Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 39: Sudden Decree (2/4)

After cracking Ye Chenxiang, it was already early in the morning.

Such a thing as a strong X girl was commonplace for Chu Tian. And in the end, with her superb skills, which one is not both physical and mental?

After handing Ye Chenxiang to Ruby without any guilt, Chu Tian shook the big bird under him, refreshed, dressed, and flashing, running towards the Bishan School in the distance ...

Today is the day of the big wedding again!

Today Bishan sent people up and down and Zhang Deng was greeted.

The guests were filled with salute. For more than a decade, the Bishan School has never had such a big event. Many people around came to watch.

Although the Bishan School is a famous martial art, it seems that it is not very rich. Today, such a big deal has been made, and everyone thought that the Bishan School suddenly disappeared.

"Hey, I heard that no, Miss He Wenjun from Bishan School, got married today!" Said an aunt and the boy around him, with a gossip tone.

"I heard, this Miss He Wenjun and the aunt, but fell in love at first sight! I really don't know how this kind of thing won't let me run into it."

"My buddies in Bishan School said that the aunt was extremely generous, and paid a million twos in one go!"

"What, so rich!"

"He Zhang actually sold her daughter for money!"

"Ce, who is not in this world now. Marrying a wealthy family, Miss He has fortune-telling ..."


Because He Wenjun got married, it was so sudden!

Gossip also comes from this.

You know, there are so many young men, but with a slight fluke, they can climb the behemoth of Bishan School. Now that there is no sign at all, He Wenjun suddenly got married. Some unreasonable people even thought that he was the concubine! ——I did n’t expect that the goddess in my heart would marry out like this!

Of course, no one would think that Comrade Chu Tian had already caved with He Wenjun in advance ...

There was a lot of celebration.

There are so many guests ...

Everyone waited and waited.

He Wenjun, Feng Guanxia, ​​walking lightly, accompanied by the bridesmaid, came to the mountain and waited.

It is said that the married woman is the most beautiful. She put on a fiery bridal costume and covered her head with a red cap. He Wenjun was standing in front of the mountain at this time, like a peony blooming gorgeously.

That kind of temperament is very different from He Wenjun, who is usually weak and light!

He Wenjun stood quietly, seemingly did nothing. But in fact, under the red head, He Wenjun's eyes exuded a radiant light. Focusing on his eyes, he was able to clearly see everything outside through the red hijab.

He Wenjun probed around in accordance with some of the methods of Chuqi taught by Chu Tian.

Seems to be looking for ...

At this time, He Wenjun's heart was inexplicably a little irritable and a little throbbing.

What if Chutian doesn't come?

Say yes to marry her.

The domineering man has confidence and domineering that no one has, as well as occasional irresistible warmth. Such a perfect man, in fact, it is not bad to marry him ...

"Chu Tian, ​​he, will definitely come ..."

He Wenjun said to himself.

"Girls, don't worry, how can it be that the bridegroom's official has missed the appointment. And your girl's beautiful appearance, my aunt will like it terribly!" The bridesmaid on the side listened and said with a smile.

He Wenjun smiled sweetly.

She always has the illusion that she will really like that man in the future ...

Just as everyone waited for the groom official to arrive.

Suddenly, ray of light came from the distant sky.

A well-known armoured and powerful soldier came to the Bishan School in a blink of an eye. The strong momentum makes people look with fear.

Moreover, these people, everyone's cultivation, seems to be bottomless!

How strong it is is unpredictable! Even the head of the Bishan School could not see through any of them. The people of Bishan School panicked ...


"What's going on, how can this be the day of great joy!"

"These people are not easy to deal with!"

"Is it here to make trouble!"


This group of uninvited guests didn't say much.

As the first person, he directly opened the cloth of Huang Cancan in his hand, his face was respectful, and he recited aloud to the entire Bishan School.

"Fengtian Carrier, the emperor said:"

"Bishan sent the head and did a good job! I will give you a seven-pin black gauze hat. You don't have to do anything. The pensioner takes photos. The old man knows the current affairs and I appreciate it."

"Qin this--"

The entire Bishan School is still lively.

The crowd has not relieved from the atmosphere.

Was that a **** horse just now? Edict?

Why is there a decree coming? This little place, let alone the emperor, is those high-ranking officials who can't normally see it. Suddenly a decree came, and the Bishan faction was sealed as an official, which is incredible!

——This year, being an official is the most popular thing. If things are done well, there are many rewards, and it can also increase Yangshou. Being an official is the most noble dream in almost everyone's mind! Even Qipin Sesame Officer is worth being proud of!

Why suddenly became an official!

Not to mention other people, even He, who is in charge of himself, there are some monks Zhang Er who are puzzled ...

"He Zhang, still stunned what to do, not ready to take orders!"

The guard shouted loudly.

"Grass, Caomin, Caomin take the order!"

Kneel to the ground while shouting, long live long live long live. The whole mountain is immersed in the bright heat wave.

He Zhang is really confused.


It is said that some people even joined the Xiuxian School in order to become an official. Even the elders of some major schools, the elders, joined the court after they retired.

Some are for the benefit of others, while others are for the pursuit of a higher realm. As we all know, Chu Emperor's longevity is borderless, but it is the first person above the Divine Land. As long as the emperor Chu wanted to do, there was nothing impossible ...

"But, how can I be loved by Master Chu Emperor? I have never met the people of the court."

He Zhang was puzzled in his heart and took over the decree.

The imperial decree is light and fluttering, and you can't feel the weight in your hands. Suddenly, the head of He found that an irresistible and powerful will rushed to his head above the Edict!

Thoroughly tamper with the thinking of He's head!

"Loyal to Master Chutian!"

"Loyalty to Dachu!"

"Master Chu Tian, ​​omnipotent!"

"For Lord Chutian, dedicate everything!"

The powerful imprint was engraved in He Zhangmen's mind, and at the same time, Chu Tian's image also appeared in He Zhangmen's mind. Powerful forces tamper with thinking. This is something that all officials must experience ...

Only in this way can it benefit your own domination!

He Zhangmon stayed for a moment, and in a short moment, the entire values ​​of He Zhangmeng have changed dramatically. In all things, Chu Tian is the first consideration.

"It turned out that the person Wen Wen was going to marry was actually Emperor Chu. The minister, the minister, and the minister, He De and He Neng, made the emperor of Chu so important!" Will definitely swear allegiance to the Chu Emperor! But all the orders of the Emperor Chu, his subjects, swear to death! "

A loud knock, He Zhang's forehead hit the ground, directly hitting the floor ...

"Long live my long live, long live long live!"

"Adult --- Adult --- Caomin is wrong! Master, please give me justice for Bishan School !!!"

In the distance, Jin Lei suddenly jumped over like a monkey and fell to his knees.

"Adult, Caomin, Caomin is wrong !!"

Seeing this group of ministers, Jin Lei suddenly seemed to see the dawn, telling his grievances. Xindao, the sister and sister can finally escape from the bitter sea, and the Chu emperor is fair and selfless, and will certainly preside over justice ...


I haven't written in a few days, I don't know how to break the chapter, sister!

Well, although today is 4 more, but the number of words, at least it is worth 5 more ~ ​​Hey ~

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