as if ... eating and chewing until flies. With a wave of his hand, Chu Tiandao said: "Damn 'Dao', I can't control a whole lot every time I talk about it.-Sure enough, am I a born teacher? Now ... it seems that I want to continue to relax ... "

Chu Tian got up and was about to leave.

Originally also planning to tease He Wenjun some time, a fierce love war, but the result missed the hour. Remember to make an appointment with Ruby. If there is something important today, I missed it!

It is not a good thing that Taoism is too advanced, and I put it in unconsciously. Chu Tian is very little about the missed appointments of beautiful women. Although he is the owner, he must have the demeanor of the owner!

"Adult ..." He Wenjun raised his head, his bright eyes looked at Chu Tian, ​​a little puzzled.

"Okay, dress up tonight and come to pick you up tomorrow, don't let me disappoint."

"Yes, yes! Master!" He Wenjun was a bit strange about Chu Tian's sudden change. He raised his head. He Wenjun suddenly gathered courage, and he didn't know what was going on. Can you continue to give me ... Can you explain Taoism? "

"Er--," Chu Tian was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect his charm to be so great! He smiled strangely and continued, "Okay, next time, I will" deep in "with you to discuss the secret of Yinyang Avenue."

After talking, Chu Tian gently waved his hand, and a light sent He Wenjun back to the room. There are a lot of bridal clothing, waiting for He Wenjun to try on ...

Chu Tian himself disappeared in the next second ...


It is located in a peach blossom forest outside Xian Mountain Villa.

Ruby is reporting respectfully to Chu Tian with reverence, and his face cannot be restrained with rejoicing.

"Ruby, what were you talking about before?" Chu Tian had just arrived and was not very clear about Ruyu's report.

"Master Qiyun, Ruby, Ruby found a beautiful woman for her master!"

"Well, your efficiency is really high ..."

"Don't dare to neglect to do things for the master! Master, this girl is hot and spicy, and her personality is also very savage enough, and she certainly has an appetite for the master. Ruby has not been specially tuned so that the master can feel more personally. She is Miss Xixian Villa, named Ye Shenxiang ... "

Ruby said all kinds of information about Ye Chenxiang. Jade pointed out a problem and turned out a bag out of thin air.

Opening the bag, a beautiful woman with a white cloth in her mouth.

Enchanting posture, delicate and fair skin, eyes wide open, looking at Chu Tian fiercely.

"Master, please enjoy!" Ruby said respectfully.

Chu Tian suddenly found that the training of ruby ​​into sword spirit was the most correct thing in this trip. Too faithful! There is wood! ! There is wood! ! !

Looking at the charming Ye Chenxiang, Chu Tian flew up without saying anything. It's all caught, will you send it away again?

Go ahead and talk!

Spring is full of Taolin, coy and infinite ...

Note: The picture uses the picture of Ye Shenxiang's actor, Qi Wei.

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