Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 41: Ruby beauty contest, come to Penglai (4/4)

Two months later.

One of the 1080 beauty collection palaces located in Chutian all over the world.

Chu Tian sat in his chair, closing his eyes comfortably. Behind a water. Tender water. Tender beauty in Tsing Yi massages Chu Tian.

Daimei is like a moon, the skin is smooth.

Under the thin silk, the snowy skin almost seeped out of water. Yingying's radiance radiated from the whole person. At first glance, it is a beautiful woman who has been nourished for a long time.

It was He Wenjun who was soon married by Chu Tian.

He Wenjun is still wearing light blue clothes, elegant and moving. A touch of white wipe Xiong is bound in front of Xiong. With the light touch of the finger, xiong shuddered, the snow milk seemed to be wavy with light lines ...


Chu Tian nodded and said with satisfaction.

He Wenjun behind him suddenly became more delighted.

The ten fingers resemble a dexterous elf, jumping fast on Chu Tian's shoulders, using all his strength to make Chu Tian serve comfortably.

In the past two months, he fought day and night, and He Wenjun was already taken away by Chu Tian.

Whether it is a brief introduction to Taoism, astronomy and geography, Qinqi, calligraphy and painting, and even Anbang Dingguo, **** techniques, etc., Chu Tian is almost perfect from all sides. Such a person, after living for two months, how can he not be enamoured!

In addition to his deep love for Hetian, He Wenjun also has incomparable worship.

No one is more powerful than Chu Tian.

No one is greater than Chu Tian.

To say that the only thing that disappointed He Wenjun a little was that one aspect of Chu Tian was too strong. When the firepower was fully on, the women in the entire palace were not opponents. He Wenjun is also looking forward to and afraid of certain things with Chu Tian. I really do n’t know what to say ...

"Wen Jun, I will go to your room tonight."

Chu Tian felt the soft and soft jade hand behind him and said.


He Wenjun was shocked and stopped in his hands.

Jiao's body trembled slightly, as if his body had softened. I do n’t know when, but it ’s gone ...

"Relax, Wenjun, I will take a few sisters with me. Your bones, you can't eat your own magic gun!"

Chu Tian smiled and put He Wenjun in his arms, said.

The big hand kept going back and forth on He Wenjun's body, He Wenjun's body was suddenly paralyzed into a mess. The extremely sensitive and delicate body, under Chu Tian ’s hands, does not have any power to fight back ...

"the host!"

A beautiful voice broke the palace's tranquility.

Dozens of maids dancing in the distance stopped.

Although they are all Chutian women, these women are still a little afraid of Ruby. I think at the beginning, 80% of the sisters here were tied back by ruby ​​...

Ruby looked at these court ladies without any embarrassment on her face. In the opinion of Ruby, doing things for his master should be. The slim and delicate jade hands danced gently, and a brilliant light appeared.

In the hands of Ruby, a roster appears.

"Master, Ruby has surveyed all the beauties within a thousand miles of the neighborhood, and has searched out more than 100 people. This is the list and their appearance. Please ask the master for instructions."

Ruby handed over the small book and respectfully and honestly.

"More than one hundred people? Will it be too much? The standard of palace ladies is very high, not too much, anyway, there are twice a year's draft of the ladies," Chu Tian took the roster and said.

Open the roster with one hand and slowly look over, while the other hand is still groping in He Wenjun's body. This delicate little girl's body is too sensitive. Feeling, she became paralyzed after a few touches, making Chu Tian enjoy very much ...

"Master Qi. The feng shui here is better. There are many young girls with signs. Although the number of people is much larger, the quality hasn't dropped in any way!" Ruby said vowedly.

"Luck is so good?"

"It is the master who governs the state and the people live a stable life, so there will be so many beautiful women."

"That's all right. Sending people to watch closely, those who are on the list, anyone who goes to raise their relatives, all blast away! Sister, more than a hundred people, Ruby, you are really efficient ..."

Chu Tian said while looking at the roster.

Sword Spirit Ruby these days, the technology has become more and more mature. There are a lot of ways to swindle and swindle. Although there is still a distance from yourself, it is also a master level ...

"Thank you for your praise! Ruby is willing to do things for the master."

On Ruby's delicate face, a touch of joy overflowed.

The warm skin is like the snow in winter, and it is more delicate and fairer than the ruddy long skirt. The exposed wrist is smooth like ivory, which makes people fascinated ...

Ruby is more and more charming. Better than He Wenjun.

"Master, there is one more thing."

After hesitating for a while, Ruby continued.

"what's up?"

"Penglai Island came a message that Xunfang had been sick before. Master, do you want to go back and see?"

Chu Tian suddenly raised his head.

Xun Fang?

That little loli?

After thinking about it, Chu Tiandao said: "When is it?"

"Things two days ago."

"Why don't you come early--"

"Two days ago, you are ..."

There was a hint of shame on Ruby's face.

Chu Tian thought about it, and suddenly understood.

Two days ago, I was fighting with the women in the palace. At that time, Ruby also participated, and no one communicated with himself!

"Well! Okay, so be it! Go to Penglai and see how Xunfang is."

Chu Tian held out his hand.

Ruby was also taken into the arms by Chu Tianling.

Embracing left and right, Chu Tian took two beautiful women, her figure flickered and disappeared here ...

And Penglai at this time-

Divided into upper and lower islands.

Shangdao is the **** Penglai, the residence of Lord Chutian.

Xiadao is where ordinary residents live.

Chu Tian holding Ruby and He Wenjun, the next moment has appeared in Penglai Tiangong ...

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